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k def, salt buildup, ca overdose?

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
You're so close. Think about dropping the cal mag. Don't sweat the EC at runoff.
Epsom can be your friend in coco, try 1/8 teaspoon per gal. and see.

Don't use any drip clean now, that can be added to new grows later.

How long since your meter's been calibrated? How are you measuring pH?


Active member
Epsom salts or flush and go from there... start foliar spraying more but not after week 2 flower
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You're so close. Think about dropping the cal mag. Don't sweat the EC at runoff.
Epsom can be your friend in coco, try 1/8 teaspoon per gal. and see.

Don't use any drip clean now, that can be added to new grows later.

How long since your meter's been calibrated? How are you measuring pH?

ph pen is recently calibrated. had to borrow one bcos mine has er on the screen and wont calibrate, even left it in ph 7 over night. think its broken. ec pen has never been calibrated, dont think they need it.

gna try slurry test later, never bothered doing it but will give it a go.
Looks like a cal-mag deficiency. This is very common if your using 100% coco coir in those pots- You should be using cal-mag with every watering. Sometimes the recommended 5ml a gallon is not enough- Double the dose to 10ml a gallon.

It also sounds like you are over watering the plants which cant help things. You do in fact need to let your pots dry up a bit between waterings. You are potentially drowning the roots.

Lower your base nutes a little bit and double up your cal-mag dose for 1 or 2 waterings keep ppm around 600.-800 make sure you let your pots dry up so they are light when you pick them up, but don't let the plant get so dry the leaves start drooping.

If you have dolomite lime top dress each pot with a tablespoon of it every 4 weeks and pre-mix 1 tablespoon a gallon of coco before even growing in it next time. You can have your plants back to normal in about 10 days if you do things right, ive had the same problem before.

i dont have lime but i have epsom, do you surgest that to bring the ph back up? thanks for the advice on pot weight, ppl seem so misinformed about that online.

theyve had plenty of calmag especially with the ca in the water, im pretty sure my cec is satisfied or even inbalenced with it.
In coco you gotta charge the media w Mg+ first or it will steal it from your nutes. I agree w the guy who said he has had this problem before. I would let em dry out till light then flush w pH 6.0-6.3 epsom salt at 250 ppm til runoff is 5.9-6.2. then make a fresh batch of nutes with a higher ec/ppm. I feed my clones more than .9 ec w RO water so i feel like u are underfeeding bigtime. Lmk what happens.
Fungus gnats chewing on your roots will present as deficiency. Order some botanigard and inoculate your media asap. Water it in. Then completely coat the top of media w diatomaceous earth DE. Dont disrupt the DE for as long as possible and let pots dry up a great deal but not completely. After coating w DE, spray the pot drain holes w neem and that seriously knocks them down if not out.
Looks like a cal-mag deficiency. This is very common if your using 100% coco coir in those pots- You should be using cal-mag with every watering. Sometimes the recommended 5ml a gallon is not enough- Double the dose to 10ml a gallon.

It also sounds like you are over watering the plants which cant help things. You do in fact need to let your pots dry up a bit between waterings. You are potentially drowning the roots.

Lower your base nutes a little bit and double up your cal-mag dose for 1 or 2 waterings keep ppm around 600.-800 make sure you let your pots dry up so they are light when you pick them up, but don't let the plant get so dry the leaves start drooping.

If you have dolomite lime top dress each pot with a tablespoon of it every 4 weeks and pre-mix 1 tablespoon a gallon of coco before even growing in it next time. You can have your plants back to normal in about 10 days if you do things right, ive had the same problem before.

In coco you gotta charge the media w Mg+ first or it will steal it from your nutes. I agree w the guy who said he has had this problem before. I would let em dry out till light then flush w pH 6.0-6.3 epsom salt at 250 ppm til runoff is 5.9-6.2. then make a fresh batch of nutes with a higher ec/ppm. I feed my clones more than .9 ec w RO water so i feel like u are underfeeding bigtime. Lmk what happens.

how long would it steal it for? surely if you keep feeding calmag the coco wont keep taking mg? they have had plenty mg. my main concern is the dying of the leaves, k def? ill let em dry and try epsom but there really shouldnt be short on mg i think. i find these pm nutes put the ph down too much for some reason. could be part of the problem? ill see if a slurry test reads different to runoff ph. and let u no later. plants look very hungry.
Fungus gnats chewing on your roots will present as deficiency. Order some botanigard and inoculate your media asap. Water it in. Then completely coat the top of media w diatomaceous earth DE. Dont disrupt the DE for as long as possible and let pots dry up a great deal but not completely. After coating w DE, spray the pot drain holes w neem and that seriously knocks them down if not out.

good shout on that. been using gnatoff and at 15£ a bottle enough is enough. hammered them with some strong incetacide yesterday so should keep em away throughout flower.


