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jungliedunglies' DWC

Sorry for the book, but trying to be thorough.

Not on the panic button, but I'm not real fuckin stoked right now. So here's the way I've got this bitch set up right now (see below). I just don't know what I'm seeing exactly, and hoping for some insight.......I'd know what to do if it was soil, BUT.

The clones have been in 72 hours now. Started at 170 ppm/.34 EC and water skirtin below the netpot by a tad. Shit started drooping, and thought they were just a little unsettled. Gave em 18 hours that way, then decided to raise the water level up to what is shown below.

At 36 hours and worsening look, I started wondering if the EC was too low, causing them to suck water..........Dumped the tub, and remixed new soup at 1/2 strength which came out to 300 ppm/0.6 EC....added Drip Clean to the mix as well.

Have pretty much left it alone since then, and at 72 hours they still look them same... New leaf growth is NOT happening, but there is apparent ROOT growth on both.

pH seems to bounce around between 5.7 and 6.1...it has gotten as high as 6.3, and I've had to add some pH down to bring it around. H&G says their nutes are designed to run between 5.8 and 6.5 so I'm assuming it's where it's supposed to be in that regard.

Water temps stay pretty steady around 70F with a 50W heater going in there, but if I unplug it they'll drop to the low 60's. Air temps stay pretty steady between 72-76F. RH 45-60%. Turned on the humidifier last night which gets it up to 65%.

So what is this I'm looking at?.............the part that's fucking with my head the most is the PPM/EC thing and it possibly being too low for much of anything but water to be taken in. Is this just a "quit fuckin with it and let em get going" thing? Are they sort of doing a rerooting thing now that the roots have room to expand? Or, am a making an error somewhere else?

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Here's just some shots of the general situation overall.

Pretty sure the seedlings are stunted, but hoping they're just slow. Rockwool's far from soaked, but it's noticeably heavier than a dry cube, so I don't know what the fuck. Just wait I guess.


How are the roots looking? First place I'd look.

If they look good I would go higher on the ppm's and make sure your ph is consistent. Try not to let it swing like that. I had mine set at 5.8 when I ran hydro.

What are you using for solution for the seedlings? Not looking happy. Gotta be ph related I'm thinking.

I know someone who had similar issues and it turns out his ph pen needed to be recalibrated. He did that and it fixed everything.
Scrappy! Thanks very much!

I meannnn....they're rooting, lol. To me, roots are this thing that are hidden behind a soil curtain until harvest. Then you get a chance to look at them once you get around to ditching that rootball :). They're growing roots, ya know.... They look pretty white...there's some browny, foamy, filmy shit on there, but I think that's the Roots Excel doing whatever hocus pocus it does.

Roger on the higher ppm...I don't understand though....Can I just added equal amounts of A and B to the soup to raise it, or to I have to dump again and totally remix? I feel like I'm disarming a bomb when I'm messing with the nutes :), sad I know...

With regard to swing....roger again. Only thing I will say with regard to that is that now I've mixed nutes twice in a 72 hour period......H&G says essentially that pH shifts occur initially due to the live nature of their ingredients...ie Roots Excel, Algen. Might be some of what is happening there, so I'm not in panic mode about that quite yet. Give me time though.

Wish I could blame it on the pen dude....I've tried a few times, but have been pretty anal about calibrating every time I stick it in (that one's subtle, but pretty aritistic I methinks). It's a good pen, and has served me well in soil...gives no indication that there's anything wrong with the electrode as of now. Never gets more than .15 out of cal and even that's extreme. Usually we're talking a couple hundredths; way beyond the accuracy of the meter.

Far as the seedlings, ya I agree...they're stunted. Using RO water pH'ed to 5.8 with pH down derived from Calcium Phosphate, Phosphoric Acid, Vitamin B1, and B12. Seems like an semi-organically derived acid with the B1 and B12 there with 1/4 strength Dynagrow K-L-N which is 0.009-0.011-0.006 even at FULL strength. I truly believe at this point that the cube was too wet...the cells forming the laterals off the tap die, the root structure suffers, and the little bastards don't grow, turn yellow...here I've been before.

I should say, that's what I soaked them in for like 8 hours before planting....haven't done any real watering since...just put them on top of those little perlire/vermiculite mini-beds there, then I mist the beds a little every day or two with that same solution. From time to time I slide them off the beds so they don't continually soak water also.

With soil I've got a good routine that works well....water soil in a #1 pot, plant, put under the light....no water for a week, and you've got your first leaf set. Think I needed to give the cubes an extra few shakes or reduced the RH.

I think those I can bring around, just gonna take a while now...maybe not, rockwool is new to me.
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OK sorry so then you're just starting to get roots? My bad I thought you already had a root system developed. Keep your ppm's lower till you get roots established. In hydro the roots are extremely important. Do a search for root rot so you can see what it looks like. Always want to be checking your roots and make sure they are crisp and white.
Thanks man, appreciated! Yeah, just gonna let em do what they do...every time I check there's more root there then before, so maybe things will get going here in a few days.

I almost thought about starting a couple more seeds today, but I don't wanna have too much going if those work out. Be patient with me though and I'll get some LSD going; my last grow was kind of a let down, so I really want this one to go better.


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
For some reason I am not seeing any photos... I know what you are going through, and after reading, even without photos, I would say you are fine, it starts off slow sometimes, but then explodes!
I am curious to see the system. I just built my own undercurrent veg system, and am contemplating adding top feed rings, but then I would have issues removing the plants to transfer them to the flower room...
Not sure why I am not seeing the photos. I do have two IC Mag windows open, but I am logged in on both....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Not sure why I am not seeing the photos. I do have two IC Mag windows open, but I am logged in on both....

According to his profile
This user does not have any albums to display.

Assuming the shot is "his", I'll guess he's either set to private or he's dumped his photos.

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