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Just a newie trying stuff!

Hi there! I've been round here for about a year or so. I found this site looking for info with my first 'successful' grow. Soon, I was amazed by the amount of interesting techniques existing! So I decided to try some of them.

My main interest is to keep a track on how different techniques impact in a grow with absolutely 0$ invested on. With this card in the table I find it necessary to make some things clear: I'm NOT looking to have a massive shield, I'm NOT looking for super high grade top-of-the-shelf cannabis and I've already proved that this is not 'a waste of time and energy' (because of my usual routine). I know that this site is full of amazing super professional growers that make an amaaazing job, I actually log in every morning to see what they've been doing, it's really satisfying to see what you are achieving! So that's why I spend a parragraph on this, to make clear that I'm NOT aiming none of the goals those amazing growers are behind of, I just wanna have fun growing!

Now, let's go to the grain: By the end of 2020 I growed a 'party cup' plant, just to see if Light Dep technique worked by putting the plant inside a box. Naturally, it worked. And I harvested a little photoperiodic bagseed plant on early summer! One day, a pair of old audio speakers came home, so I took the electronics out (those synths aren't going to sound on their own 8) ) and convert them into Light Dep boxes (one of the walls is only mesh, so they're far from hermetic, I added fans anyways). After that, I germinated a few seeds, from wich only three made it:

One of them was a beautiful female that I topped and trained around a wire structure (that I'm using in one of my current grows). The training turned out great! The canopy was almost flat, the plant fitted just perfectly on the speaker cabinet, and the buds where mostly the same size. Of course, not being a 'breeded plant' and with only home-made nutes, the shield was ridiculous in comparison with the monsters that are grown here but, as I said, thats not my goal! The taste, although, was really great! (this was harvested the last)

Another plant hermied at mid flower so I decided to keep it, so it pollinated the female. This one turned out heavily seeded, as expected and the pollination tured out great, the female was just a little seeded, enough for me! The buds from this plant where just regular.

The third one was a male and, having decided to pollinate de female with the herm, I killed him.

Just before I harvested the female, I popped a few seeds from the hermie. Surprisingly, almost all of them popped; 7 out of 10, to be precise. One of them died, don't know why. Another turned out to be a male, so he went to the compost. Out of the lasting 5 I have 4 confirmed females and one on doubt.

Let me introduce you my current grow!
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As you can see, I'm keeping it small. My goal is to have moveable plants that I can take from one place to another to follow the sun and to fit in the cabinets when I want them to flower.

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This one has started Light Dep about 5 weeks ago, and I labeled her flower period as 3 weeks old by today (started counting when I see clear signs of flowering, considering that young plants can take a while to 'engage' flowering)
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That's how she's going!

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This is the second to enter in the Light Dep process. It's started about 5 days ago. Before that, she showed female preflowers. Although they are from the same set of seeds, they look totally different in the 'fine structure'. The growth in the nodes of this one has really thin leaves, I will take more pictures in this days to show you this.

This two have no training at all, just Light Dep.

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Now, here we star training! This one is just topped. I keep the top in a glass of water to see if it roots, and will wait till the branches area a bit bigger to start light dep. She showed female preflowers before beeing topped.

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Now, this one shared this rectangular pot with #2 for a while, before the male was killed and #2 moved to his pot. #4 was topped just yesterday and has been being traing for a few weeks . The goal with this one is to get a 'wall shape' (kind of). Once again, she showed female preflowers a few weeks ago.

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Last but not least! The one who hasn't shown sex yet! This is going to have a similar training that the female I told you about before. I topped it and I'm going to 'wrap' the tops around the structure while the inner grow makes it way yo the top. Preflowers are around the corner and SEEM to be female ones, but I'm not going to burn my hands with this assumption.

That's all for now! Hope this first diary turns out well.

Thanks for the space!
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Liking a lot the shape this one is taking!

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Some detail on the structure of #2. Leaves from the new growth are really thin, in comparison all the others.

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Quite amazed by how frost this one is turning out, considering is a random seed!


Well-known member
I really don´t recommend hermies for breeding because it´s bad genetics. Always use males to pollinate the girls not hermies as in this case future plants will be more likely to be hermies as well.
Having said that the hermies do produce resin so you can still use them for making hash for instance ;)
Steviewunder Thanks!!

Cuddles Yeah, I know... It was what I had on hand. Although, they don't seem to be showing any problems by now. I'm intrigued with the other seeds, these ones are the ones that came from the hermie pollinated by herself. I will surely avoid mantaining this line, but is the only thing I got by now. As soon as I put my hands on something decent I'll try to keep that going!

Thanks for the advice!!
Weekly update!!

Fifth week of flowering on the little one:

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Starting to smell AMAZING!!

First week of flowering on the other untrained girl:
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And trying some weird training I came up with:

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Trying to get 4 leveled buds, probably not the same size, but I think it will be aesthetically pleasing! This one is growing a bit slower than the others since it's receiving a bit less light during the second half of the day, but it will be promoted to a better place as soon as I harvest the first one!