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Karynne's grow thread. 21 site, 2000 watt vertical hydro


I am also considering using 4 300watt hps to a maximum of 1200watts. then build a second box. that way I can have two running in the same house and have them alternate when they are on for flowering. so I have a consistent 1200watt load, so if someone were watching they wouldn't see it peak for 12 hours for a 1200watt load, then drop at the same time daily. grid power sucks.

I almost think the 3 400 watters would be a better choice in such a small box. I am already worried about heat. I have seen a chart somewhere before about optimal distance vs lumens at x feet or something. maybe someone can chime in if the 600's would be too close sitting in the center (plants are only a foot to either side of the light) I am almost certain the 1000s will be, and I also think that 3 lights rather than two with less watts would help more. just need to figure out a co2 system


heres how they are now. I am planning on changing the grow room up significantly. hoping to be on the ball for this inspection thing, I took it all apart today. I put them on 16/8 until I slowly faze them back into veg.
monday they go 18/6


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all went well with the inspection, had everything apart and stored in various places and got it up and running again last night. with a few improvements. I still need to get my lights thats pretty much the only thing left. I bought bigger containers for my res and put a water proof sheet over the bottom incase I get any drips/overspray

plants dont look much different yet, they flowered a little more, but they are on 18/6 right now. in about a week or so once the whole plant has been revegged, I will attempt to clone, unless someone says something different. after this grow is done, I want to invest in 7 different kinds of seeds and grow it all in the same box


Happy for ya with the inspection and all, and of course with the 2 females in your cab :)

Any chance of pictures featuring the entire cab?

I would prbly take 1 cutting of each plant now, just to know how difficult they are to root and how long it takes for them to show roots, (and possible motherplants if the smoke should be great) then you'd be able to time it all a bit more!

Happy growing

- Strains
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the whole cab isn't 100% setup yet. I want to go as far as digital co2 controllers and what not. but perhaps I am rushing into it too fast. I should just budget for some lights (which we have not yet purchased, thinking 3x600watters). also about a hundred bux for misc hardware and what nots


in the past few days nothing much has happened at all. which I'm hoping is normal for re-veg. no new growth and a few of the tips of the leaves have gone yellow. they haven't gotten any taller, but the buds did grow a little more since the pic. they are on 20/4 as of today


at the time of me posting this, it shows there is a fourth page in this thread but when I click it it goes back to page 3!!?

well heres my babies today. any reveg tips? I've read all the material on here, but any first hand tweaks?


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I think I over ferted them a little, leaf tips have a little yellowing, my fan leaf stems have always been sortof red colored. they seem to be a little darker and it's like it's starting to get into the main stem. not concerning me yet, but I fed them straight water this time and ill be more careful mixing the nutes next time :(


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
good luck w/ your gro

seems like you wouldn't want flowers on your cuttings

the trick is to stay veg w/ mom and flower a cutting

you have a different timeline this way is all

so long as you get no rot or mold from the flower parts on your cuttings

all the best tho


I did cut a good majority off, they flowered alot for some reason in ten days. I tried to remove as much plant material as possible. however, the pieces I removed (stems/leaves/bud) are completely hard and dead, but those left on the plant still seem to look as if it were still on the main plant. I had to reveg the mother, I gave it a week to try to keep the stress down, then took cuttings


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
i like how quickly this strain/pheno apparently develops flowers

should be good


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
cuttings can be tricky
sometimes, they go right till they seem they're going to die

what mix are you rooting in?

can you monitor humidity? you won't want it too high (70%+) because of the flowers.

they look good like they should root
how are they holding up?


cuttings can be tricky
sometimes, they go right till they seem they're going to die

what mix are you rooting in?

can you monitor humidity? you won't want it too high (70%+) because of the flowers.

they look good like they should root
how are they holding up?
Hi and thanx for the reply, I don't know what the humidity level is at.... I dont imagine its critically high (if it is high at all). they are in tap water... about... hmm.. let me think... 15 liters... 4 gallons ish. they were all dipped in clonex before being shoved into the neoprene (which wiped off some of the clonex... I tried to be careful) and the water is mixed with flora bloom.... about 3 cap fulls (maybe equal to table spoons)... nutes are mild for the amount of water. I also put a cap full of clonex gel directly into the water. probably didn't do anything but i was curious enough to try.

All the pieces I cut off and disposed of, are as dead as can be. all the cuttings look healthy, no yellowing or sagging or anything. and the mothers are holding up well too. I'm just keeping them under 24hour light for now, I will finish flowering them soon

I check two or three random sites a day, still no roots. I checked like 8 when I took the pics

I ph'd my water before and it was good. dont recall what it was, but I remember knowing it was good. I haven't checked this batch.... when should I drain it out and refill? not that there is any light getting into the box... water temp is around 73


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ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
They look so far so good - but, I'm kinda alarmed to not see any roots

maybe just straight water? (distilled/neutral)

linky to bubble cloner thread

Anti's post at the bottom of the 1st page seems like he's using the setup you're using (you bubbling?)


100% of them show some decent signs of roots! with 3-4 of them being slower than the rest. surprises me because some of them are longer and have inconsistent plant material on them, and inconsistent depths into the tank.

Wow is this cloner awesomely simple!!

the small plant was showing signs of necrosis on the big fan leaves. I just cut the buggers off. I put them into flower so I can get rid of them. they wont even be mature when I cut em down, but oh well. better than throwing it out. I have red stems on everything too, so once these go into hydro its just straight water for a while... oopsie

here's an update: two 600w cooltube kits are coming my way! and I amm going to buy a big vortex soon too


also, I drained the nute water out of the clone box (roots are developing healthy... still a few slow ones, but overall impressed) and ph'd some just water, its 7.2. (with a capful of clonex). I will use straight water even when they go into the grow box