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Just say no to social networking!



Man the conflict! You want me to say no to social networking but you want me to click the youtube link. I just don't know what to do!!


Active member
Okay okay. "No to social networking, and no to smartphones" There ya go. Hope that made ya feel better about it all. :tiphat:


Active member
I'm thinking of printing a bumpersticker that says "Don't trust the Social Media" like those old 'Don't trust the Liberal Media' ones you used to see. I doubt anyone would get it, though.


I don't do social networks, or cell/smart phones. I am much happier now.


Active member
Social networks can be fine, just not the big ones that government monitors, like FB and Twitter.

Smartphones and tablets open up pandora's box. My advice is to not use them for anything you don't want the gov't seeing or hearing...

I use Tapatalk on my tablet more now to check on the site, but I don't login with my admin account, nor do I post anything with it.

I don't know who has more personal info on us, the government or Google... (think: search, gmail, android, earth, etc., etc.)

Sometimes I think Google stands for the Government Oogles you.

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Social networking has become a nightmare, especially if you are seeking a nice job. Companies now check all of this stuff. I fucking hate it,. I understand the value of social networking, especially it's marketing potential, but it ultimately is a time waster that should be avoided if possible.

Seriously kids, companies are just looking for a reason not to hire you. Everything has changed, use it wisely.



Active member
This is the way I see it, and it's not positive at all. Gates made his billions saying, "Come one, come all. But WE will have control of ALL of it. So what if male-ware and viruses happen. We'll still get paid".

Jobs saw that success and thought. "I can do that but the real money is in controlling absolutely everything anybody sees or hears and therefore thinks. So WE have a better way. WE'LL actually be the male-ware and viruses. It'll ALL be ours".

So the computer/internet entrepreneurs saw those guys and thought, "So THAT'S how to become a billionaire, copy Bill, or if I can have a company half as big as Apple, I'll be RICH! Ethics don't matter, we'll friggin' BUY some ethics" All the while rubbing their hands and bowing their heads (think Mr.Burns on the Simpson's).

Then along comes Google, they say, "We're in this for the long haul. We better start recording what everybody does, and I mean EVERYTHING. I just know we can blackmail everybody, someday, somehow. Then WE'LL BE EVEN RICHER!!!!

Many fanboys might say,"Nay nay, it's a better world now with what those people did". But I say wouldn't computing all have happened anyway? And it IS all about money no matter what anyone says.

Told you it wasn't a positive way to see it all, but it IS realistic, mostly.

I agree. Just say no. Nancy Reagan said so.
I started up a facebook back in 04 or 05 when you needed a major university email to get an account. So only college students, seemed legit. Then I checked back like a week later. Nearly a hundred friend requests from mostly people I purposely had no contact with or hadn't seen in years. They had found me. Yikes.

So I bailed. Never logged back on.

So glad I did. Too many secrets. Can't believe people put themselves out there with the way facebook is these days.

The real fucked up thing - I'm now classified as suspicious by many entities precisely for my lack of a trackable online presence. Damned if you do damned if you don't.


I started up a facebook back in 04 or 05 when you needed a major university email to get an account. So only college students, seemed legit. Then I checked back like a week later. Nearly a hundred friend requests from mostly people I purposely had no contact with or hadn't seen in years. They had found me. Yikes.

So I bailed. Never logged back on.

So glad I did. Too many secrets. Can't believe people put themselves out there with the way facebook is these days.

The real fucked up thing - I'm now classified as suspicious by many entities precisely for my lack of a trackable online presence. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

No worries.. they will be chipping us all up soon.


Registered User
But its great for getting out pics of u holding ur dingaling in the bathroom mirror

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