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June 17th Is The 40 Year Anniversary Of The War On Drugs


rick shaw

On June 17th,1971 Richard Nixon declared 'Drugs Are Public Enemy Number One' and began 'The War On Drugs'

Over 40 million arrests nationwide,and counting
Estimated costs over one trillion and growing.

Where are we heading?




May your race always be in your favor
After 40 years of wasted lives,money and resources the "War on drugs" is a joke. Stats show more people are using some form of intoxicant other than alcohol THAN EVER. Prescription drug abuse is at an all time high, chemicals are abundant crack meth etc. But seems the pot grower get busted first,
The U.N. published a new report calling the "global" war on drugs failed and a group in the U.S.A is calling for leagliztion, but the government just looks the other way and continues to put people in prison rather than rehab in the case of the chem abusers. The war on drug has not been a failure for the Corrections Corp of America, a for profit prison company. So my theory is that if drugs are made either legal or decriminalized to the point of no jail or prison the the CCA and the other private prison companies will lose money, and we all know that ain't gonna happen. The prison for profit industry in America is a multi billion dollar money maker and they ARN'T GOING TO GIVE IT ALL UP EASILY.no people in jail working for slave wages to make the corporate fat cats richer Fat Fuckin Chance.
IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!!!!!:smoweed:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Congratulations Nixon, you were as much a crooked evil pile of shit as your "war" on drugs is. We will OVERGROW this motherfucker until the wheels fall off so you might as well stop wasting your time & money fighting a pointless war you will NEVER EVER EVER win. :good: :joint:

My apologies to LEO that has been enslaved and made into robots fighting this war, we know most of you guys are good people and don't believe in this crazy shit they make you guys do. Please hang in there because change is happening slowly but surely and one day we can all sit down and smoke a joint together brothers & sisters. Thanks for the real good you guys are doing other than this war on drugs and please help us anytime possible because we need you guys on the good side with us! :tiphat: :respect:

:plant grow:


On June 17th,1971 Richard Nixon declared 'Drugs Are Public Enemy Number One' and began 'The War On Drugs'

Over 40 million arrests nationwide,and counting
Estimated costs over one trillion and growing.

Where are we heading?

I bet 'ol Tricky Dick took something to take the edge off...from big pharma...the people who brought us this war. Only WE will supply the addicts of this country! It should be called 'The War on Drug Competition'!

War on this, War on that

It's all about the money. Look how much taxpayer money was spent because of this. Business LOVES a "war" on something. It gives the government an excuse to spend. We have "wars" on everything and it leads to huge sums spent. War on drugs, war on poverty (we know what THAT is costing), war against ignorance has led to runaway education spending. And lets not forget REAL wars...Afghanistan, Iraq...I guess we weren't spending enough so we went into Libya too...and Syria next. I think we're setting up for WWIII in the ME but that's another discussion.

Congratulations Nixon, you were as much a crooked evil pile of shit as your "war" on drugs is. We will OVERGROW this motherfucker until the wheels fall off so you might as well stop wasting your time & money fighting a pointless war you will NEVER EVER EVER win. :good: :joint:

My apologies to LEO that has been enslaved and made into robots fighting this war, we know most of you guys are good people and don't believe in this crazy shit they make you guys do. Please hang in there because change is happening slowly but surely and one day we can all sit down and smoke a joint together brothers & sisters. Thanks for the real good you guys are doing other than this war on drugs and please help us anytime possible because we need you guys on the good side with us! :tiphat: :respect:

:plant grow:

EVERY president has been a crooked pile of shit...that's HOW they get there!

I fear most LEO have been brainwashed. Besides...they LOVE all the cool military shit they get to play with. All paid for by taxpayer dollars.

Since we're broke...maybe we'll get lucky and some of these "wars" will be the first things cut when the reality FINALLY strikes that as a nation...we're opening new credit card accounts to pay the "interest only" on other credit card accounts. We're bankrupt, no different than Greece...in fact worse...the ONLY difference is we have the reserve currency and we can print money...they can't.


So that's who we have to thank for this booming black market.

The 'crook' bred crooks


let me ask you guys one plain question: do you think this war's gonna end soon? like, in a year, or 5 years. what do you think, in a few sentences?

i think it might end, but the US won't be the one to end it. maybe South A. or Europe, but i guess more like S.A.


Active member
If Trick E was still with us, I feel he would regret what he started.

Where we are going...

A war on designer drugs. Recently I have seen so many "Scare the crap outta parents" news stories on bath salts, and the jhw's (K2). I am not into these new chemicals, but if you are stay safe.

The new designer drugs will provide the DEA with job security for years to come.


The drug war is not a criminal issue. It's a public health issue. Stop arresting small time users/growers.


Kiss My Ring
and the pharma boys keep coming up with new ones.

the war is not abating, will not end, not as long as they can incarcerate another 40M people (most innocently seeking solace) to the tune of a $Trillion spent...with incalculable proceeds returned from that investment.

"Private prisons in the United States todayPrivate companies in the United States operate 264 correctional facilities, housing almost 99,000 adult offenders.[13] Companies operating such facilities include the Corrections Corporation of America, the GEO Group, Inc, and Community Education Centers. The GEO Group was formerly known as Wackenhut Securities, and includes the Cornell Companies, which merged with GEO in 2010.

Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) has a capacity of more than 80,000 beds in 65 correctional facilities. The GEO Group operates 61 facilities with a capacity of 49,000 offender beds,[14]

Most privately run facilities are located in the southern and western portions of the United States and include both state and federal offenders.[13]"

from wikipedia.


Guest 88950

To: Congress and Senate

Happy Anniversary :badday:

:smokeit: Here's to 40 yrs of Loosing


Active member
On June 17th,1971 Richard Nixon declared 'Drugs Are Public Enemy Number One' and began 'The War On Drugs'

Over 40 million arrests nationwide,and counting
Estimated costs over one trillion and growing.

Where are we heading?

I think we will spend the next trillion in much less time! Unfortunately :moon: and take it :comfort: