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just a reminder weed wars tonight discovery channel


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Shhhh you'll ruin it for me..I'm watching Big Bang Theory lol


Well-known member
Is there another thread on this show?

It was cool for a second when they showed the dudes mixing the dirt... then went back to the A story...

Pretty slickyly produced show


Active member
overall it wasnt that bad , but mr ponytails did act a bit like a gangsta. LOL. city council got to fix this, in other words damnit pay them more


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree overall it was OK. There are only 3 more episodes so we will see what the others have to offer


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
theres only 4 episodes?

how can they call that a series?

i was all set for 8 or 10 shows, damn...
and also...why is the dress guy wearing a dress to the important tax appeal meeting? he could have put on pants for a few hours.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
The tax appeal, made my teeth hurt.

These people have NO idea how to run a business. It also doesn't help that the majority of the show is someone smoking, dropping some shit, laughing, or acting like a complete goofball.

The but tender was hilarious too, about the SAGE x Sour Kush. "Dude, I'm Serious, you grow like the best weed in the world." He did get 4k for his pack though...


I do not think that the Harborside people did a good job at representing themselves, nor the medical community for that matter..
a dress?? fucking cmon man..be weird on your own friggin time, not in front of a tax appeal board..:fsu:
then dude, whos mom is raggin him about his future..yeah that cast a great light on growers @ large in general..
oh lets not forget, we're a 100% NON-profit group, but we'll all drive this years or last years vehicles..though I do think one of the brothers did get into an older model car near the end of the show?

..and ya Bobby, the kid who said that completely reminded me of the moonshine kid..derpderpderp..

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
"So do you have an other argument against the tax code, other than not having enough money to pay it?" -Tax Committee Guy

"Not at this time we don't..." -Harborside CFO.

LMAO. Man! Now that's what I call a Chief Financial Officer!


again, not shedding a good light on stoners in general..

y'ever see one of them dogs that has chase-my own-tail disease? :laughing:


Active member
it was about what i expected.... very boring , and didnt showcase the mmj scene like it should have! just made us look ridiculous imo....

whatever tho, ill watch any show thats focus is maryjane! so i wont hate to hard :)

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