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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


High country cat herder

There's 2 here,...

There's 2 there,.....

And there might be 2 over there!,.... so anywhere you go, there's ONLY 2!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


High country cat herder
Pic 1: is one plant,... sure it WAS 2 sprouts,... but you can see where one of the thicker stem's roots has grown into the other stem, thusly creating a "False Graft" and as such that they are now grafted, a single plant.

Pic 2: There's a decidedly what appears to be a different strain right in the middle up front,..... given the canopy difference in the background, I'm wanting to say 5,.... However, I've seen some plants do crazy shit, (ie, my Vanniluna mom,.... 3/4 of the new growth nodes seem to be AF,... but the others are perfect for cloning.) So, this is, 1 plant, short season re-vege that only 3/4 of it reveged, the other 1/4 kept budding and got trimmed.

Pic 3: That's one plant bent over to the side to encourage branching,.... got a similar bush (tho MUCH smaller!) Myself ;)

Pic 4: 1 plant, got split down the middle during a heavy down pour. ;)

Pic 5: This one is TOO thick around the base,.... so it's 3 girls that all sprouted from the same hole,....

And if you do the math,... that's only 7! :tiphat:


Well-known member
Go Back to Sleep

Go Back to Sleep

I know it is considered an amature mistake putting more than one plant per hole. But we only are allowed seven holes. And I'm allowed one amature mistake a month...so it's a wash.

The way I would prefer to start seeds would be to plant 15 or so seeds, and one by one cull the undesireable plants out. Leave the last two. If you have a problem...you have one left.

I can't get clones near as big as seeds, so that's the way I choose to go. And if you are interested only the third pic has two plants.

Rodney/Rodnette is budding well. Rodney is a mainland strain, she will go off early. Unfortunatly she doesn't have the time to get tall.

We had some rain today. We should go back to sunny weather, or soon the rot and mold will make an appearence. It's early, but the weather will make this or break this.


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For the time being!

For the time being!

Rodney/Rodnette is budding well. Rodney is a mainland strain, she will go off early. Unfortunatly she doesn't have the time to get tall.

Maybe a mainland strain for the time being....but when you and Weeze get through with her she'll be a beautiful Wahini. :dance013:

Canni and I are grooming her for altitude....with our short seasons that may take a while.....so if you ever want to see my outdoor grow I'll e-ya....cuz I'd definitely won't be showing it on this thread. :D

:wave: HMR.


Well-known member
In The Summertime...

In The Summertime...

August be here.

The cane plants have been checked and everything that did not show female was culled. All told the first Sativas we put in got hit hard by Green Harvest. They missed a few stragelers, but hit the majority. The ones we put in at night were still there and doing good...not great. That field is on a different water source and did not get as much as some of the others. Some seeds there too.

The second wave did well. They were planted in an area we traditionaly do better in. As we went north our results inproved. There are a total of 80 or so that range in height from 2 ft to 10 ft.

A lot of potential there. The cane has been getting plenty of water so some of these should get stupid big. Late this month we will go back to see if we missed any males or fags. Then we forget about them until the houseplants are ready.

Now that's off my plate....things get easier. We know exactly where everything is. No more grid searching for plants that may or may not be there. We still have at least two more green harvests to go through. So, these are far from in the bag....but they are getting closer.

One strange thing. We have not found any other plants. Every year we do this, we find other people's plants. This year...none. There are other people doing this. We have seen their trails. Not near as many this year though. It seems the berms, gates, and rocks HC&S installed the last few years are working, or the legal ability to grow seven makes the cane less attractive to guerilla growers.

At the house....good and bad.

Rather than keep getting taller, the tops have stopped, but the surrounding branches have kept growing. Instead of trees, I'm getting bushes.

There have been scattered outbreaks of WPM, which was easy to knock back, but not enough sun to keep the mold at bay. Rodnette has a few mold spots in the bigger buds, on the shady side.
With one plant I can control it. But if we keep this cloudy weather I will have trouble at harvest.

Besides Rodney and three Thai plants there are no buds. So the clouds don't hurt...yet. The weather droid says we should have a dry period with strong trades comming up. Last year we were deep into drought...I need three months of that. Starting today.

Now the pics...

1) some homeless guy surrounded by Jack Herer plants.
2) The Kush crossed with Rodney. Planted too close to it's neighbor.
3) The neighbor. I don't remember HB getting big.
4) This is more what I thought I would get. Diesel x Rod should be small like this.
5) Rodney. Bud size ranges from dime sized to soda can sized.


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High country cat herder

Looks like your partner dug good holes with that back hoe!

As for Rodney,... found one male so far, Rodney F-2,... nothing else.... at this point any clones taken from girls would be rooted just before the first freeze here and wouldn't get any chance outside......

Soooo,.... I'm a whoop this horse's INSIDE's and see what happens,.... Wish me luck on having some budshots to toss up during your 2012 "Short Season" thread! ;)


I'm a whoop this horse's INSIDE's and see what happens,.... Wish me luck on having some budshots to toss up during your 2012 "Short Season" thread! ;)

Hey Canni watch out for spider mites. Just saying cuz thats how my NL got infested, because i brought a WW from outside into my grow room. It looked great and i could not tell at all as i looked it over really well, but i had to chuck it out. Then battle those damn evil bastards on the NL plant, but i did win in the end. Maybe an oz less tho.

Keep er green man:blowbubbles:



Great looking monsters my friend. Sure gives a different perspective when some dude wonders into the shot, but im luvin it.

Do you ever bend the tall ones over to hide them? Im sure ya cant get them all, but maybe a few that you believe to be promising. I sure wish i could grow monsters like that, but id be on the evening news, but the ones i do have will be getting bigger then last year. I will have to bend them over, the choppers are flying now

I have only bent that purple last year, but was amazed at how the growth grew straight up and then watched the trunk follow. I didn't tie it, but took it from a 5 gal and just put it in sideways. I think you saw it, to bad it got ripped, it would have been my best.

But just a thought, i know you could never get them all on top of the work you already have. They sure look great man and like i said, id luv to sit with them and smoke. Just watch them grow!

Good luck on the WPM, but im sure your on top of that as this isn't your first go round on that big ass rock. I hope to get to a MMJ State maybe in a couple months, but im not holding my breath on it. I may need to move, then move again, but what ever it takes to get there.

Great show bro!



Well-known member
Lazy Summer Days...

Lazy Summer Days...

Jeez...Where to start....been busy, but not really.

Got me a fag...if I offend anybody with that term...too damn bad.

Happened in the middle of the blob, none of the girls around her has budded yet so there was nothing ready to hit. Kinda a non event.

The weather hasn't been as sunny as I'd like to see. Mold spots have started on Rodney, so I busted out the scicisors and defoilated her...that should get her to the finish line.

I should start harvesting parts of an early girl or two in a couple of weeks.

The calm before the storm...Sounds corney, but it is, what it is.

Canni.... One day I will get that excavator in here. Good luck on the Rodney budshots durring short season.

LSY...Some of these are pulled over sideways. TYVM. :wave:

Pic 1) Shaggy Rodney
Pic 2) Naked Rodney
Pic 3) Naked Rodney...up close.
Pic 4) Sunrise over Haleakala.


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Pic 2) Naked Rodney

As alway they look great bro! I luv watching them bent over one day and the next you can see them making their way back up to the sun. I was wondering if you take fans off to build up the buds? I had ask before, but i think you said you never tried it. If ya get a chance check out the ''defoliation'' thread, its very interesting what these peeps are doing by pulling the big fans. Sorta looks like branches full of nothing but bud!

