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just got robbed in denver


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What? Gangster wannabees cant be educated? Dont be hatin B-Rad! Your previous posts about not being able to live in the hood and whites looking like prey for african predators along with breaking bread just cause your new to the area, was about as childish as you can get. What are you 15? And dont think I ever met anyone whose life goal was to finish school so they could join a union!

You all might be more evolved in Cali and if you are good on you. Although I've heard stories even in recent years that suggest your ghettos are the same as anywhere else. Whatever the case here on the east coast the way the ghetto life is being describe is true. I've seen it first hand and was a victim of it back when I was hooked on drugs other then just weed. To be quite honest, given the situations I put myself into I'm damn lucky to be alive.

I also don't get why you're hating on the trades I don't know about Cali but here on the east coast being part of the electrical or plumbers union is a very respectable way to go, hard work, but respectable and if managed properly provides a very comfortable income that's a bit more recession proof then most white collar jobs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
this is also the truth! ha

the J crew??

yeah id love to be in that club 4life!

frammy grew up in north potomac, maryland.

why dont you do a list research on that community and check out their real estate market.

wish i grew up guarded behind some golden gates...

I used to work a delivery job that had lots of customers in Potomac, MD. Very nice place, multi-million dollar homes but hardly protected by guarded golden gates. Top notch security systems no doubt and in some cases people had their own private security but really most of it is just like any other upscale community where most homes are worth around a half million. Which in the county Potomac, MD is in (Montgomery I think) most of the homes run in that price range because it's where all the people with white collar jobs in DC live and being the Nation's Capital that's lots of jobs making lots of money servicing the government.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
His golden is NOT aggressive really other than with other dogs.....and the other one does just bark his ass off all day....

I mean they are good dogs but by no mean for protection or gaurd dogs...

Plain and simple...we are good people who do not associate with people who can't afford to take care of them selves in a respectable manner. The bad ones have been filtered out over the last 6 yrs or so.....and we def dealt with some crazy shit...

Not to mention just the amount of times he's moved.....
shit you were living across from 2 of our worst enemies for over a yr and they never even spotted you...ha...
Almost should have stayed there huh....they left well before you didn't they?

Okay well if all these additional details were described intially I likely would have drawn a different conclusion but like I said I've seen a number of case on here where people were sure it wasn't someone they knew only to find out it was. One case a guy hooked up with someone he met at one of these canna sites and ended up being forced to harvest his own crop at gun point. At least that's what he told me.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Longear - If I didnt know better, I would think you dont want to be my friend. Say it aint so! I will try to get over this latest trauma that has wrecked my terrible parasitic life. You are such an observant lady who is obviously much more in tune with your motions than the rest of us. I will try to grow and be like you one day if im lucky enuff to recieve any love.

Hempkat - I was thinking the same thing since all the wannabe gangsters ive ever seen in rap videos and in the streets had pitbulls. (Insert the Roots "Do what they do" video here). Good call.

Ummm okay but now who's perpetuating the stereotype? Yeah some blacks I know have pittbulls but I've also seen and know blacks with lots of other breeds from dobbies to daschunds. In the town I live in they have a pretty nice dog park (park especially set aside for owners to take thier dogs to stretch thier legs) and easily the vast majority of owners there on any given day are black. Some may be gangsta I don't know, I've never learned how to proflie that well. Most of them look like decent family people though.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Hemp - So you heard stories about Cali? Good one. Anyways I was just razzin STC so relax about the trades. What are you the thread police all of a sudden? Also I grew up on the east coast and they way you are trying to group it all together is plain dumb. The hoods in the Florida are way different than the hoods in Baltimore which are way different than the ones you get in Chicago or New York. Sorry to hear you used to be a crackhead but at least you pulled it together. And your last post is full of shit by the way, cause you have never seen a black person with a weiner dog(daschunds) so stop lying! So you live in a town with a good dog park and most of the people are black who use it? Really? You are either lying again or are proving my original reason for posting in the thread! Thanks either way.



hahaa...found him cats meoooowww.
View attachment 166860

that is exactly what i thought of when i saw rainman say "b-rad"
lol. it says that picture is almost 10 years old so he was like our age range in the picture! ha!

rainman- youve really gone off topic. this isnt about the race of people who robbed me. this is about logically trying to figure out who might have done it. i feel like your a little out of touch with the way things works and although what stc is saying is stereo typical shit, there is a reason those stereo types exist.

kind of like how your calling out hempkat on a black person owning a dachshund, or a dog park mainly visited by black people. i mean, i dont believe it either about the dog park but that's the stereo type's in the back of my head! haha

stc is just sharing first hand what he knows and for that i thank him. he also seems to be a guy really trying to figure out his life on a respectable level so why youre giving him such a hard time, i dont know.

oh and for the record, i have a black friend. hes from the dirty south and after talking with him on many occasions i know that all the stuff stc is saying about being in a black neighborHOOD is true. denver's mlk blvd sounds like a cruise vacation compared to where this kid came from down in Georgia.


