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Julian Assange-

Julian Assange-

  • Yes and he will be a free man

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Yes but in prison

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • No

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Other-See Below

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
he didn't steal anything. imagine shilling for war criminals.

liberals are still salty he revealed the DNC primary process is total theatre and that they choose their nominees privately and undemocratically.


would you please tone down that insult C? in farness im sure he hates trump, not that it has anything to do with Assange.

my friend Jimmy Dore doing the job of the msm:

MSNBC’s Non-Stop Lying About Julian Assange


Well-known member
he didn't steal anything. imagine shilling for war criminals.

liberals are still salty he revealed the DNC primary process is total theatre and that they choose their nominees privately and undemocratically.

according to the Supreme Court "Bartwicki" decision, he did, in fact, unlawfully possess the info he passed along. this case turned on a radio station which played an illegally recorded phone call. they did not record it themselves, but got it from someone else. problem for Assange...the US has an Espionage Act which covers this very scenario - there is no legal way that a 3rd party (Assange) can lawfully acquire classified information which he is not authorized to possess. don't like it? take it up with the Supreme Court. i'm sure they will be interested in your complaint...


Well-known member
you can't unlawfully posess information of your govt doing war crimes. that's a horseshit imperialist take. the information was leaked to wikileaks by bradley/chelsea manning, a whistleblower.

Three Berries

Active member
according to the Supreme Court "Bartwicki" decision, he did, in fact, unlawfully possess the info he passed along. this case turned on a radio station which played an illegally recorded phone call. they did not record it themselves, but got it from someone else. problem for Assange...the US has an Espionage Act which covers this very scenario - there is no legal way that a 3rd party (Assange) can lawfully acquire classified information which he is not authorized to possess. don't like it? take it up with the Supreme Court. i'm sure they will be interested in your complaint...

With our myriad of existing laws and 1000s new every year, there's a law or regulation for almost everything. What is now becoming glaringly obvious is the uneven application of the laws.

Justice is no longer blind.


Well-known member
With our myriad of existing laws and 1000s new every year, there's a law or regulation for almost everything. What is now becoming glaringly obvious is the uneven application of the laws.

Justice is no longer blind.

i agree. no argument there...well, it is damn near blind if you are rich. might have something to do with the quality of legal help you can afford.


Well-known member
you can't unlawfully posess information of your govt doing war crimes. that's a horseshit imperialist take. the information was leaked to wikileaks by bradley/chelsea manning, a whistleblower.

and how many years in prison did that get Manning? just asking for a friend...don't take me wrong on this. i agree that what they exposed was evil. but you have to stand up in court & take your chances if you are gonna pretend you did it "for the good of the people". anything else, running & hiding is chickenshit. it only takes ONE person on a jury to upset the apple cart. if you think you are doing the right thing, stand up & say so instead of hiding. you should be proud of doing the right thing.


Well-known member
according to the Supreme Court "Bartwicki" decision, he did, in fact, unlawfully possess the info he passed along. this case turned on a radio station which played an illegally recorded phone call. they did not record it themselves, but got it from someone else. problem for Assange...the US has an Espionage Act which covers this very scenario - there is no legal way that a 3rd party (Assange) can lawfully acquire classified information which he is not authorized to possess. don't like it? take it up with the Supreme Court. i'm sure they will be interested in your complaint...

Assange isn't a citizen of the US. How is he subject to that ruling? Because the US has worldwide authority? That seems to be what you're saying.


to see a forum of pot heads attacking Julian Assange using deep state talking points is a great disappointment. the man is a hero, he exposed information that damaged criminals and exposed war crimes, on all sides of the political spectrum.

for the neo liberals to be attacking him when he exposed so much that was to their benefit is sick. this man has been punished worse then murderers. the core accusation against him was made on the basis of a statement by a teen age hacker who would have told the torturers, anything not to get fucked over by them. he has come out and admitted it.

Julian Assange is not a thief and hes not a hacker, hes a journalist and if you allow him to be tortured and murdered in the justice system it wont be long before the next journalist is treated the same way for exposing governmental crimes. its fucking sick as fucking fuck. yuck.

the heroic Daneil Elsberg backs Jullian Assange, so if you don't, that should tell you were you stand in the historic picture, the side of evil war criminals and torturers. good job.


Well-known member
Assange isn't a citizen of the US. How is he subject to that ruling? Because the US has worldwide authority? That seems to be what you're saying.

if he is brought to trial in a US court, he will be subject to US laws. like selling pot seeds to folks living in a country where possession is illegal. isn't there someone on here that can tell us how that works? don't be a horses ass & start whining that "the law needs changing!" because i agree. but you get charged, tried, and sentenced according to the laws in effect at the time of the alleged offense, not how you think the laws should be. whether you yourself break a law, or cause someone else to, you are legally responsible for that no matter where you were when it happened. drunk driving is illegal. but, let's pretend that it isn't someplace. you are there, and call home to see how the kids are doing. son asks, "hey, where is the key to the liquor cabinet?" you tell him, son gets ripped, drives, & kills a little old lady or three kids crossing the street. do you think that because it is not illegal to drive while drunk WHERE YOU ARE, that they are not going to charge you with it? grow up... you enabled them to break the law.


Well-known member
He will be brought to the US and the trial will expose it all for the world to see.

i doubt he will be brought to trial, myself. -very- seriously doubt the US appeal for extradition to British High Court will succeed. i'm sure there are those that would like him in prison here, or even dead, but that would open a can of worms that will never go back into the can...

Three Berries

Active member
i doubt he will be brought to trial, myself. -very- seriously doubt the US appeal for extradition to British High Court will succeed. i'm sure there are those that would like him in prison here, or even dead, but that would open a can of worms that will never go back into the can...

Why are they holding him? He will be freed after the trial. The trial is to expose the Deep State and foreign governments along with the DNC and MSM were plotting to interfere with the US elections. And the British are #1 in trying to hide this. M16 and Mossad are running that show.


Well-known member
Why are they holding him? He will be freed after the trial. The trial is to expose the Deep State and foreign governments along with the DNC and MSM were plotting to interfere with the US elections. And the British are #1 in trying to hide this. M16 and Mossad are running that show.

he's probably not going to trial. reading comprehension and / or eye exam needed. blahblahblahblah...don't hold your breath. see also "the Great Awakening". been waiting to see any results from that forever too. I quit holding MY breath WAY back then, lol...


Well-known member
Julian Assange Ordered EXTRADITED To US, Liberals Wrestle With Hypocrisy And Principle

As if to say conservatives see no problem in punching a hole in democracy the size of Assange ?
Frankly I do not believe that to be the case at all.
All of us should be up in arms over this.
How secure are we are secure in our homes,
when authorities can go into an embassy to take or do
as they wish ?


Well-known member
would you please tone down that insult C? in farness im sure he hates trump, not that it has anything to do with Assange.

my friend Jimmy Dore doing the job of the msm:

MSNBC’s Non-Stop Lying About Julian Assange

Ah yes, Jimmy Dore, an interesting case.
Show was distributed by Pacifica.
Traditionally a home for labor and humanist causes.
Not heard of comedy as being a highly paid position.
Mr Dore's net worth is larger than that of Pacifica itself.
Anyone can be compromised.

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