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Kangaroo Kush Anyone?


New member
i dont think its the drugs or the alcohol
imho its plain boredam
remove the drugs and alcohol and there will be something else


Active member
In some parts of the pacific islands they replaced bars that serve alcohol with kava bars. now everyone gets real fucked up lol.

It works! if they were smoking more weed and drinking less in the NT they wouldnt have half the social probs.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
I'll thank you not to speak for me Skip, clearly you're clueless about Australians.


Yeah I feel bad for the American Indians too they are the rightful owners of North America.

Maybe you should rename all your national parks back to mohican names.

Also be kind to your mexican neighbours. whats the difference.

Aussie gets over 100,000 new immigrants a year NOW and the housing costs are the most expensive in the world for just a weatherboard 3 bdrm houses in short supply.
No one lives much outback as its 110`F and No water for 500 miles some places.
In any Major city now you have to look hard to see the Australians. Its as bad as America has become now and you know what we mean. Rich getting richer, the Poor get the picture.


Active member
I highly doubt your claim of a "coordinated DEA campaign" having anything to do with Australia. As for writing to our media; the media is the problem. You never hear any positive cannabis stories over here.
The DEA has offices in nearly every country in the world, and most major cities. What do you think they are doing there?

The DEA coordinates not just interdiction of drugs, but anti-drug programs including media propaganda. Most foreign citizens have no idea how much the US DEA influences their own country's drug policies.

The reason I say it's coordinated is simply because you can track the stories coming out of these countries and see exactly the same reasoning behind each one, timed to coincide with legislation awaiting approval to crack down more on cannabis.

There is a theme to these stories that mirrors political talking points to a T. Each country picks up relevant stories from the other countries that support their positions. The DEA PAYS for such anti-drug studies and stories, just like in the USA.

Believe me, every time a new anti-drug law comes up for a vote anywhere in the world, the US DEA is right there, helping with the wording and the propaganda campaign. That's their job!


Active member
No doubt , let them grow and smoke and sell to get them back on their feet since goverment thinks they are nothing just as the USof A treats there Natives .


Active member
LOL! Of course I know about Skippy the Bush Kangaroo... I've seen enough of those episodes...

Ppl keep thinking I know nothing about Australia... LOL!

I also know racism when I see it, and I saw LOADS in Oz. It's so permanently ingrained in ppls psyches they don't even realize it.

Although I will say on my last trip there ppl seemed more sensitive to it, meaning Aussies try to be more politically (or racially) correct in public, but it's still there. The Sydney race riots were top of the news last time I was there.

hard rain

LOL! Of course I know about Skippy the Bush Kangaroo... I've seen enough of those episodes...

Ppl keep thinking I know nothing about Australia... LOL!

I also know racism when I see it, and I saw LOADS in Oz. It's so permanently ingrained in ppls psyches they don't even realize it.

Although I will say on my last trip there ppl seemed more sensitive to it, meaning Aussies try to be more politically (or racially) correct in public, but it's still there. The Sydney race riots were top of the news last time I was there.
There is certainly an element of racism in Australia but I think the vast majority are not racist. The last racist law disappeared in 1967. America has an atrocious racial history. Who are you to judge? Do you honestly think America is less racist? We are one of the most multicultural societies on earth. Back to anthropology classes for you skip.:bashhead:

I must admit I am impressed by your knowledge of skippy. :joint:


who the hell is skippy? don't you mean kangaroo jack? ;)

And here in America, racism is a way of life. Every race has a right to be racist.

Racism would not exist so much if people didn't always get so upset. I grew up white in a brown society and rarely got picked on cuz I would beat everyone else to the punch. They thought it was funny at first and pushed harder to get something outta me, but completely gave up after awhile.


Active member
There is certainly an element of racism in Australia but I think the vast majority are not racist. The last racist law disappeared in 1967. America has an atrocious racial history. Who are you to judge? Do you honestly think America is less racist? We are one of the most multicultural societies on earth. Back to anthropology classes for you skip.:bashhead:

I must admit I am impressed by your knowledge of skippy. :joint:

America is very racist. But I can't quite remember when the last race riots occurred in this country. Guess it was the Rodney King thing (cops beat the shit out of a black man and it was videotaped). That was 1991 (had to look it up). Not much since then, and we now have a black president.

What's the chances of Australia electing an Aboriginal leader? Who is the highest ranking native in your govt & what is his position? Let's see just how racist Australia is right now...

And you probably don't even think these restrictions on alcohol in Aboriginal communities is racist? So much for your last racist law being in 1967. Again it's so ingrained in Aussie culture you don't even realize when you're being racist!

Why not enforce the same restrictions on WHITE Australians? Like there's no drunkeness or physical and sexual abuse occuring in white society in Australia?

Give me a break. The only laws we have in the US especially for minorities are anti-hate laws, anti-discrimination laws and affirmative action which gives minorities preferential treatment when it comes to education and jobs. Do you have similar laws in Australia? If not, why not?

hard rain

America is very racist. But I can't quite remember when the last race riots occurred in this country. Guess it was the Rodney King thing (cops beat the shit out of a black man and it was videotaped). That was 1991 (had to look it up). Not much since then, and we now have a black president.

What's the chances of Australia electing an Aboriginal leader? Who is the highest ranking native in your govt & what is his position? Let's see just how racist Australia is right now...

And you probably don't even think these restrictions on alcohol in Aboriginal communities is racist? So much for your last racist law being in 1967. Again it's so ingrained in Aussie culture you don't even realize when you're being racist!

Why not enforce the same restrictions on WHITE Australians? Like there's no drunkeness or physical and sexual abuse occuring in white society in Australia?

Give me a break. The only laws we have in the US especially for minorities are anti-hate laws, anti-discrimination laws and affirmative action which gives minorities preferential treatment when it comes to education and jobs. Do you have similar laws in Australia? If not, why not?
The only thing resembling a race riot I can remember is the nasty Cronulla riots which I agree were really disturbing. That is a very unusual thing for Australia.

Congratulations on electing a black president but when are you going to elect an indigenous American Indian president because that is the equivalent of our indigenous population. Australian aborigines make up only about 1-2% of the Australian population. So when you elect an American indian president you can use that argument. We don't have the history of slavery that you've had.

The most prominent aboriginal that comes to mind straight away is Noel Pearson who actually fully supported the intervention into some remote aboriginal communities. I don't agree with this intervention but I do understand why it was done. In some of these communities (which incidently have implemented their own alcohol bans) alcohol, domestic violence and child sexual abuse are rife. They are light years worse than what occurs in the wider community. Look up the statistics. Some of these communities are very remote and there is nothing to do. No jobs for generations. The problem has been largely created by white Australian policies in the past but what do we do about it now? The fact is in some of these communities the situation is extreme; violence, alcoholism, sexual abuse, domestic violence e.t.c.
Noel Pearson interview:
Oh and here are some of the stats:
Aboriginal women 40x more likely ot be victims of domestic violence: scroll down to indigenous communities.

Aborigines are not banned from drinking alcohol. Some communities have banned alcohol use. There is nothing stopping aborigines from moving into nearby towns and drinking which has occurred since the intervention.

You are right to be critical about the way Australia has treated its indigenous population. However we have the same sorts of laws you have regarding minorities. I would argue that we have been ahead of most Western countries in this. Look it up before making assumptions.


Active member
Thanks for the informative reply, Hard Rain. I'm glad to see there are anti-racism laws in place, even if it doesn't mean they're enforced much.

And yes, Cronulla is what I mean.

Here's another example of Aussie Racism manifesting itself in the USA in today's news!

The ingrained racist, Aussie publisher, Murdock, has done it again!


It's the same rag that published the Obama/Chimp cartoon.

Yup, exporting racism is one of Australia's growing industries apparently... ;)

You can take Murdock back anytime... Please!

hard rain

Thanks for the informative reply, Hard Rain. I'm glad to see there are anti-racism laws in place, even if it doesn't mean they're enforced much.

And yes, Cronulla is what I mean.

Here's another example of Aussie Racism manifesting itself in the USA in today's news!

The ingrained racist, Aussie publisher, Murdock, has done it again!


It's the same rag that published the Obama/Chimp cartoon.

Yup, exporting racism is one of Australia's growing industries apparently... ;)

You can take Murdock back anytime... Please!

NO we don't want Murdoch back. :bashhead: Can we send over a few more like him? We have a few politicians and media types you're quite welcome to. You can have Wilson Tuckey if you like?


Active member
NO we don't want Murdoch back. :bashhead: Can we send over a few more like him? We have a few politicians and media types you're quite welcome to. You can have Wilson Tuckey if you like?
See this is what I hope you Aussies will do. Get rid of the good ol' boy system you have there.

The repression of native peoples goes hand in hand with the War on Drugs.

It was a racist excuse they used to make marijuana illegal in the US.

That's why I'm drawing parallels to the article that is the subject of this thread.

Old habits die hard. So do old attitudes. Unfortunately attitudes get passed on from generation to generation. The very fact that Aboriginal communities are being treated differently is the problem. Until all humans are treated the same, there will be inherited racism.