I looked at my big sativas out back and lost 4 out of 9 that went male. That hurt bad. And the big ones are not big wtf? I need a better fert or something, but its been over 90 degrees for so long, im not sure thats it or not. If ya have any ideas let me know, im not sure how long i can stay here and will need to take em early, which makes the yield even smaller, damn man!

Keep er green my friend:dance013:



Well-known member
Sweet Jezzus...What have I Created???

Sweet Jezzus...What have I Created???

It's a good thing to get away from the girls for a while...you know...take a break...get away from it for a short time.

The weather hasn't been cooperating. Some sun... some clouds...but not the full on sunny days that I want.

So I got away. Watered them from a distance, let them do their thing. Went to the beach with the ball and chain, play some golf, and the coffee has got to be harvested....Started that too.

When I get back to the girls what do I see?

Holy Shit!

Anyone want a tree? How's about a forest? Fuck!...the're huge!....and they aren't even starting to bud yet.

How big?...Hell if I know. You tell me. They are at least 12 ft tall.

So things will get stupid soon. Another couple of months...OMG. I've been riding this, it will soon be riding me...

Oh well. I asked for this. Done it before...know how it is suppose to end....And yes I'm gloating....big time.


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High country cat herder
Oh well. I asked for this. Done it before...know how it is suppose to end....And yes I'm gloating....big time.

OMF'nG!!!!! YOU SUCK!!!!! :laughing::moon::tiphat:

My outdoor grow is about 1/2 of 1 branch on those trees! :eek: and indoors is even less than that! :eek::

Dayum I wish I could see them girls come harvest day..... Seen some sick grows/buds thanks to my job,... but never once seen a plant bigger than 6',...... I think your WELL beyond that! :tiphat:

As for getting some bud shots of Rod for next short season,.... looks good since the first pure blood girl has shown herself and excited to get it on! :dance013:
Nice grows. A few Q's.

What times of year do they plant, and harvest the sugar cane?

With that in mind, when do you put out your plants to ensure they are sufficently camo'd?

got any tips? I have been planning a cane grow for next year.
as always:tiphat:

I understand If you not comfortable with giving out that info. I'm on the other side of the world, I was just trying to get an idea.

Anyways, best of luck I will be watching your grow. Can't wait to see some buds! :wave:


Well-known member
Thoughts From the Cheap Seats...

Thoughts From the Cheap Seats...

Hey LSY....when i put the last post up I was kinda....whats the word?...excited. Missed your questions....my bad.

You plant in your old holes or dig new ones? Old ones right? Before each long season ya gotta recharge those holes. You could try a light blood meal tea. If they havn't started to bud yet. The heat? Could be too. Getting enough water?

By now you should know what I'm going to say....

Dump some time release on 'em. :tiphat:

Ya got any dog shit?....sorry... I had to. Do what you can to not take then early.... Good Luck.

Canni...Whatsamatter? Plants a bit...small?

Want to get them a bit larger?....Move to Hawaii.

I too hope to see them full buds too. You never saw a plant bigger than 6?...Hang in there....you will....that's like my smallest, late planted, turd sandwhich reject.

Shit...Rodney's got 6 ft....Hell...my mama's got six. 'Nuff said.

You know I enjoyed that....Now who's next?

Karma!...Dude. If you don't live on Maui...Don't plant in the cane. Every other place that grows sugar has snakes. You wouldn't catch me in a cane field with snakes...No way.

That said, over here they don't plant, burn, or harvest during the rainy season.

I follow Green Harvest. After they fly, I plant. Cane grows fast, next time they fly that area the cane grew enough to hide the plants. They fly again, I'm in pushing cane back the next week.

You also have to accept the fact that you will lose a bunch so it's a numbers game. I put them out small...maybe 8 inches or less. Make sure they are watering.

I have a lifetime of tips,...but they only work here. I have no idea how they plant where you live....so they may not help you at all.

Just wear tall snakeproof boots....oh one other thing....

Don't get caught