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Just say NO to REVERB!!! Guitarists unite!!!!


h^2 O

okay so there's definitely other musicians here, lot of talk in the Les Paul thread.
I just wanted to tell the world that you do not NEED reverb - I have a 50w Marshall and I've always had the reverb way up - I brought it down and now it's crisp and twangy when the POD says it's supposed to be. No more Jerry Cantrell.
Just say no to reverb. It's more of a threat to society than crack yo.

h^2 O

guess there isn't many guitarists, just lots-o-lurkers.
"is a 42-watt CFL enough for 5 plants?"


my 79 50w jmp has 6 knobs, and none of them are for reverb...
you have a dsl?


delay is a whole nother way to get a thicker sound...
i love stacking my amps (thus my tone) with a killer analog delay - i like the AD9 for the forking/splitting myself. max the repeats and min the length, and you get a great thick sound 2 guitar sound.

edit: must have 2 amps to split the signal from the delay pedal too....

........slightly delayed signal > amp A
........dry signal > amp B

having the 2 tones overlap really gives you all kinds of different textures... especially when its different amps. YUMYUM
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H2O, never been in to transistor amps. Tubes all the way. I have about a lifetime stash of tubes, too. I like early Marshall...I have a '66 JTM 45 on a '68 4x12 slant cab. But I use my Fenders more... reverb AND tremolo....I have a '66 Super Reverb and a '67 Vibrolux Reverb. Then there's my little 5 watt Supro made in 1959 and an 18 watt Gibson Invader from 1961. I've had the Gibson amp since 1963. There's a time for reverb and a time for no reverb. As with any effect. And spring reverb with tubes doesn't sound cheesy like digital reverb.


If I'm playing an electric guitar with out distortion , I need reverb or delay. I'm just not good enough.

Pot Pimp

I've got a 100w Marshall Mk2 Master Lead (1975) and I have two Digitech DSP's - including reverb, LOL. Call me crazy but as much as I enjoy Led Zep or Hendrix, I equally enjoy the rich processed sound of Steve Morse. It's all good.
A real spring tank reverb can make your signal sound like nothing else in a small setting. I agree in big rooms it should be dialed back and allow the room to create the sound for you though.

I'm with Greyskull, NOTHING like a sweet OLD analog delay. Nothing. Ask Alex Lifeson....