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Lex Dysic

Howdy all!! Oldtime OGer (joebudgardener/Lex Dysic) here...

Been registered for long time...but never really got involved. I see some folks I recognize...OldPink, tdmaker, dogsnob, Crazy Composer...
Good to see you all healthy and FREE!!

I've been out of the "scene" for couple years now....school, work, family, life...Yall know how it works.

Getting ready to setup a small show now....not trees like I used to do...just a couple 600s over ~13sf...probably will go with coco and GH...

Unfortunately can't seem to find any of the many many peeps I spread my BCGA SpaceQueen clone around to....LOVE and MISS THAT GIRL!!

A local buddy of mine hooked me up with a K2 cut thats been around the area for couple years now. I searched around for some info...but found nothing beyond the seedbank soundbyte.

Anyone grown/growing K2??
Is is appropriate for SOG stylee??
Anyone know the lineage of K2??

Anyone out there got my SQ clone per chance?? I'd dearly love to recover her. :rasta:

TIA for any input offered.
Titties and Beer!!


Active member
K2 is one of the white strains,desired by commercail growers.very hardy,high yielding crops.ive heard it a NL x BigBud x WhiteRhino but who knows.great choice i'll bet

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I grew out some Nirvana K2.. Got 2 phenos, one more chunky and one more spear style. Good yield, 2-3 oz per plant with a month or so of veg, 150w cfl for veg and 1k for flowering.

Very strong indica buzz.. One of my friends who doesn't smoke often said it made her feel like she had taken a muscle relaxer, and as a heavy smoker I would consider it potent myself.

I had some Hashberry at the time as well, and I remember thinking I liked the more distinct high of the Hashberry, but that the k2 was much more potent. Just to throw a comparison to a popular strain.

I've already forgoten details about the taste and smell, though it wasn't bad. One of the spear plants actually took on a funny popcorn smell after a month or so in the jar, but which was curious but not unpleasant.

Dunno about SOG, don't run that way so hard to say, but it didn't have a crazy stretch or anything. If you have more specific questions I would be happy to help, just don't know what all the requirements are for a good SOG strain so hard to comment.

Anyways, here's the photos I posted of it back in the day (January hehe):
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There is a old cutting of K2 grown in the middle states u.s.a that was way better and from what i here ,was what the seed company's Nirvana and HGF were trying to recreate

The cutt only is supposed to be bad ass and i have not heard of it for a few years ~ i grew out a few k-2 from nirvana some great SOG strain and weight maker and frost monster ......

i remember when Indiana bubble gum and the k2 cutt where the cash croppers cutt in the middle states
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Lex Dysic

Mr SiNiSteR said:
There is a old cutting og K@ grown in the niddle states u.s.a that was way better and from what i here was what the seed companys Nirvana and HGF were trying to recreate

The cutt only is supposed to be bad ass and i have not heard of it for a few years ~ i grew out a few k-2 from nirvana some great SOG strain and weight maker and frost monster ......

i remember when Indiana bubble gum and the k2 cutt where the cash croppers cutt in the middle states



I got this from an old school bro who happens to live out in the cornbelt...
I wasn't too pumped...but you've given reason to be hopeful!!

Lex Dysic

VERY nice work Mr. B!!
That girl looks good!!

Mr. Bongjangles said:
I grew out some Nirvana K2.. Got 2 phenos, one more chunky and one more spear style. Good yield, 2-3 oz per plant with a month or so of veg, 150w cfl for veg and 1k for flowering.

Very strong indica buzz.. One of my friends who doesn't smoke often said it made her feel like she had taken a muscle relaxer, and as a heavy smoker I would consider it potent myself.

I had some Hashberry at the time as well, and I remember thinking I liked the more distinct high of the Hashberry, but that the k2 was much more potent. Just to throw a comparison to a popular strain.

I've already forgoten details about the taste and smell, though it wasn't bad. One of the spear plants actually took on a funny popcorn smell after a month or so in the jar, but which was curious but not unpleasant.

Dunno about SOG, don't run that way so hard to say, but it didn't have a crazy stretch or anything. If you have more specific questions I would be happy to help, just don't know what all the requirements are for a good SOG strain so hard to comment.

Anyways, here's the photos I posted of it back in the day (January hehe):

Lex Dysic


well despite my best efforts at killing her...let her wilt twice...LOL

I've now got a decent looking 12" tall plant.
I'm using coco and 0-6-9 GH and the results look excellent!

She's still in her solo beer cup...i punched buttloads holes ala smart pot...she doesn't seem to mind. I'll be xplanting her up to a gallon here in next few days.

not sure what my plan is yet...I'm entering a very busy phase of my life here over next year...so whatever it is will be stupid simple and as maintenance free as possible.

I've framed out a 3.5x8x8 space in the corner of my garage. Got metric buttloads of various lights/fans/trays/buckets...its fucking embarassing actually...so no issues there...just time to setup and dial in properly....

anyways....keep yall posted...
if I can find some batteries I'll toss a pic up...

Here's how I used to roll ....years ago now....time fucking flies don't it??


OG bub

ICMag Donor
High man! cool to hear yer gettin goin again.
yeah I remember a few years back on OG when there were alot of happy K2 growers, I never got a chance to run the pack I had..

lookin foreward to seeing what you do with them and yer new setup!

peace, bub.
i found two K2 phenos that i love!! K2 is tha shit!! takes so much abuse and still comes out huge and danky,its one of tha best commerical strains iv grown. cut tha tops of your clones when there a foot,and start to flower and ull have strong bushes.K2 likes to grow crazy branches, but with cutting them once or evean twice makes her a strong bush, heres a thread i droped some pics a while back,good luck and keep tha pics comming!..
im growin k2 and bb cheese right now heres my k2 at 43 days flower . . . .

Lex Dysic

That's just beautiful.
Thanks for the pics Mike.
Nice work!!

Howdy OG!
Good to see you again!

"branching" is right...I've pulled near 20 cuts off her so far. They've all rooted by 14 days and hit the coco running...

It's getting cramped under the 400 in the boiler room...will be trying to fix that this weekend.


It's cool to see someone else who has come back after few years break.things have changed alot since I first came to IC mag.Bog was the talk in 2004.Taproot


New member
Hey Mr. B when you said 1k for flower, you meant an hps right? The way you wrote it made me think you meant 1000w of cfl, but looking at your pictures I doubt that's the case. Oh also were they grown from seed or clones?

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Gmrpr7 said:
Hey Mr. B when you said 1k for flower, you meant an hps right? The way you wrote it made me think you meant 1000w of cfl, but looking at your pictures I doubt that's the case. Oh also were they grown from seed or clones?

Hey Gmrpr..

Yeah it is a 1k HPS, sorry should have specified that.

They were grown from seed.

Take care!

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