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KDubz 1st CFL Cab


Hey everyone, been a little bit since i been on because i have my family from out of state visiting. They gave me a kick ass tool set and a electric drill and stuff so now i have some real nice starter tools and can now work on my box with nicer tools.

I purchased 2 socket cleats that is similar to this here picture...

I was only able to buy 2 but they are not from bulbworks. I brought from lowes for a couple dollars a peice. I also bought a couple 26watt 27k bulbs.
2 is not going to be quite enough for a decent grow but i think might still be able to produce some kind of small yield.

I'll post more pics when i get a bit of progress but until then Happy Growing everyone!


happy new year and dont be worried about yield, i just finished my first grow and pulled over an 8th off a SINGLE 23 watt 2700k cfl. so youre already ahead of me on that one

personally with that cab i would basically make it like a big vertical stacked container. intake at very bottom through a small dark drying chamber, then an 18/6 mom/veg level, then above that a 12/12 flower level with exhaust out the top. if you could figure the light traps between levels you could have a lot of fun with that size


:puppydogeLost my camera so no new pics yet but i took out the origonal light i had dangling because it just looked terrible:xmasnut: and mounted the two cleats from my last post and sired it in a series so if one fails one will still work:bow:. they are both 26 watts and 27k spectrum for a total of 52 watts. I wonder how much it could produce. I dont have a single seed in possession so ill need to get some, somehow.

i still need to finish my scrubber. i am going to drill a couple holes for a passive intake. i hope my fan is strong enough because i was thinking that having one 12volt adapter and 2 fans is cutting the the voltage in half. still not prooven yet though.

ummm thats about it.... .... tired and cant think so ill leave it as that leave some cooments...
Happy neew year everyone


Finally found the camera and I have more progress to share and hopefully get some feed back!

:abduct:I was able to mount the lights
2 bulbs.. 26watters 27k spec

Five 1" passive intake holes
They work, I did a cigarette smoke test:hotbounce

Mounted a cheapo thermometer
(better then nothing):YaRight:

Cut a Scrog screen to help train if need be

:bow:Here is a general over view

I have a few light leaks i need to seal:whip:

My next project is going to be my carbon filter and refuse to plant anything until it is finished and mounted to the exhaust.

:1help:I am considering taking out the lower fan because it and the exhaust are wired to the same 12volt adapter and i think each are only running 6 volts, if that makes sense???

So i am running 52watts atm and i hope that having 5 containers will give me at least 3.5 grams each plant. i hope! but i never grew before so, thats what the goal is... 14gram+

So what do you think so far everyone? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? or idk....
just looking for feed back so i dont :fsu:

Paranoid one

Hi there ! :wave:
Happy new year!

Nice Cab design you have there, i see those intake holes are not square, so I'm guessing your not going to use fans for intake?

As a stealth goes, that will cause air leaks and when you will flower the smell will escape thru those hole and might cause a problem.

Also, you said you wired the lights in series...
When you wire in series, if one light goes out, all light blow.
You want to wire in parallel. Ill try to find a video on You Tube that i have seen in the past which will give you an idea how to do wire the lights.


Also on adapter help for ya.. I found this adapter from a netgear modem. My adapter is:12V and ops on 1A (1000mA) which could power 3 fans with ease. :)
Also try to wire in parallel because voltage gets cut in half when you wire in series. When it is wired in parallel, voltage stays same for each fan. In other words, each fan gets the 12 volts.

Take care! :wave:

There is the video :)


i always get confused but it is wired so that i can take a bulb out and the other will stay lit... lil... i looked at my fan, it is blowing pretty much the same as if only one was hooked up... so i guess i did it right, lol.... i did a smoke test on my passive intake and the smoke was sucked right up. i still need to seal box for light leaks, i am going to try to find sothing to cover the intake holes so less light goes through and can keep bugs out...

Paranoid one

Little question for ya, where will that cab be when it will be in use?
Also, you can create a light trap for it.

Here is a link to a DIY thread by ScrubNinja.