Dude go read other forums .as most all of the Info gets reidderatted time and time again. Im not gon a post it again. Read read read.
Not trying to be a dick ...its just in my blood.
Dude go read other forums .as most all of the Info gets reidderatted time and time again. Im not gon a post it again. Read read read.
Not trying to be a dick ...its just in my blood.

post what again? i havent asked you anything. believe me, i read every thread on coco going


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
So botanicguard act gets rid of gnats.... they r annoying ... i actually gave up fighting them n accepted every time i open a bag of coco they bac... did gnatrol mosq dunks... ph sprays... put my energy into keepin the bad bugs at bay...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
So botanicguard act gets rid of gnats.... they r annoying ... i actually gave up fighting them n accepted every time i open a bag of coco they bac... did gnatrol mosq dunks... ph sprays... put my energy into keepin the bad bugs at bay...

Im pretty sure botaniguard is just composted chicken manure, to make BTI or one of those biologicals, same shit that's in ur dunks bro. Stuff helps but u know how it works.

paper thorn

Active member
hi guys, no sick plants section?
should be an infirmary forum, used to be anyway

my last crop was a disaster. yellowing leaves from 3 weeks into 12/12 and half yield by harvest. now the same thing is happening again.
that sucks

plants are a foot or so high in veg, 6.5l pots. watered every day with .9 ec and 5.8-6 ph. runoff was comming out high even tho they were only on .6-.9 ec. they were having .1-.2 of calmag which iv stopped thinking they dont need it in veg. tap water is .2
.9 seems low, raise it to 1.5+

now the ec is comming out .1 lower than feed in which has left me scratching my head as i thought it was salt buildup.
could mean they took up some nutes

no camera but all middle leaves are dying from edges and mg def. new growth is pale.
def have a MG problem, maybe from ph being too low. shoot for 5.9 or 6.0. too long at 5.8 they'll show a cal mag def

using pm nutes and canna coco. gna switch to hesi for bloom. is plain water flush ok? people say no, but when i flushed with nutes before the problem got worse.
you can flush with water, but finish up with light nutes or you'll get bad defs.

plants look very hungry. please help, i need some weed this time
hi guys, no sick plants section?
should be an infirmary forum, used to be anyway

my last crop was a disaster. yellowing leaves from 3 weeks into 12/12 and half yield by harvest. now the same thing is happening again.
that sucks

plants are a foot or so high in veg, 6.5l pots. watered every day with .9 ec and 5.8-6 ph. runoff was comming out high even tho they were only on .6-.9 ec. they were having .1-.2 of calmag which iv stopped thinking they dont need it in veg. tap water is .2
.9 seems low, raise it to 1.5+

now the ec is comming out .1 lower than feed in which has left me scratching my head as i thought it was salt buildup.
could mean they took up some nutes

no camera but all middle leaves are dying from edges and mg def. new growth is pale.
def have a MG problem, maybe from ph being too low. shoot for 5.9 or 6.0. too long at 5.8 they'll show a cal mag def

using pm nutes and canna coco. gna switch to hesi for bloom. is plain water flush ok? people say no, but when i flushed with nutes before the problem got worse.
you can flush with water, but finish up with light nutes or you'll get bad defs.

plants look very hungry. please help, i need some weed this time

i think you could be right, tring the plain water flush as all else has failed. put 2 litre of tap which is 6.9 ph ans 2 ec and puts me straight back in range.

havnt been able to up the ec as the runoff just flies up all the time so hopfully this will work then i can give them some good amout of food.


paper thorn

Active member
btw, I only check runoff when I'm having problems. Like recently had a pH pen give me wrong readings, new pen and realized my pH was way too high. once runoff was no longer high from using properly pHed nutes the plants started looking better.
Now that things on new growth look normal, I don't even think about runoff pH.