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just watched an awful gore/execution video via Mexican Drug Lords


Feeling good is good enough.
Col Kurtz' philosophy

Col Kurtz' philosophy

yeah... i'd bet u already have the flashplayer, but you have to accept the scripts & cookies for the page so it can load & play... either way, it's allowing something from the site, but you wouldn't need to actually download the flashplayer. i went to the young news channel & was able to see it once accepting the scripts & cookies. computer hasn't blown up yet... give it a shot & just clear em out afterward, ya know?

the first one was disturbing, then the second was more contrast & compare, then i just didn't click on anymore... this was a very first for me to see, but i'm kinda surprised as to how detached the experience was. i mean truly, it feels a bit fucked up, but actually noticed how well they took it. like it was their code to allow for final words, which they gave, then what was understood to happen... happened... and they took it w/o complaint... again, like there was an understood code. i don't know... not exactly sure how i feel about the whole thing. it was a first. and i don't speak spanish, so really assuming they were last words...?

These "mercenaries / killers" are the ones Col. Kurt spoke about in Apocalypse Now...


Col Kurtz:

"I've seen the horror. Horrors that you've seen. But you have no right to call me a murderer. You have no right to call me a murderer. You have a right to kill me. You have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me .

It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means. Horror. Horror has a face, and you must make a friend of horror. Horror and mortal terror are your friends. If they are not, then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.

I remember when I was with Special Forces--it seems a thousand centuries ago--we went into a camp to inoculate it. The children. We left the camp after we had inoculated the children for polio, and this old man came running after us, and he was crying. He couldn't see. We went there, and they had come and hacked off every inoculated arm.

There they were in a pile--a pile of little arms. And I remember...I...I...I cried, I wept like some grandmother. I wanted to tear my teeth out, I didn't know what I wanted to do. And I want to remember it, I never want to forget.

And then I realized--like I was shot...like I was shot with a diamond...a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought, "My God, the genius of that, the genius, the will to do that." Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure.

And then I realized they could stand that--these were not monsters, these were men, trained cadres, these men who fought with their hearts, who have families, who have children, who are filled with love--that they had this strength, the strength to do that.

If I had ten divisions of those men, then our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral and at the same time were able to utilize their primordial instincts to kill without feeling, without passion, without judgment--without judgment. Because it's judgment that defeats us.

I worry that my son might not understand what I've tried to be, and if I were to be killed, Willard, I would want someone to go to my home and tell my son everything. Everything I did, everything you saw, because there's nothing that I detest more than the stench of lies. And if you understand me, Willard, you...you will do this for me."


I am sure many of their leaders are fans of this film.

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I really wish i didn't watch that.

honestly, me and you both. personally i think those guys get off on that shit, comes to easy for those ppl. dude a chainsaw and a 7 inch knife?!

i grow cannabis, they grow weed, most if not all of the shit they produce is garbage anyway, aint even worth shootin a spitball at anyone for much less killin 'em. but with them its, well I think anyway, its more to do with la cocaina and other heavier stuff.


Feeling good is good enough.
honestly, me and you both. personally i think those guys get off on that shit, comes to easy for those ppl. dude a chainsaw and a 7 inch knife?!

i grow cannabis, they grow weed, most if not all of the shit they produce is garbage anyway, aint even worth shootin a spitball at anyone for much less killin 'em. but with them its, well I think anyway, its more to do with la cocaina and other heavier stuff.

Most Cannabis in Mexico is grown by poor farmers in the highlands. They sell the bricks to middle men which then sell to cartels for export.

The guys doing the killings etc are hired as mercenaries by cartels to protect shipments and delivery routes.

In the past they would never do this since it brings too much attention from the public and authorities. But now there is a real Cartel war raging and "gloves are off".

Reminds me of Japan during the feudal wars.

Most of these "mercenaries" are totally high on pure coke or meth while performing this, therefore the coldness and eagerness to carry on with the mission.

Millions of dollars are at play so no expense or brutality is spared...

Talking about "shock and awe" gone medieval.



