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just watched an awful gore/execution video via Mexican Drug Lords

I'm sure many of you know the vid I'm talking about, as it's been going around the internet a lot the last day or so. I can't get the image out of my head.

It got me thinking, I wonder if I've ever bought a bag of grass that somehow stemmed from those drug families? If so, I have contributed to this violence in some way.

The point of my rambling is just a friendly reminder: if you ever get cynical about fighting the drug warriors in Washington, just remember that it's not all about people getting felony's here at home. Mexicans are torturing each other with chainsaws over this fucked up attempt at moral purity, too.


just watched it. Cant believe neither of them even battered an eye lid when he started with the chain saw.


Active member
Dude I saw it!

It was bonkers!

It was interesting how the young guy reacted when the older guy started to get his head sawed off.

I think that is what the face of shock looks like.


Active member
yup i seen 1 snuff film and had my fill and learned my lesson. 3 guys 1 hammer people here have prolly seen it before.

h^2 O

are you trying to tell me that buying cannabis supports murder and terrorism?

Sour Deez

i dont know why i went looking for the video..but i did..and i kinda regret it..

The dude who got the chainsaw really didnt bother me as much as the other guy who had his head cut off with a dull butter knife...

i dont even know how you could do that to someone


Those mexican cartels are some sick fuck's, a month or two ago in rolling stone they had a few page write up on them and some pics to go with the story. I get to the middle of the magazine and there is an uncensored pic of 2 bodies of men that were stripped naked, beheaded and hung from a highway over pass.

Any one still buying shwag needs to be slapped as well as our elected official for keeping this war alive. It was f#ckin disgusting, and I've seen some awful shit in my day.

By the same token, there was another article in Rolling Stone this year that had some pretty gruesome pics of mutilated bodies of Afghan militants courtesy of the soldiers in Afghanistan.

If I didnt know any better I'd say the world has gone mad. :dunno:

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I just saw it. I don't want to be glib here, but it's been like that in Mexico for years now. The cartels in Colombia were doing the same shit (and worse) back in the 70's and 80's. The only difference was, they didn't have the internet to post their videos on.

So sad how little life is worth to these folks. Greed and the drive for power and control can drive men to do things that they wouldn't normally do and the video is clear evidence to that end. Man's inhumanity to man...I wonder if the violence will ever stop, even if drugs are made legal.



Jesus guys... I would like every weekend coke head to see this shit and what they are funding!!!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
It got me thinking, I wonder if I've ever bought a bag of grass that somehow stemmed from those drug families? If so, I have contributed to this violence in some way.

blame the fucking US Govt for forcing it's drug laws on the rest of the world.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
wouldnt it be nice if we could just decriminalize weed and cut out (by some estimates) up to 80% of their profits?


that second guy still gasping for breath is fucked up... humans are lovely race, peace and love bitches!

h^2 O

Freezerboy is gonna bin this if he sees it. Maybe not. To the OP - did you work for Reagan's anti-drug campaign or something? Telling people they support murder by buying and smoking cannabis? wtf?
if you guys want to share and watch execution videos open accounts over at Liveleak and watch enough death until you're tired