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Kalyx - CCG - Summer 14 Grow Log (Bodhi, Hazeman, G-13 Labs, TH Seed)


Active member
Update Continued 8/3 - Day 63


She is getting close to finishing I'm guessing she will be ready in about 10 to 14 days by the looks of her. The crystals will tell me though when she is ready. For the past week she has been happy to spend 12 hours a day under the 1000w. Since she turned out being an autoflower I have just kept her under a 250w in the veg room.


She is very happy and looking great, has done a decent job filling in but I really hope she starts putting on the weight double time over the next 2 weeks. The calyx have really started to swell and she has been doing a little bulking up.


Doesn't she like she has really put on much frost if any in the past week. The buds and colors have come along amazingly, the lighting in the pictures isn't great but she has a nearly neon green. Not the frostiest by any means and these photos don't have the best lighting but she is pretty frosty.


Smell wise a very sweet and skunky with a hint of pink bubblegum. For a number of weeks after she first started flowering it was nothing but an undeniable bazooka bubblegum smell. The farther through flowering she has come the less and less bubblegum I get. I really hope it comes back out in the cure, she does have a very nice skunk aroma though. Probably won't yield much but should produce a nice solid cola at least. Hopefully she just really packs and the size and density before chop.

More updates coming next week.


Active member
Update 8/10 - Day 70 - Flower Day 30

Had 2 Discoveries this week with the grow:

-First there is a PH issue with the tap water, this was causing issues with my seedlings and vegging plants, as well as starting to effect my flowering plants. Most of the flowering plants have been showing little if any signs of stress. The runt Fuzz #3 is the only one that has been a little more sensitive to the PH. Showing some signs of a nute issue on a few of her fan leaves. Outside of this all the plants still appear to be very healthy and happy. I have gone out and purchased a bunch of distilled water that will be used until I figure out what I want to do with my tap water thats measuring over a PH of 8.

-Second around 2 weeks ago I had mistakenly forgotten to close the vents at night in the flowering tent. This had light poisoned the room and popped up a couple of balls on a few of the plants. Well, thought that I had gotten all of them before any pollen was dropped. Apparently I had missed a couple of them cause I have some seeds forming on a few of the lower and bottom buds. I have not been able to find where the pollen came from but it looks as if all of the plants will have some seeds.

This is a bit of a nice surprise honestly, had initially wanted to collect pollen and make seeds this run. Ended up not having the space to keep the males and they were all culled. While this is not exactly what I had wanted, I will be able to get some seeds this run none the less. No clue if they will be any good but you never know, they could have some magic in them. They will be very welcome and as there are not a lot of them and the majority appear to all be on lower buds, this should not effect the quality or yield of the final product.

4 out of the 6 girls were flopping around all over the place this week and were staked up with bamboo to help hold them up.

The tent is becoming very pungent, no question that some quality smell herb is in the process of growing. The carbon filter is definitely putting in extra work this past week.

Time to begin the show......

Goji Og #3

Man I really love this girl, she is really such an amazing plant.


The Goji was also staked up with bamboo today as she was flopping all over the place seems like she is really putting on some weight, lots of density in her buds.


She just keeps on frosting and thickening up. She is such a beautiful plant, a pleasure to the eyes and all the senses. Each week she just keeps impressing me more and more. She isn't picky or finicky with anything, she is just a champ all around.


Her looks have nothing on her smell, man she is pungent. So easy to pick out her stink over the 5 other plants in the tent with her. I hope that she is as potent as she is pungent and I will be in for a real treat. I love the massive changes in her terps from week to week leaves me wondering what she will finish like.


For the longest time she was giving off a skunky lemon og funk, last week that had nearly vanished for a strawberry and creamish aroma. This week she has it all but that og funk has gotten a lot louder compared to the berry smell.


update continues on next post.


Active member
Update Continued - Day 70 - Flower Day 30

Elephant Stomper #1

She is another pretty one, very lanky sativa in her structure, she was also staked up today to stop her flopping. She has really been packing on the frost this past week, her buds are not getting as fat as fast as some of the other plants.


Her stank is excellent and the really only change from last week to this week is that she is more pungent. Smells of sweet grape funkiness, hope she doesn't let that go. Thinking she is a grape stomper leaning pheno.


She is a pretty lady, the only problem I have with her so far is I wish her nugs were fattening up like all the other plants. She still has plenty of time left to fatten up, hoping she is just waiting to really pack her weight on at the end.


Pineapple Express

Well this girl is really packing on the weight compared to all her friends. By far the fattest thickest buds so far, she may be the smallest but she is a nice squat bush and is packing on the weight.


For all the weight she is packing on, she is seriously lagging behind in the frost and stink departments. She does have a faintly sweet skunky aroma but she is not making it easy to smell. She is also the farthest behind in throwing out the frost. Starting to think she wont be the frostiest, hope she has a good flavor and high though, not really looking for good yielders unless they have the flavor and potency to match.


Update continued on next post.


Active member
Update Continued - Day 70 - Flower Day 30

The Fuzz #1

She is the biggest and bushiest of the plants, she has made a lot of great progress this past week. Really climbing the ladder in stink and frost production which is great. This fat girl was tied up to bamboo as well to keep craziness under control.


She is going to produce a lot of flowers, they do appear to be very fluffy compared to the other phenos. The buds are have the look and structure of the chem/diesel family which is awesome. She has really increased her frost production over the past week.


Im really loving her smell, still has an undeniable sweetness thats now hiding under a chemmy blanket of funk. She has really grown on me hadn't been a huge fan of her structure of smells compared to the other fuzz but she is coming into her own.


The Fuzz #4

Ahhh the runt... well she has been effected the most by the PH issues with my water. Pretty easy to see the damage to some of her fan leaves. Other than those leaves she seems to be healthy and happy and her growth and smell haven't slowed down.


She is really getting some thickness on her top nuggets. I am still not a huge fan of he structure and how her branches are filling in. Maybe growing her in veg a few more weeks and topping would have changed the way she has filled out quite dramatically. She does have the least amount of sweet in her smell and a great skunky chem odor going on the is very nice. She has the least amount of frost but her top bud is the thickest of any of the Fuzz phenos.


Update continue on next post.


Active member
Update Continued 8/10 - Day 70 - Flower Day 30

The Fuzz #3

Man I love this girl so much, by far favorite of the fuzz. For the longest time the Goji was my favorite of the plants but now I think it's a tie. They are both so beautiful, have great structure, development and smell and each are so unique. She was also tied up with bamboo, she was the least necessary of all of them. A little odd she is clearly putting out the most dense nugs and is filling in so well, I guess she just has really strong branches that weren't very floppy. Unless something crazy happens she is by far going to be the largest yielding of the 6 plants.


She may not be the tallest or fattest but she has excellent structure that has filled in great from top to bottom. Has closer node spacing than the other fuzz giving her a ton of bud sites. Her flowers seems to be extremely dense and packing on the weight very well.


Smell with her is nothing short of intoxicating putting your face by her for a quick sniff you will be overwhelmed with a burnt, rubber greasy funk, rub a stem and an overload of chem skunk and sweet in that order smack you in the face.


She has suffered a little as well due to the PH issues in the water. Luckily she only has one effected fan leaf and I expect it to stay that way. She is a champ next week I will need to get some better pictures of her side and maybe underside to really show the bud development going on with her.


Can't wait to see how she turns out, I have really high hopes for her she seems to be a special plant. If she continues to impress I will plan on taking a clone or just reveg her when she is finished. That way if she is a special one I will can run her again or make a mommy out of her. Will be looking to do the same with Goji #3 also if she keeps making daddy happy.


More updates on next post.


Well-known member
What's up Kalyx .
Just found your log and I'm going to pull up a chair to watch the show.

Must be cold were your from on a count of the frost.:biglaugh:


Active member
What's up Kalyx .
Just found your log and I'm going to pull up a chair to watch the show.

Must be cold were your from on a count of the frost.:biglaugh:

What's up PH,

Glad you found the log, welcome to the party all the fun is just getting started. It seems to stay nice frosty and high here in the Mile High State.:biggrin:

Have been under the weather the past week and unable to update the logs. All the girls have a big photo shoot coming up tomorrow, should have lots of pictures and updates in the afternoon. You may not recognize the ladies, they have been putting on a lot of weight the past two weeks.:dance013:


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
hey Kalyx, cool thread I always enjoy your bud shots... don't mind if I pull up a chair.


Well-known member
Your Girls are looking super healthy and Im looking forward to your next post brother.

Hope your feeling better


Active member
Thank you all for the nice comments and welcome to the show, things are getting very exciting right now.

@HillBilly1 - thanks for the kind words I think you should pop your pack you won't be disappointed!

@olddirtybastard - I wouldn't think twice on popping some of those seeds. I am looking to grab some more for the future.

@Gardening Angel - Hey GA welcome to the show, glad you are enjoying it. Those Fuzz plants impress me more and more each week, can't wait to see how they finish up.

@kushmanjockin -Thank you for the kind words, that Bubblegum is a pretty one and smells great. She was cut down last weekend has dried and now been curing a couple days... pics incoming.

@Infinitesimal - Thanks man I appreciate it, welcome to the show glad you could make it.

@Ph-patrol - Thanks man, still a little under the weather but doing so much better almost feel normal again.

Update 8/25 - Day 85 - Flower Day 45

Usually I try to get my update in weekly, has been a really rough week for me. Had been under the weather and very busy and just have not had to the chance to get updates from last week posted. Everyone will notice lots of changes on all the girls in the past 2 weeks. Things have been progressing greatly and I'm assuming that with in the next 20 days all 6 plants will be harvested.

The Bubblegum plant was harvested on 8/17 at 77 days from seed to harvest. She had been drying for the past week and has spent the last 2 days starting to cure.

None of the other girls are ready quite yet but a few are getting very close, possible some of them maybe becoming down next week. All of these have put on a lot of weight and frost in the past 2 weeks and couldn't make me happier. They are putting the carbon filter to work on overtime, stinky girls are making me proud.

enough talk time to start the show......

Goji Og #3

I really love this girl, she has impressed me since day 1. I really think she will be special. Really fattening up so nice over the past 2 weeks, she is making some really dense frosted buds. Her smell is the best part, developing into an amazing skunky, pinesol, og funk with undercurrents of berries, creme and menthol. Can't wait for her to finish up. Has always been my favorite plant have loved everything about her, getting closer to the finish line and nothing has changed. She has the fattest buds of the group, her top nugs are huge and getting so fat an swollen the past week. She is oozing with resin and has such a pretty light green color to her buds she stands out in the crowd.


Her top cola is getting so fat, some of her leaves are starting to get some yellow to them, not too much longer now.


This week some of her hairs finally started changing color to a light pastel pink.


The smell of berries and creme has gotten stronger with an added menthol tinge that Og funkiness is still dominate. The different spectrum in smells are really starting to combine into something very complex and unique.


A little fuzzy on this one but looks like a winner to me!


Update continues on the next post...


Active member
Update continued 8/25 - Day 85 - Flower Day 45

Elephant Stomper #1

This stinky baby has done nothing but blow me away, especially this past week. Her buds are getting fatter and have a decent density to them. The thing about her buds they are all roughly the same thickness to the very bottom on the first node. She is the tallest plant too but her dainty build allows every bud on the plant good light. There will be no larf on this one. I will make sure to add more photos latter and at harvest time to show what I'm talking about. She is going to yield well, has beautiful color and is just loaded with frost everywhere. Her smell is the best part of her also and really the only change in her smell is it getting stronger and more complex. Just reaks of sweet grape soda with a skunky funk with hints of fuel.


She is so elegant and pretty, I think some purple would be the only thing to make her more beautiful.


mmmm She is like a piece of candy I just want to go and take a bite.


Sorry for the fuzzy pictures had a bit of a time crunch for the photo shoot.


