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Just told my regular supplier...

Big Eggy

Active member
You really hate to see ppl's wives dictate how they live LOL LOL>> you must not know many ppl then bra lol.. peace out Headband707:dance013:

Yep the Mrs wears the trousers in my house! Even in the garden (im trained) she has the final say.. if i'm doing i'm thinking something somthing she's not keen on i get "I see what your saying.. but why dont we try and do it this way?" so i basicly agree to do it her way and leaves me thinkning it was my idea.

Jedi mind tricks!!

Gotta love em though! :cathug:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yep the Mrs wears the trousers in my house! Even in the garden (im trained) she has the final say.. if i'm doing i'm thinking something somthing she's not keen on i get "I see what your saying.. but why dont we try and do it this way?" so i basicly agree to do it her way and leaves me thinkning it was my idea.

Jedi mind tricks!!

Gotta love em though! :cathug:

Aww I think it really needs to be equal no one needs to rule anyone lol..
The whole thing of I tell you how to live and you tell me is a bit weird. I would have a hard time letting anyone tell me what to do and I would imagine I would not want anyone else to live like this either. I would hope we have moved past living like that by now. peace out Headband707:tiphat:

Big Eggy

Active member
^^^ I dont grow indoors no more, but i got four nice plants in the garden.. She hates it and i've said if you hate them that much you know where the weed killer is.

i get my own way sort of?


Feeling good is good enough.
Aww I think it really needs to be equal no one needs to rule anyone lol..
The whole thing of I tell you how to live and you tell me is a bit weird. I would have a hard time letting anyone tell me what to do and I would imagine I would not want anyone else to live like this either. I would hope we have moved past living like that by now. peace out Headband707:tiphat:

I've been divorced for close to seven years now.

Freedom from hidden agendas, ego trips and control games is truly priceless!

I reckon some couples do live in respect and happiness.. but most don't.

The more I discover the inner workings of human relationships the more I LOVE my "true blue" gals.

Now, that's love you can literally take to the Bank! LOL



I reckon some couples do live in respect and happiness..
That's us - mutual respect and love - it's not hard to give up something you like, for someone you love...

My mother-in-law asked me to quit smoking cigs - done. Over 6 years later, I'm happy as a clam. I adore her - the minor sacrifice was well worth it, and easier than I ever imagined.

I haven't stopped smoking herb - even when I didn't buy for a WHOLE YEAR, people I'd never even met sent me bags of weed just because they wanted to help me out. If that isn't karma, I don't know what the hell is...

Big Eggy

Active member
That's us - mutual respect and love - it's not hard to give up something you like, for someone you love...

My mother-in-law asked me to quit smoking cigs - done. Over 6 years later, I'm happy as a clam. I adore her - the minor sacrifice was well worth it, and easier than I ever imagined.

I haven't stopped smoking herb - even when I didn't buy for a WHOLE YEAR, ...

thats me too although.. i can't seem to kick the cigs


go get a pound an out sell him.take his customers and put him out of business. Capitalism rules
Good plan, but imho i totally sucks to be a low-level dealer, i would never do it. Too much risk for the money, and the customers are often more annoying than the douchebag dealer the op described.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
it's still way better than working a bull shit slave job for a corporation. I know i used to do both at the same time back in the day.


Active member
I've been divorced for close to seven years now.

Freedom from hidden agendas, ego trips and control games is truly priceless!

I reckon some couples do live in respect and happiness.. but most don't.

The more I discover the inner workings of human relationships the more I LOVE my "true blue" gals.

Now, that's love you can literally take to the Bank! LOL


It sucks to actually be smarter than women doesn't it?
I love the ladies so much and wish they were mature enough to trust and be in serious relationships with. They simply are not. I trust my dogs I cannot trust a chick anymore.
When I am awake I would rather be alone then be with someone that does not believe what I am doing at any given time is the best thing in the world!
Sounds crazy huh? Well I am a little crazy.
I have work to do that I feel is important.
Whenever I read these posts about any person not being able to do something because of another it makes me sad.
I don't care how good the tang is or how much "in love" you think you are. You are not free.
I don't like cops. Why would I want to be with a woman who acts like one?
You stood up to your dealer, now stand up to your woman.

kickin it live from 9 to 5


we can't say that all women are this way or that way

in my opinion

there are always exceptions

as for being a low level dealer

depends where it is, in the states there is money to be made, but they also send narcs after you

a criminal record won't help you in the future


Active member
I never have told a supplier to go fuck themselves.

that is the last thing i need is a grudge with someone I used to do business with.

If shit hits the fan for them I don't need to give anyone a reason to bring my name up. People are too quick to snitch these days on there FRIENDS, and even quicker to rat out someone they hate. I usually just stop calling them and make no big scene.
P.S. grow your own and go outdoor. fuck dealers. fuck rats.
compromise is an elemental part of life,regret is the passive spirit leech
sacrifice is most brutal compromise
compromise doesn't need to necessitate regret but often involves living a periodic risk to allow it's defeat
success can feed the spirit as well as any reward

is the reward worthy of the risk

my philosophy 101 will now adjourn

thank you

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I would rather be a Transient than work for A corporation again.
And I would rather live in the woods and grow my own rather than buy it.
Thread encapsulation:

-almost all women are useless in a very real and visceral way. Accept this and act accordingly. I know, I know: " your girls may be like that, but mine are special." Text your girl real quick. I was fucking her yesterday. She said she thinks you're gay. Just reporting, not hating.

- Dealing drugs is never fun, but if you ain't rich it beats Burger King

- The system is fucked

- Too many snitches

- Stand tall as a man and don't rat out your boys. If you do this you're better than most in all meaningful ways.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Better call him back and make nice, I'm sure your hatein it by now, lol. Lay the pride down and get your lit on, duh. 1:ying:

Growing isn't easy, its like joining the Hells Angles you'll give up everything before ya succeed and many will just be causality's in a long line of gum runners.


Just fine, thanks - managed to get some puffs through buds at work, and I'm not hurtin' by any stretch.

I'm better off not high, than getting boned repeatedly by a person I'm giving money to.

Trust me - i miss that asshole alot less than he misses my $$$...

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