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Karma squads ic420 2015

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 1,

So its the night before my flight I usually don't sleep so well before I travel so I'm up making sure my garden will be ok while I'm away and setup for my caretaker,

I'm nearly done in the garden and it's time for a smoke when my phone rings and it's the karma squad in Denver they seem to be having a good time and any sleep I was planning has quickly been beaten off by the excitement and brotherhood of the denver crew,
We talk for a while and after I fiinsh off in the garden I try to get some sleep its 0530 and my alarms set for 0630.

The hour passes fast haha,
I jump in the shower to help wake myself put the kettle on and smoke a joint of my karma og soon after a knock at the door my caretaker /driver to the airport has arrived

It's a short ride to the airport and boarding and the flight goes smoothly,

hello Amsterdam

I call into a coffeeshop to see my friend and get a smoke before I check in to the karma squad head quarters (KSHQ)

After I checked in I met up with a few icmembers and spent the night smoking and talking about various things
Before I knew it was closing time and the end of day 1 for me


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 2

I wake up bright and early and I should be heading to the wake n bake
But I get into a heavy wake n bake in my room before I know it it's nearly 12 so I head to the ic meet up point for the afternoon session.

I was expecting it to be quite enough when I arrived but was happy to see it filled with familiar and new faces all waiting there turn to get the packs
Once I was finished catching up and meeting other members I was hooked up with the hash and sativa pack.

We all started are judgeing at that point and I spent the rest of the day here sampling the entrees and meeting some of the karma squad
Talking about growing etc
Once again before we know it we are being kicked out and closing time


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 3

We hook up at the wake n bake location and have are usual breakfast of pancakes haha we carry on the wake n bake until we had to vondalpark for the Ic pinic

Fun in the sun

Fun in the sun

Headbanger shatter

Karmas kryptonite live resin

The karma crew had a really good time I like to say thanks to @gaiusmarius@Jamie shoes and all who help put the pinic on for the ic members

After the pinic we headed back to the KSHQ for some dabs !

We then headed to the evening meet up point for more testing and catching up
Before we knew it was closing time


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 4

We get up and head over to the wake n bake

Time for a refil

Wake n bake session

Karma squad breakfast pancakes haha

Once the wake n bake had finished we heading to the pinball comp where lots of sampling and pinball went on for most of the afternoon good to see the other Ic members there also.

We spent the night in the awards coffeeshop with the other icmembers finishing off packs and sampling each other's personal gear

We headed for munch after the coffeeshop we all needed it haha and after we went back to are HQ for a private session before bed


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 5 (420)

Once again we are up early and the nail is on

This morning we all chill in the HQ for a few hours before heading to the wake n bake

My entry

We stay at the wake n bake location til around 4 were we spend 420 in the hemp works for its final closing party.

Sad to see you go guys

Once we finish here we headed back to HQ to get ready for the awards party


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Awards party

Congrates bro next year 1st place

2nd place sativa growers cup (headbanger sour pheno )

Rosin tech

Ros tech

Ros tech

Headbanger Rosin


Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Awards party

The vile contains added terps

Headbanger shatter covered with added terps

Headbanger shatter covered in added terps then covered with live resin

Some of the goods

Sweet pink grapefruit extract

The night continued on with people trying dabs smoking on some fine bubble and weed and having a good time and once again before we knew it was closing time



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I am quite envious! :D
Sounds like a great time was had by all.

Maybe next yr...

Gardening Angel

Active member
Hey everyone,

Day 6

This was a sad one as it would be the last morning we would all be together
We packed up one room and moved the bags to mine before heading to the morning session to say goodbye to everyone

Once the morning session was over we went to HQ to get the bags and to part ways this was a slightly sad moment but it was also very funny when we tried to find a squad members car in this carpark for ages haha

Once most of the squad parted ways I went for a walk around the city

I thought I'd be alone on my last night in the city when I was invited to a testing session at the high life cup

I got to see and smell most I though personally the icmembers flowers were at a higher standard so well done guys and girls

We sat for most of the night sampling the flowers and hash and eating lots of chicken pizza and Ice cream

I left in the early hours got back to HQ got myself together and headed to the airport

Exactly how we all feel after cup week

Thanks bro

We have fun...
Thanks to fix the HQ ....
We smoked that place ....
Over dabbt . Dry dabb... we have see every thing over there...

Karma G

Well-known member
Thanks for keeping the Candle burning while i was in Denver, happy to still be a part of the IC420. It got a special spot in my hart.


Active member
Nice one GA, Nice pictures, i am happy that i was able to enjoy it a bit with you guys. Maybe next year i get all the sessions ;)

peace brother


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looked like a blast. I need to make it to some cups. Looked like a hell of a judge pack. I don't think I would be able to properly judge all those samples within a few short days but I would give it my best shot. How do you get added terps ?