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Just Daves 'lil 5K room plus 1.

Hello all:bandit:
Happy to share some of the "main" room action with ya's.

A teaser shot of 3K worth of the 5K room (last day of veg I believe) while I sort and locate some other pics.

I decided to cut up some RW slabs into little cubes (don't EVER attempt this if you have more than 3 or 4 slabs to do...trust me. Just buy the loose bags...whatever price they want, it's worth it!)
So I filled some 1gal pots to 40-50%.

The cut supply. Which come in jiffy7's and need to be roughly stuffed into big-hole 3" blocks...surprisingly tho, this rough transplant only slows'em down for 2-3 days.



Active member
Nice set of clones there:)
Roots can really take a lot of punishment as long as they're in veg - I'm calling shotgun on this one.
How long are you gonna veg them like that?
That pic is from the day they were planted into the pots/bags. They had to wait for me...so they were getting tall and are all topped actually.

One tip...leave an air space between all the cubes as opposed to all snug. About a week after being in there like that and flood/drained a couple times...mold started showing up between the cubes, especially on the side with paper on it. This is actually the reason I went with burying the cubes in the pots/bags vs plunking them onto a slab...I had to toss the cube wrap.
clean set up.

clean set up.

well thought out looks good, i heard that your hoods arent the most effective, the bags of rockwool flock arent that expensive. they are sold in 45lb bags, cant say for how much exactly thou. wish you the best of luck and huge buds..
cant wait to see it in 6 wks..
take care,
About 3-5days later we have roots-a-poppin' in the pots...a few days after that roots were out the holes in the bags with the slab blocks(no pic).



Active member
stunning grow my friend!
go hard or go home for this one!
good luck and ill be keeping a eye on this one forsure!