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Kali China


Well-known member
Kali China, Day 42 of Veg.
She is not so happy with small 2 liter pot and on diet with low nutrients.
Actually i have no space in flower cabinet so i start to top her now to keep her low and put her in as soon i can.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Sorry to hear that @DennisBlackMagic 😕 probably the breakage of the base has stressed the plant. Kali China doesn't react well to very strong light intensity or to be very strong feeding with hormoned flowering stimulators, not sure if the latest is the case. Gently remove any nanner, and lower down temps and feeding. How are they doing since your last update ?


ACE Seeds Breeder

Thanks a lot for your support @Tranquilidade :yes: much appreciated! The new New Caledonia 2 x Kali China hybrid gets me excited! Variegation in main leaves is quite common with Kali China, it very rarely affects its vigor and growth and usually variegation stops once the plant is bigger and heading to flowering.

What a compact cutie she was as a seedling @early_bird :) yet she grew very fast till your last update.
Since she is showing macro deficiencies, consider to transplant her to a bigger pot with soil rich in N and give a her a few days of growth more to recover the color before flip her to flowering.


Well-known member
Hey @dubi

I got to try a Kali China for the first time today, an early finisher in an outdoor grow! Beautiful plants will get pics soon! Loved the smoke on this! Smoked like an indica, deep taste and flavors reminded me of something roasted! The high was great, very upbeat and positive, feel good, happy! Can’t wait to sample this more! Thanks for another great strain!


Well-known member
Kali China in 2 Liter Pot, Day 11.
The plant is growing so compact, i can´t even measure the nodial distances :D

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this plant is a genetic mutant called gibberlin insensitive and can be a powerful breeding tool.

gibberlins induce stem elongation/node growth especially during germination and flower induction. gibberlins and florigen are the 1.2 punch of the 12/12 stretch. however some mutants are "immune" to gibberlins resulting in impressive horizontal growth/resin but obviously undesirable for yield. however putting this to a sativa could create an elite f1 hybrid. heres the info research on mutant jamaican lion strain pheno


here is a jack herer with the mutation. it is very common to find gibberlin mutants in cannabis



ACE Seeds Breeder
Hey @dubi

I got to try a Kali China for the first time today, an early finisher in an outdoor grow! Beautiful plants will get pics soon! Loved the smoke on this! Smoked like an indica, deep taste and flavors reminded me of something roasted! The high was great, very upbeat and positive, feel good, happy! Can’t wait to sample this more! Thanks for another great strain!

Thanks for the positive feedback @tjmccoy 🥰 much appreciated! Kali China is one of my personal favorites, i'm always excited when others enjoy her as much as i do.


Well-known member
Thanks for the positive feedback @tjmccoy 🥰 much appreciated! Kali China is one of my personal favorites, i'm always excited when others enjoy her as much as i do.

Outdoor Pics 🤩 So far so good 😊


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@dubi Luckily the nanners were a false alarm! They were the start of new foxtails with little leaves coming out, i have never grown a plant with such sativa bud structure so i didn't recognize it right away, i got a bit paranoid i guess.

I just harvested them 2 days ago. The smaller KC smells absolutely divine, a very sweet overripe mandarin kind of smell, a bit creamy and theres definitely some spice in there! If you look at the pics u can def see the damage on the leaves from my greasy fingers always wanting a smell haha (especially the one closest to the door). Very excited to try this one. I kept a clone for next run but i might do a mini pheno hunt of violeta fem.

The big sis smells absolutely FOUL! A very penetrating nasty disgusting smell coming off her, like catpiss. Maybe this is what they mean with a real 'skunk' smell, i'm only familiar with the sweet skunks we all know. Really can't say if i like it or not untill i have a smoke haha. Either way she smells very very spicy and unique and i usually like that in a strain.

I managed to get the temps to 21-24 celsius in the last 3 weeks so that's gotta be good, and i'm drying them in a winecooler this run. First time i'm testing this out. So far i had troubles with high RH in there, wich i tried to manage with a small dehumidifer linked to an inkbird controller. The warm air from the dehumidifier however, warms the cooler so much that it can't get lower than 18celsius atm but that's fine. I'm at 18c and 65% rh atm. Came from 21c and 70% first 2 days. I do have good air circulation in there so not too worried.

Anyways here are some pics and i will update with a smoke report in about 4 weeks and maybe one after a proper cure.




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ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats on your harvest @DennisBlackMagic :) Beautiful colorful buds, and pretty good yield for such inbred line in a small space. To keep the temps fresh helped with the frost on the flowers during flowering as it is recommended with this strain. Please, let us know your opinion of the harvest after a bit of curing/drying, thanks a lot for sharing with us your experience with this grow :yes:
I want to see more love for KC, anyone else got grow/smoke reports ?
My kc's are still in the drying stage in my wine fridge, i may have gone little too "low and slow" since they have already been drying for 22days now. I have tried a sample of both few days ago but there is still too much moisture in there for the taste to really come out. I have upped the temp now and lowered humidity to 14-15celsius and 58-60% rh. It was 11-13c and 61-63% before.
I can say however that both pheno's have become more similar in smell, one is still sweet and the other is still pungently spicy, bur the "spice" is the same kind of smell in both. I noticed this as they were growing but they seem more similar now. I also have like 10g of the kc2 in my normal fridge in a paper bag as my wine fridge was full, people call this lotus cure i guess so it'll be interesting how they compare. The lotus one is still very wet tho.

I have been told if you dry as slow as this you don't need a long cure so i think i can update with a first smoke report in about a week or so if everything is dry enough to smoke. I will post another after a proper cure. Hoping for some special meds!


Well-known member
Approaching week 6. The smell is something in between of KC and Panama, but overall more on the Panama side. No exotic sour fruits, grill meat, mangos, cream, or incense from KC. Lemony, flowery, musky and slightly parfumy. 1 gal pot, watering with rain water, nutes: Terra Flores, Cal/Mag, also introduced PK 13/14 this week, EC 1.2 PH 6.3. Next update at harvest day.


Herbert Chickybaby

Well-known member
I'm still learning to grow weed varieties outdoors here in Northeast Thailand, so this one is not the greatest compared to many of the awesome plants on here, or even compared to the Kali China I grew earlier which was about 4 foot tall smelled so amazing and was very packed with buds but which was its downfall as it was totaled by bud rot by the time it was due to be harvested. We are now very likely out of the very hot and humid monsoon season here and I think this one is almost certain to work out very well, there no sign of any budrot and the buds are looking very resinous and totally clear of disease and other issues.It looks absolutely delicious already and I figure there is at least 2-3 weeks to go, the colas are now starting to fill in their gaps with buds.

This one is about 2.5 months along, 10 weeks or so. It grew very vigorously until I topped it and it slowed down a bit and then began growing more laterally, developing its new branches. So, it stopped growing upwards at under two feet high, but I am still very happy with it. I recycled the soil from some other pots from last year, added worm castings, some bat shit tea, some calcium powder and volcanic dust, some yogurt, but perhaps she ran out of something she needed to grow very tall. She had excellent vigor and leaf color for the first month and a half though and the buds look great and smell like a California desert sagebrush area.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Lovely @Herbert Chickybaby happy to see your Kali China ripening this time so well and trouble free during the dry season :yes: Really solid big buds on your new Kali China girl. I would say she will be ready in 2 weeks, although if you share a closer pic of the flowers i will be able to evaluate it better.

If you are going to grow indica genetics or strains with dense flower structures better do it during this period of the year (dry season).

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