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Just keep it in mind


New member
Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals.
You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done
to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me.
I, in this short dialogue want to thank you for everything, and confirm once
more that I never want to be seperated from you, no matter how great the material desires may be.
I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory.

You must say the prayer for 3 days consecutively without saying your wish. You will receive your wish after the 3rd day. Though how difficult it is. A promise to publish the prayer after your favour is granted


Seems to me, after reading this and BudsnBlunts post elsewhere today ... that we need a "Disassociated " thread.
I 'm not disassociated: I think we're loveable beautiful and worthwhile before during and after anything we do.
Perhaps I 'm gullible ...


I think UNHAPPY humans are destructive life forms. We humans do this thing of 'passing on our abuse'.

Like if we've been treated like dirt then we turn around, spot a likely victim and treat them like dirt too. And this unhelpful cycle goes on and on.
Gandhi put the situation in a nutshell when he said: "We must become the change we want to see."

When Gandhi said this he knew that we humans are always looking outside ourselves for the cause or for the solution. We never think it's within us.
So when we see enemies outside us ... those enemies are in fact inside us! Within our thought processes.

It took me years to understand that: "The Observer is the Observed." That what I saw outside was a reflection of my thoughts, my ideas, my conditioning ... my very consciousness.

So yes, Sunshine we humans have been conditioned to FEAR one another; and it seems to me, out of that fear we try to destroy one another.

Humans are destructive life forms...I prefer humans in small doses and dogs 24/7


Active member
Nah cause because oklahoma is a perfect example of humans being happy super destructive and if course this is for "quality of life" now it's a superfund site even mother nature can't reclaim....
Our actions worldwide speak volumes brother....then again...we are a failed state in my home country....def not the role model ya want yer kids to follow....I think jimmy says it best....but I hear ya teddy, happy humans are better company most times
Tar. Creek is absurdly sad


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