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Just had my property flown over...

For almost a good 15 minutes a saw a helicopter do a grid seacrh in my neighborhood. At the end it did a quick flyover my house as I happened to be outside in my driveway...

The back of my property is wooded and overgrown with thick brush. In one of the brushy areas I had a six foot tall plant in a container. The plant does not stand straight up, but is leaning over alot.

The area that it is in is kind of clear, being surrounded by trees but having alot of thick brush, most of which is the same height as my plant.

What do people think of the chances the chopper saw and identified a single, six foot tall plant mixed in with other vegetation of almost equal height?

Once I realized what was going I ran out and moved it, hopefully before they had a chance to do a flyover my house.

Also, does finding a plant on or near your property give them probably cause to enter your home?


New member
It would be alot harder for them to trace you to a plant that is Off your property, but if they identified any On your property they would have no problem getting a warrant or starting an investigation
Costs a lot of money just to start the chopper up, so I doubt they are flying over for one plant bro. I wouldn't sweat it too much. That's just me though

Zen Master

gridding out cities (which I will vouch they DEFINITELY do) they aren't looking for one plant in the corner of your yard, they are looking for rows of vibrant green and the glow from shiny trichomes. Lookin for big plots, not small personal stuff.

that being said, if you are in a medical state and have one plant, dont worry about it.

if you are in a more hostile area towards pot, I'd be leery about a direct and for sure "flyover"

if they merely passed over your house in one direction, even slowly, you're probably alright.

Now if they circled and hovered above your one plant for a few minutes, or dropped obviously lower, then yeah they were probably checkin it out.

what kind of vegetation is it around? I mean color wise? is it dark green and lush? or twiggy brush? Pot stands out a LOT around dead-ish brush.

Big Country

I have a very similiar situation with a grow not on my property but very near. I think if someone found it and reported it they might question the property owners closest to the grow. Just dont incrminate yourself, they have the burden to prove that it is yours. I dont think the could get a search warrant for a property just because their is a grow near by.


I have had many helicopter flyovers. I used to have them fly nearby daily, one time they circled a few times and (I think) did a count.

Everytime they flyover I continue what I am doing. No hiding, ducking or worst of all waving.


If mixed in with other vegetation of similar color and height it is doubtful that a single plant, even if six feet tall will be noticed.

The Air Pigs generally look for patterns like trails, open areas that show brown dirt, visible containers, etc....I wouldnt worry.

I actually had a similar thing happen to me today and was a little freaked out. A helicopter was doing what appeared to be a grid search, and even did a flyby and hover over my house for about 5 minutes....I dont have anything outside near my house but was freaked none the less since I have a small indoor grow...

Turns out there was a festival happening a few miles from my house and the chopper pilot (it was a life flight helicopter) was waiting for clearance to land at that...

emerald city

buckets are great for the ,now you see em now you dont approach.....just relocate for a few and if things are cool bring em back to finish off....E.C/out


Active member
wow ONE plant? man you are in the wrong business if you are getting paranoid about one plant. it costs 400 an hour to run a helicopter, they are looking for BIG grows, ones in greenhouses, etc...

i fly pretty often with my dad and its fucking hard to see shit from up above. half of all plants look similar to pot. they are looking for uniform areas, obvious grows. one plant sitting in the forest is not gonna even draw their attention, and even if they managed to recognize it, its hard to plot a path to ONE plant. their superviser would probably yell at them for wasting their time.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Goto the craft store and get some silk flowers that twist on, yellow or red work great put them all over your plant and make sure your plant is trained down sideways they won't bother it. If it's already sideways leave it that way. :canabis:


c'mon give the guy a break..some of these responses are uncalled for. the guy came here asking for advice, no reason to act like a prick...

In some states (mine is one), one plant IS a life wrecker, and the cops will go after it.
If its not on your property, "its not yours"....just make sure there is nothing at teh scene that can be traced back to you, and you are golden....speaking from experience here...and absolutely NO!, They can not get a warrant for your house, just because their is a plant on your neighbors property.....Thats like them raiding me cause you have a plant on your property...If they do, it will be very easy to beat the validity of the warrant in court....Grow on my friend.

Big Country

c'mon give the guy a break..some of these responses are uncalled for. the guy came here asking for advice, no reason to act like a prick...

In some states (mine is one), one plant IS a life wrecker, and the cops will go after it.

True that:laughing: