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K-2 and Haze + Skunk #1


New member
Just curious to know if anyone has grown or knows anything about these strains?

K-2 (Nirvana)
Haze with Skunk #1 (Nirvana)


just finished up some K2 yesterday.

they're a pretty stable strain, all my plants looked alike only real difference is leaf color and height. VERY frosty, i cut mine down early to move into my next project, but they're still very nice, well worth the 20 $.

i chopped em at 39 days, will be a couple days before the final weight is in, but i'm guessing that ill have between 2.5 and 3.5 oz from 2 plants under 400 watts hps.

had i let them go the full 56 days or so they'da been 5+ oz no question.

the smell is a bit fruity while they hang, reminds me a bit of passionfruit? dunno, but it's a smell i've never smelled from weed before. hard to put a finger on i guess.... stone is very spacy. light body high, moderate head high, a good balance i suppose.

tastes like it smells.

these are a great all around plant, they can handle high dosages of nutrients.

seedlings come up very healthy BIG and fast.

some people say they're sensitive to light leaks and prone to hermi..... i havent seen that.

they clone easy, havent lost one yet.

they are a bit leafy tho, kind of a pain to manicure, but still good stuff, I don't regret growing it.

check out my gallery for some pics of my k2.

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i really like k2. you will either fall in love with the taste or you wont like it.I cant explain the taste very well but it is unlike anything i have tasted before. I also like how fast the strain grows in veg. I would consider my k2 mom a heavy yeilder and it wasnt hard to find a good one. I have never grown skunk #1 x haze. remember you get the skunk #1 freebies if you order from seedsdirect. The haze influence will make the plants get alot taller and flowreing could take 120 days. I think if you only have 1 flowreing light it woulnt be as sucessful of a grow next to k2. I grow indica doms with other indicas.sativivas with sativas. You can diminish your yield if the plants cant get enough light. The only thing is to get 5 gal buckets upside down underneith k2. Just a recomendation as i found it a problem growing the mix of indica doms and sativas in the same garden.


Theres some really good reports on Nirvana's K2 in the Strainguide over at OverGrow. They look good too me.

I did the Nirvana version of k2... they were all compact indica's, but there was a fair amount of variation... some were really resinousy, thick smoke, while others were lighter, smooth with a slight sweet/fruit taste to them.


The k2 nugs I've smoked are very nice. :) Thanks to a kind soul here at IC.

I never looked into this strain before, but after smoking those buds I'm gonna get me some beans next order

Okie grown

Active member
haze 19 x skunk

haze 19 x skunk

I have grown nirvanas haze x skunk , white rhino , and jock hooror.Thay all three are great.The haze x skunk gets orange hairs the other 2 strains are more red.I can till the haze from the others from there orange hairs and golden buds.I am on my 4 th grow with these strains.You will like the hi . very heady.Thay finish between 50 and 60 days.


New member
Re: haze 19 x skunk

Re: haze 19 x skunk

Okie grown said:
I have grown nirvanas haze x skunk , white rhino , and jock hooror.Thay all three are great.The haze x skunk gets orange hairs the other 2 strains are more red.I can till the haze from the others from there orange hairs and golden buds.I am on my 4 th grow with these strains.You will like the hi . very heady.Thay finish between 50 and 60 days.

What about Haze and NL #5 from Nirvana? I made a mistake, I got that instead of the haze and skunk, but did get some skunk #1 as freebies! (seedsdirect).....


I grew K2 a couple of times before, imo its a very good plant, very good yeilder, nice smooth smoke, very resinous/frosty, huge trichomes in comparison to alot of other strains :), good hash maker.
This is one of the Nirvana strains i wouldnt hesitate to recomend. I have heard they can be sensitive to light leaks and thus seem to hermie easy although i didnt get no hermies (got no light leaks though ;) )
Im sure u will like it, i think its just one of them strains that appeals to most ppl, good balanced high but can be quite couchy if u smoke a good bit of it.
Dunno bout the others, im growing Skunk#1 now, from wat i hear its good pot.

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