EDIT:If you watched that video, than your fans and lights should be connected the way that dude has em.

oH MAN! sorry but i have to say this...
I was just taking a dump and i looked at my drain pipes from my sink and it hit me..
Use those plastic elbows which connect pipes.... thats a light trap/ intake holes at the same time. just be sure to face them downward.


i wanted to keep the cab in my room like i had in the origonal pics however i had family come over from out of state and i decided to put it in the attic...

if i can keep in my room, it will be much easier in so many ways. the attic gets over 100degrees easily during the summer... i went up there to get something and was sweating in like 1-2mins...
i dont think the bulbs can produce enough heat this time of the year. attic is a bit warmer then outside but still pretty chilly, but i will have to check temps later to let you know when the temp drops more.... imma check the links....

sorry for the wiring typo....


Paranoid one

Alright that's cool. I have a PC case which is done... i just need some seeds and that's a HUGE upper cut for me.
I can't order from sites for several reasons.
1. No clue if i can send in cash.
2. Don't have an address to send it too...
3.Don't know what strain i should get.

yeah so that's another obstacle i need to come over.

Do you have any idea on what you will be growing?


I am going to prolly use bag seeds my sister finds in ny and sends, if she does at all... lol... i never grew before and plan to practice before i spend money i dont really have, online.

i havnt smoked in about a month since i was laid off and am in search for a new job... but im preparing non the less... hehe... since i not smoking right now im making the cab...

i found some air vents on lowes site...$1.74

that would work decently

Paranoid one

Alright, well i subbed to this thread and wish ya best of luck on your cab!
Good idea with the vents, just staple some thin fabric over the holes to keep the box pest free!



Grow like nobody is watching
Yeah foam is do-able a lot of times but not ideal. Check out an aquarium store, they have all different grades and thicknesses. The normal foam you see like cheap bed foam is too restrictive.


Paranoid one

I would recommend those drier scent papers or what ever they are.
The things you throw into your drier if you want your clothing to smell good...
Sorry just don't know what they are called.

I would recoomend these, for several reasons;
they smell good
they are made so the fabric is tight
they will mask the scent when flowering kicks in(atleast a little)
keep those nasty bugs out of your grow

Also, will it be a soil or DWC OR SWC?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Finally found the camera and I have more progress to share and hopefully get some feed back!

:abduct:I was able to mount the lights
2 bulbs.. 26watters 27k spec

Five 1" passive intake holes
They work, I did a cigarette smoke test:hotbounce

Mounted a cheapo thermometer
(better then nothing):YaRight:

Cut a Scrog screen to help train if need be

:bow:Here is a general over view

I have a few light leaks i need to seal:whip:

My next project is going to be my carbon filter and refuse to plant anything until it is finished and mounted to the exhaust.

:1help:I am considering taking out the lower fan because it and the exhaust are wired to the same 12volt adapter and i think each are only running 6 volts, if that makes sense???

So i am running 52watts atm and i hope that having 5 containers will give me at least 3.5 grams each plant. i hope! but i never grew before so, thats what the goal is... 14gram+

So what do you think so far everyone? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? or idk....
just looking for feed back so i dont :fsu:

Nice job bro and you should be able to get that weight per plant just veg long enough..


i went to lowes to get a vent and the suckers cost $6 and change... i was pissed... but i find a y socket and bought that instead... so now i can add another bulb :woohoo:.

I like the dryer sheet ideah.... that would save me some dollars...
i think im going to work on sealing the cracks tomarrow and repaint again since my dills chipped the box to hell..

as for the exhaust... i think i migh just cut out a door screen and put some drier sheets under it and tape and staple the edges just for the time being...

think that might keep me busy

Paranoid one

If you have a hot glue gun, you can hot glue those drier sheets and cover with the vent cover.
IF you have a power drill, and maybe 1/8th or 1/16th drill bit with small screws you can drill 4 small holes in the back so u can easily take off and put back the vent cover over the drier sheets.
This way, you can change the drier sheets from time to time.
Just an idea to give more mobility around your grow box.

and you dont need to worry about exhaust until 3-4week

About the chips, maybe you have some sand paper laying around?
sand paper always helped me out with rough wood.


I just cut a window screen up and stappled it to the box with some dryer sheets but it didnt really work like i hoped, so im going to figure try something else out shortly. The y socket works well and i now have three 26 watter for a total of 78watts.

I dont think ill be able to grow in the attic cause the thermometeris reading like 40 degees F with the lights on...
so i guess thats out of the picture... ill have to find another spot to put it cause summer is super hot up there.

ill figure it out soon enough... alot of little obsticles i didnt think i would have to face with but over time ill work the kinks out. Just takes patience and time.. oh well another day tomarrow to mess around with it..