The Fuzz #1

This girl here gets the award for best turn around, was not fond of this plant to start and for a long time. She was just a little too wild and crazy in her structure and leafs. She never had much of a smell other than a rather generic sweet until a few weeks ago. At first her bud development was just really airy and kind of stringy. She has always been the biggest and bushiest of all the other plants, not the tallest the stomper takes that one. She does have the more buds growing on her than any of the others, they are not the most dense. The way her buds have formed, her frost and the smells she has developed recently and made me love her so much.


Update continues on the next post...


Active member
Update Continued 8/25 - Day 85 - Flower Day 45

The Fuzz #1

She may have barely had a sweet boring smell before, it's anything but that not cant find a hint of sweet if you tried. She is a chem heads dream come true just a pungent sour, burnt rubber, skunky, chemmy, petrol funk of chemical romance. Such an amazing and wonderful smell something probably only a pot head could appreciate, I love it. Her buds are just dripping resin, they are not very dense but are filling up nicely, they aren't airy or wispy at all. You can really see the chem/diesel in the structure of the buds, she is very leafy though compared to her sisters.


She may not have the most dense of buds but they do have beautiful structure to them.


The Fuzz #3

This plant and the Goji #3 have been fighting to be my favorite plants basically since the beginning. She has been my favorite of all the Fuzz plants by far, of course recently the Fuzz #1 has quickly caught up. This girl here hasn't let me down yet just love her structure the way she is built, nice strong and sturdy. Has good strong branches and a sort of order or symmetry to her that I love. Her flowers have more density to them than any of the other plants, she should be putting out a very good yield. Her smell is amazing and the strongest of all the Fuzz plants. Taking a sniff of her you get straight burnt rubber, glue and gasoline, she is very similar to Fuzz #1 in smell. Her smells are way more towards the stringent and complex than the other best loved by the hardcore chem heads I would think.


She is the first of plants to start yellowing she still has a way to go but the finish line is close for her.


mmmm scrumptious funky chemmy goodness!


Update continues on the next post...


Active member
Update Continued 8/25 - Day 85 - Flower Day 45

The Fuzz #4

Still the runt of the group but she has filled in fairly nicely and is fattening up pretty good. She shows the least amount of chem in her out of the three, especially in the smells. She does have a pretty nice sweetness to her with hints of a skunky chem. She did take some abuse from my PH issues, really the only plant of the group to so any negative signs. The fuzz plants do seem to be the most sensitive and finicky out of everything being grown by now. This girl has been really fussy which has probably effected her yield. I would normally be very happy with the smells and the buds on a plant like this but she doesn't compare to the other Fuzz plants.


She isn't finished yet but by the looks of things she will be the first of the Fuzz plants to finish.


Just cause she isn't my favorite plant doesn't mean I dont like her, does have some nice bright orange hairs


Pineapple Express

Her flowers were the fastest to start off the flowering cycle but have really slowed down in the past 2 weeks, most the other plants have overtaken her in that aspect. She also has by far the least amount of frost on her. She does have some fairly dense nugs with good size from top to bottom. Doesn't give off much of a smell until you rub the leafs, has a pleasant aroma but by no means overpowering. She does have a faint smell of pineapples with some menthol skunkiness in the mix. This is the first week where you can finally see her buds popping out from under her mass of hairs.


She is getting very close to finishing up, she has a lot of cloudy trichs, might be ready for the chop this weekend, I would be stunned if she wasn't the first girl chopped.


Update continues on the next post...


Active member
Update Continued 8/25 - Day 85 - Flower Day 45

Pineapple Express

She is pretty but has nothing on the other plants, maybe her smoke will make me change my tune.



Well like expected not a big yielder at all, really didnt fill in that well. In fairness to her she did spend most of her life under a small 250w MH so I know that effected he size. She does have a great sweet skunky bubble gummy aroma. She has dried for 7 days and has been curing in a brown paper bag for the past couple of days. Have not sampled her or manicured her yet, will do that this weekend most likely. Once I do I will get some better pictures of the actual manicured buds.




More updates coming next week.


Active member
Very nice kalyx, they both look awesome

Thanks SourDank really happy with the #1 and #3 Fuzz plants they have everything I had hoped they would in terms of smell. I hope they don't disappoint in the smoke department.