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Karma Genetics : Mirre


Active member
Hey guys

Just manicured one plant of Karma's Mirre.
She has dried for 2 weeks and now after the manicure she'll get a few more days to dry , maybe even one more week

This was the short flowering pheno approx 9 weeks and she yielded 25 grams , this pheno will yield the lowest the other ones had much bigger buds and are less citrussy

The smell is very citrus lemony with a hint of something hazy , but the citrus is predominant.
She is very sticky and looks beautiful and white.

I am gonna testsmoke her tonight , but i think she'll need some curing cuz she ain't evenly dry

Here are some pics of this beauty


Before manicure













My friends have smoked her(they do smoke it with tobacco) and they say it tastes like the smell , smooth but of course a bit young and that the effect is 60% stoned 40% high whatever that may mean , but they liked it a lot

When i vape it , i first get real high and afterwards stoned , but it is too fresh to vape for me

Anywho nice smelly frosty stuff

The longer flowering phenos are drying , they have been harvested 5 days ago , will also post em here when dry
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
mirre is some bomb ass bud man!
sounds and looks like you got a jack dom pheno.
KG's jack line is something else!

p.s. dunno if you make BHO, but the oil is fantastic.
that smell carries thru sooooo much w/ her oil.


Active member

I am smoking her now , she is actually pretty smooth for being so fresh , the first few puffs made me cough but now she is nice and with a good cure will become real tasty

The high is also nice , gives me fuzzy eyes halfway through the pure joint , relaxating also the muscles in my arms and legs are relax

It is a kind of high to watch a movie or to be among friends , but not really to go to sleep , even though i am yawning

EDIT : after smoking the whole joint i could sleep :D , makes the mazar seem like watered down weed

@ Frank i wanna make icehash with it , but bho would also be nice, the other phenos are even nicer

Haven't tried KG'j Jack yet , but i am sure I will in the future as KG has good stuff
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This was the short flowering pheno approx 9 weeks and she yielded 25 grams

cute little gal there a plant full of popcorn buds......so nice.....I avgerage over 25 grms a plant in 1 gallon rose buckets with a 10 day veg..........flowered under 250 watt hps..........but keep working hard and your yeilds will improve.......At least the buds look nice and should smoke nice....


Active member
.I avgerage over 25 grms a plant in 1 gallon rose buckets with a 10 day veg..........flowered under 250 watt hps..........but keep working hard and your yeilds will improve.......At least the buds look nice and should smoke nice....

that is a very nice result , yeah i definately need to get the hang of indoor growing , i prefer outdoors

Well despite our earlier "confrontation" i thank you for your reply

Yea thats from frostiness right there thanks for sharing

Happy to oblige , your lemon haze is also frosty dankness

Btw anyone can share their Mirre pics here


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
looks great bro very frost but all of karma's gear stacks on the trichs
cant wait for the smoke report


Active member
Well i smoked one last night, no cure just 14 days dry pure joint

the first few hits tickled my throat a bit but afterwards it was smooth , tasty and sweet

Also my friends that smoke tobaco joints said the smell translated very well into the taste

The effect is also a creeper , you smoke it and you get real high , it even seems you are gonna get a very clear lucid high , then you think, this weed is ok.

But then i don't know , let's say 15-20 minutes later i started getting REALLY REALLY high or stoned whatever , red burning eyes with the flesh around my eyes also red

muslces in the arms and legs relaxed , and it is just a very relaxating weed. It doesn't have a superficial indica effect , but a very versatile effect

the effect also lasts long

So it takes a while to give full effect , and liek Karma said the effect is a narcotic stoney high

Very sative influenced high but also with very strong indica elements

I hope the other phenos will be even better , if not , i think i have found a keeper already with plant nr 1 , even though this one didn't yield so well.
I hope th other phenos will have the same effect/taste cuz they yield double

The weed has been in a jar now overnight to get evenly dry/humid whatever ,

I just hope that when i open the jar in a few hours , the taste smell and effect will be the same cuz sometimes jars can get funky

If , after i open the jar i can again smoke a smooth pure joint full of taste , I'll freeze her

I'm glad i have to grow the mirres again cuz i lost most nametags

She reminds me a bit and i say just a little bit of amnesia i used to buy in the shop

One small final detail , on the plant the smell of the mirre was not as strong , but now dried is smells real nice


Active member
Well the thing i was fearing happened

i put her in a glass jar after 14 days of drying to redistribute the moisture

After 14 days the buds where pretty dry and the RH in the jar was 48%

yesterday the weed smoked smooth and tasty

now , it smokes harsher , makes me cough sometimes and i don't taste the smell anymore i taste something burnt

bottom line of the story for me is that i'll only jar buds Simon's way(pretty moist buds) and burp from there , i am curing some mazar that way and it is going well

However I didn't want to cure this mirre , i just wantd her for 24 hours in a closed environment so it would burn a bit more even but nada , baaad idea

I feel this herb is ruined now but luckily i have a mother of this one , the effect is still good luckily but it was soooo damn tasty yesterday , i like to taste the smell

I am trying different things out with different plants concerning drying and storage, dread's way , simon's way , my way , soma's way till i find something that suits me

I only lost 25 grams , well not lost , it just isn't dank anymore though it still looks like da bomb and smells pretty good though less then before

ah well more buds are on the way


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
looks like you did a great job as always mate :).... I think you should go smash all your jars now though...lol ;)
i personally like that citric lemony sage very much... and with jack daddy it must be bomb...karma´s gear is something you can rely on it seems...

thx for sharing pics and experience..


Active member
You won't regret it.

I just test vaped mirre nr 2 , the small non trained plant in the corner.

She dried for 8 or 9 days , she is full of taste right now and the effect comes immediately after exhaling.

So this is the opposite of pheno 1(i mean she is not a creeper she lets herself known immedialtely) , she relaxes the muslces and gives me burning eyes and i can feel my brain lol the 2 front lobes anyways.
Also this one is more sparkly silvery , while the other one seemed coated in yellow sugar

Smell is also lemony citrus , but less dominant , it's a nice balance between something spicy/woody and the lemony scent

This one is too dry to be jarred so i will dry her till dry enough and then freeze.

The mazar i have been curing for one month tastes wonderful now and smooth and gives a strong stone , this is the first time in years that curing went well , it took approx for one month to become good , and i have no funky smells only a good deep smell

So Simon's way is the way to go , i bought myself 7 hygrometers and have 7 jars ready :D
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Active member

mirre nr 4 the one with sativa buds

dried for 8 days and is in jars with hygrometer now just finished manicuring





i will test and weigh her once cured cuz she is still pretty moist and the stems bend
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Life is one big grow........
congratz to the curing success

and wow the mirre looks realy worth a try