I wonder whats going through the heads of the people doing this to another human. I'm of the mindset dont even talk to a person, if you dont expect to give the same courtesy to them. I wish these men could have thought if I am willing to do this to them, I must be willing to accept it as well.


the part that hit me the hardest is when the guys getting his head cut with the chain saw, he falls onto the other guy, it looks like the chainsaw fully cuts the elbow open of the other guy, hes so in shock he looks down at it and cant believe its happening



i saw a beheading back when the Iraq War started.. they used a semi-dull knife and carved his head off and held the guys head up by his hair afterwards. The guy was screaming as they were cutting it off. I think i'd rather have a chainsaw used, even though I didn't watch the recent video.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
I dont need to se that anyway

the shit is REAL LIFE.... innocence doesn't last too long in human beings these days......your innocence was lost long time ago......so you might as well watch this and educate yourself on how fucked cartels are... educate yourself then educate others on how fucked up they are and why they are.... because of USA's war on drugs

Btw, the beheading of Daniel Pearl was more than enough for me. I don't care what anyone says, anyone that can watch this kind of gore/snuff films has serious psychological issues and should probably check him/herself into a mental health facility/prison.

anybody who DOESNT watch this needs to check themself into a gynecological facility........

I can't believe how many people have watched it?! It's fucked up to take someones life yet IMO it's worse to watch it for fun, that's whats fucked up with this world.

watch it FOR FUN?!?!?!? :readabove: + are you serious? you think its more fucked up to watch a video then to actually take a persons life? hahahahahahhaahahahah puffing on...........

It would all end if the drug war ended because the cartels would have no profit.

The El Paso FBI directly works with cartels and helps them make sure there drugs get where they are going. The CIA helps them kill people. The banks launder their money.

This is not hear say. this is stuff they have been caught for.


The Mexican, and the US cartels (aka the Prescription drug companies) hate US over growers because we threaten taking their territory in one of their most profitable products. They use the DEA (aka there attack dogs) to rob us.

More History Playing Out Again
Our Government, and upper class did exactly as the French Royalty did right before they were "relieved of mortality" They let there attack dogs loot the households they battled, and the their constituents are hoarded power and wealth all over the globe. They will used it to further oppress the majority of their population into basically slavery, which will lasted a fairly short period of time, until they got beheaded by poor starving people.

Right now there is more slavery in the world than has ever been in the history of humanity, and the drug war is a corner stone subsidiary, which they depend on.

GREAT POST.... I could not give u rep points, but i sure as hell would have.... and if i rebuild my rep stamina i will bust some loads of rep on you for sure...nohomo


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
p.s. speaking of busting loads.........

the video of the Tijuana police department making the female inmate strip and give lap dances is a great video to watch and get the gore flics out of your head.....


Most Cannabis in Mexico is grown by poor farmers in the highlands. They sell the bricks to middle men which then sell to cartels for export.

The guys doing the killings etc are hired as mercenaries by cartels to protect shipments and delivery routes.

In the past they would never do this since it brings too much attention from the public and authorities. But now there is a real Cartel war raging and "gloves are off".

Reminds me of Japan during the feudal wars.

Most of these "mercenaries" are totally high on pure coke or meth while performing this, therefore the coldness and eagerness to carry on with the mission.

Millions of dollars are at play so no expense or brutality is spared...

Talking about "shock and awe" gone medieval.

i hear you , i would think you would have to be high as hell on some strong shit just to even begin to think about doing so some shit like that especially that way


okay I'm not going to watch this and be scarred for life again...I can only imagine after reading everyones comments. The last time I had to see a video everyone was talking about...it was 2 girls, 1 cup...and I am fukin scarred for life from that one!!!


the shit spoon
If you like Apocalypse Now you need to read Into The Heart Of Darkness. Apocalypse Now is like a modernized adaptation of the book.


you would have to be high as hell on some strong shit



Feeling good is good enough.
If you like Apocalypse Now you need to read Into The Heart Of Darkness. Apocalypse Now is like a modernized adaptation of the book.

And Joseph Conrad wasn't even a native English speaker!

Excellent work.

One of his quotes:

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."



the shit spoon
It would all end if the drug war ended because the cartels would have no profit.

The El Paso FBI directly works with cartels and helps them make sure there drugs get where they are going. The CIA helps them kill people. The banks launder their money.

This is not hear say. this is stuff they have been caught for.


The Mexican, and the US cartels (aka the Prescription drug companies) hate US over growers because we threaten taking their territory in one of their most profitable products. They use the DEA (aka there attack dogs) to rob us.

More History Playing Out Again
Our Government, and upper class did exactly as the French Royalty did right before they were "relieved of mortality" They let there attack dogs loot the households they battled, and the their constituents are hoarded power and wealth all over the globe. They will used it to further oppress the majority of their population into basically slavery, which will lasted a fairly short period of time, until they got beheaded by poor starving people.

Right now there is more slavery in the world than has ever been in the history of humanity, and the drug war is a corner stone subsidiary, which they depend on.

Fuck yeah I never took a step backwards to perceive that abstraction but you are so fucking right. It is the modern slavery racket...

It genuinely has become a saying around hereabouts among cannabis connoisseur circles... "fuck swag and fuck the cartels"