His golden is NOT aggressive really other than with other dogs.....and the other one does just bark his ass off all day....

I mean they are good dogs but by no mean for protection or gaurd dogs...

Plain and simple...we are good people who do not associate with people who can't afford to take care of them selves in a respectable manner. The bad ones have been filtered out over the last 6 yrs or so.....and we def dealt with some crazy shit...

Not to mention just the amount of times he's moved.....
shit you were living across from 2 of our worst enemies for over a yr and they never even spotted you...ha...
Almost should have stayed there huh....they left well before you didn't they?

yes this is also all true. a better statement to be made is that i THOUGHT my golden was an aggressive dog but all bark

and yeah by time i had left that old spot, those kids were already long gone but still that town was unsafe in a whole other way! i did feel safe there though. and i never did think i was gonna get robbed by just going to the grocery store. im not leaving the house for the next two weeks and then when i can im bagging this weed and moving it out of the house and all equipment is coming down.

its really staring to set in how fucked i am though. it seriously hurts to think about. im so behind. dont know how im gonna find a new place with little to no cash and well you know the rest. feeling so shitty at this point


Man that's a crying shame easily 2/3rds if not more of the coolest black guys I know sport dreads. On behalf of the white race I'm sorry any of us ever made you feel like you had to make such a change.

ha! this is also true in my experience. sorry stc


11 pages later....rahaha

its 12 actually! muhahahaha

for real though guys
- im reaching out hoping someone can point me in the right direction when it comes to moving. the plan is to get out of the city and make it somewhere a bit more relaxed. boulder would be great but probably too expensive at this point.

if anyone knows of a relaxed rental company along the foothills or better yet a LL with a property for rent who doesnt mind quiet folk, send me a PM.

ive already had a few people reach out and offer to help in more than one way. i wont say who but i do thank those people!

right now my number one mission is to move and get a light hung


The revolution will not be televised.....
Cat - Cant believe you just hit us with the old, "I have a black friend"!! I didnt throw this thread off, it was the racists comments made by he folks responding to your initial post. Good luck in your search for the crackhead ninja negro robbing everyone in your hood in Denver.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
house was broken into. took my laptops, ipods, tv, dvd player,bongs, cash and over half my flowering plants. I'm fucked. kms

Oh, that´s bad, I´m in fear of burglary too. My hometown in germany is the capital of burglary in the moment. Mostly drug addicts and sorry to say, but it´s true, gypsygangs from south-east europe.


Only idiots think "Jewish" is a race.
This thread is really weird.

this thread is totally off base.

rainman- you simply should just go away.

herman- that sounds terrible. maybe you should move like me as well. good luck friend.

walt- you calling me a turtle???


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hemp - So you heard stories about Cali? Good one. Anyways I was just razzin STC so relax about the trades. What are you the thread police all of a sudden? Also I grew up on the east coast and they way you are trying to group it all together is plain dumb. The hoods in the Florida are way different than the hoods in Baltimore which are way different than the ones you get in Chicago or New York. Sorry to hear you used to be a crackhead but at least you pulled it together. And your last post is full of shit by the way, cause you have never seen a black person with a weiner dog(daschunds) so stop lying! So you live in a town with a good dog park and most of the people are black who use it? Really? You are either lying again or are proving my original reason for posting in the thread! Thanks either way.

Sorry rainman but just because you say something is a lie doesn't make it a lie. I'm sorry the truth doesn't fit all nice and neat into your warped fantasy view of the world. You want truth though? The truth is you're the only racist piece of shit here trying to stir up trouble.


Sorry rainman but just because you say something is a lie doesn't make it a lie. I'm sorry the truth doesn't fit all nice and neat into your warped fantasy view of the world. You want truth though? The truth is you're the only racist piece of shit here trying to stir up trouble.


rainman needs to stay away from this thread at the request of the OP.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
kind of like how your calling out hempkat on a black person owning a dachshund, or a dog park mainly visited by black people. i mean, i dont believe it either about the dog park but that's the stereo type's in the back of my head! haha

Believe me or don't I don't care but I'm certainly not so pressed to make the case that many blacks aren't afraid of dogs that I'm going to lie about it. Just to help clear up possible confusion by you people letting your imagination get in the way. I didn't say it was a young gangsta type that owned a dachshund, just that the owner was black. To be more specific an older black woman who appears to be in her 80's. Now is it really so hard to comprehend that an older black woman might have a dachshund as a pet?

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