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Judges notes...


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
This is taken from the notes I made through the 2010 420 judging process, pretty much as it was written, sorry for the lack of consistency and discipline, it was the best that could be done at the time... I had an able assistant [or two] for the tasting, sly was a judge last year, but we shared a judges pack and scoresheet so the opinions are shared and scores averaged.

Apologies to all the entrants we are so rude about, I have kept it as was and not spared their blushes in many respects, however, it is just what we saw and thought, sometimes after long sessions, straight from the hip, no malice or disrespect intended whatsoever. Our standards were very high, all the entries were excellent and all the entrants deserve very high praise. I just hope a few of them are still speaking to me after this and would like to take this opportunity to pass all the blame for the really bad stuff straight onto the other feller. :)

Hundred Gram Oz SSSDH Sativa 420023 154

Super sparkly sativa dom all frosty white resing, cloudy, clear, nothing brown in sight, nice sativa smell, still got a hint of fresh minty when broken up, nice spicy sativa taste, high sets in pretty quick, clearly pretty pokey, mostly sativa, woody spicy.

Chef RAD Sativa 420018 140

Chunky nugs, 2 or 3 weeks early, clearly underdeveloped, "shame it was not left longer", lovely orange candy chitral flavour, good but not outstanding taste, a bit of a letdown after the promise of the smell, nice up 5050 high, but not a spanker.

DrD C99 / A11 x Sour Diesel Sativa 420005 134

Purple leaves, poor trimming, lovely high quality, gave an 8 despite shit trimming, smells dark kushy promising, tastes smooooooth, exotic intense, very hard to describe, but nice, very nice, not quite stellar though, strong high head and body, throbbing forehead [poss down to mucho judging]

Fizzbomb Kali Mist Sativa 420012 133

Big Orange hair dominated bud, leafy but trimmed, SSH ? JH ? Kali ? Smells, a bit of minty fresh on the crumble, clearly hazey but nice, tasted woody hazey, nice smooth but with some fresh mintyness, strong up clear high.

Jah Hoover Sour Diesel Sativa 420022 133

Superb, really well frosted, perfectly presented lovely nugg, smells sickly, slightly trainwrecky, clearly top Q pot, taste, not 100% smooth, but very good taste, clearly strong, poss a 9 [rare] very good hit, Indica dom if anything.

Goba Island Sweet Skunk Sativa 420034 128

Frosty, small calyxs, fairly tight, afghani type fruitiness, bit stinky, then haze, fruity hazey, but then curiously a green minty fresh smell when broken up, taste, nice smooth fruity hazey, not a ppunch of either, but was nice, clearly potent, c99xssh? balanced up high, almost stupefied

Jamie Shoe Amnesia Sativa 420002 126

Decent woody hazy smell, not that much resin, but looks mature, ok to decent taste, nice up giggly euphoric high, not killer though.

Chef Limon Sativa 420027 118

White crystals with no heads, poor trim, young and squashed, sweet funky fruity funk smell, slightly candied, promising, but not enough of it. The taste was also sweet funky fruity, very cured, up buzzy fuckedup high, quick, nice.

Big Leek Diesel Cross Sativa 420008 116

Frosty Sativa, poor trim, a 7 despite the trim, smells "sadly very low, Hay" flavour, really nice Sativa of no great special [identifiable] flavour, but Nice ! scored well despite not being that strong or distinictive, it is nice... high was OK, not amazing.

CT Haddock Jack Herer Sativa 420011 106

Resin has colour, looks allright, hardly any smell at all, dry as f***, no smell when broken up, Ozone ? taste, bit generic, OK, nice, nothing special, she did however stick her head up above the mass, clearly has poke [strength], good up high

Chef Pfrut Sativa 420017 103

Lovely, but needs more trimming, to present at best, covered in trichs, excellent smell, perfect fruity funky skunky, like many this year, taste "wooosh" smooooth, lemony, very nice not exceptional, high was strong, felt...

Dr Penthotal NYCD Hawaiain Sativa 420016 72

Looked outdoor, poorly trimmed, looks fuzzy/battered, has a baseline floral fruitiness, trim smells earthy and foxy, a bit of fruitiness hidden away in the taste, high was debated, warm fuzzy body hit.

Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze Sativa 420025 127

A fat nug, nice, smells very promising, bit slightly "middle of everything" generic, lemony, tastes smooth, OK, but not quite as good as the smell promised, high, OK but did not hit us in the heat of battle, may well be fab though.

Mosca Negra C99 BX1 Sativa 420006 125

Perfect trim, just not frosted to death, juicy fruits of the forest smell, nice, really nice taste, bit fruity but greater depth, beautifull, popular, high, good nice fat balanced strong hit, spanked us after the narcothon and eating, very good.

Soma Amnesia Haze Sativa 420003 117

Grassy Floral Hazy, Amnesia Haze ? Seems OK, looks pretty well developed but did not look fab close up ['scope] taste OK, bit generic, bit hazey, hints of other things, nice up high, not stellar

Karma Genetic's Amnesia Sativa 420001 116

Foxtail action, really pretty little fluffy buds, well frosted, smells a bit minty/nonexistant, maybe too dry, non event, but then a lemony smell when crumbled, taste, Lemony, Amnesia ? Nice, Sat dom, very strong high, marked for retest.

Dampkring Mexican Haze Sativa 420030 115

Not trimmed well, resin not stellar, seems cured, smell is peppery hazey Herer, promising, taste nice Jack Herer style peppery Haze, spices, nice creeper sativa high.

DutchGrown C99 GN09 P Pheno Sativa 420036 112

Chunky bud, fairly hard but not that dense, very low smell, piney fruity, very cured ? Didn't like the taste, no flavour, poor, sadly, but it had a nice hit to it, a solid wall of stoned, stupid grins.

DutchGrown C99 GN09 GF Pheno Sativa 420037 108

Did not like appearance, looked young, harsh and uninteresting in pipe, OK vaped, not outstanding in this company, but good, has promise but is way too young.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Goba Chemdog Indica 420032 159

Fat but pretty airy bud, a bit immature, OK trim but not perfect, has a candy fruit smell a bit like c99 or chocolope, nice deep flavour, good taste, popular, good strong high, up effect to the buzz.

Jamie Shoes Shatners Bassoon Indica 420020 137

"Pretty dank, not that distinctive", looks good, frosty, trimmed, good but indistinct taste, nice Indica/Sativa balanced high, "nothing amazing"

Londinium Mental Home Indica 420014 132

Looks like a mature exodus cheese, calyxs look a bit small, not fully swollen, but the bud is mature, smells a lot like mature exodus cheese, maybe a bit overdone, plant not strong enough to fill out ? Resin mature but calyxs not great, taste, ok cheesey, bit not exceptional, high, good, but not quite amazing.

Fizzbomb Chiesel Indica 420029 131

Nice tight bud, looks nicely mature, tinged resin colour, not tons of it though, skunky fruity cheesy perfume, smooth, taste all right, not stunning, nice warm fuzzy Indica dom high, the only sample that made us forget to mark it.

Soma Lavender Indica 420013 133

Spicy fruit, funky, sadly a bit dry, like it, dark blackcurrent blackberry, strong deep powerful nice smell, looks like it might be a bit young, calyxs not fat, but glands have turned and coloured. taste, strong spicy, grape, great, nice popular, Moorish [v. high compliment in the circumstances] narcotic Indica dom with a head part, the fist sample we double hit.

Mosca Negra Grapefruit Fly Indica 420009 132

Just about starting to be ready, but looks fab already "muy linda" smells nice funky fruity delicious, taste, strong but sweet, nice sourish, liked it, high, nice but not mindblowing, up effect to the high, very popular

DutchGrown Killer Queen Redux Indica 420035 125

Covered in trichs, well matured, emulsion paint/milky trichs, smells pretty funky, but almost like a bland commercial weed, sweet rotten cabbage, the taste was nice, smooth, but very ordinary and unremarkable, good weed though. High reported as nothing standout, very average.

DutchGrown Sweetest Cindy 99 Indica 420033 124

Needs trimming, crystals very white [not clear, matures to white not brown] solid bud, smells of fruits of the forest, very, tastes smooth, but not that tasty as the smell had us believe, tasty, but a slight disappointment after the great smell, high, nice but not amazing.

Greenhouse Trainwreck Indica 420026 121

Nice chunky crystally nugs, needs some more trimming, little smell, kushy ? young ? tastes dark, sweet and smooth, dark caramel excellent, high hit me good

Hortilab Starbud Indica 420024 114

Looks beautiful, tight, very well trimmed nugs, not a lot of smell, but nice, tastes smooth, but a bit bland, hard to categorise, high, OK, but not strong enough to really stand out in this cup.

Big Buddha Big Buddha Cheese Indica 420004 109

Looked good, smell not quite there, taste not quite there, good weed but not a brilliant Cheese on the Cheese scale, high was marked OK, after many arguments, a bit more Indica than the Exodus.

Karma Genetic's Happy Brother Indica 420010 104

Chunky frosty nugs, needs trimming much better, hardly any smell at all, nice but bland taste, not much of it though, lots of arguments about the high, needs more looking into


Im still talking to you m8, lol, mine got good reviews I thought :) will be including the chiesel review to finish my chiesel thread, ty.

think all of the reviews were very honest and fair, cant ask for anymore than that, maybe for next year more members will start to take notes and post them up like this, going to give it a go myself for next year, will be very interesting to compare others notes as well, well done to you and sly and the other people that were helping you out, all had to be done in a day as well, good diary and an excellent idea for a thread, n1 chaos. :).

mosca negra

Fine work Chaos! Really appreciate your honest evaluations of all the entries.




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
YES fantastic post mate. This is what I have been waiting for.

IYO most of the samples laked taste and smell?
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
"Decent woody hazy smell, not that much resin, "

that wasnt my amnesia then, the stuff was probably stickier than anything I judged myself....and I judged breeders

In fact I'm so offended that I insist on sending you ANOTHER sample of it... such bullshit!

actually going through your notes and looking at my own scores for breeders, I think we must have been judging different competitions or someting because very little adds up.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...

This is exactly why we decided to write stuff down at the time. Looking back at just the score, a number, tells you so much less, I still have a bit of 002 left, just smelt it again, it is exactly what we reviewed, after a resniff, maybe it does seem more Floral... if a few more judges all add in reports we can get a far more accurate view next time, one judge's opinion is very skewed and not always correct, if we can get a few more doing this it could be a lot better.

All we ever intended is to give honest opinions on what was there and what we thought and liked, the whole point is that it would be way better if a number of judges added their opinions, IMO it would be far more accurate, like the voting is....

Again, apologies for the seemingly harsh words at times, the standard was very high so you have to be highly critical. Being British we do not tend to soft soap our opinions like our American friends, think Simon Cowell not Paula Abdul....

@hammerhead, yes, in some ways, nothing really shocked us with outrageous stinkyness, nothing was threatening to force it's way through 101 baggies... but there was some killer Ganja there... Conversations were actually heading towards "Is curing total BS ?" as most of us were getting to the conclusion that the freshest was the best, for most. Heresy for some, but it is just straight honest opinion.



This is exactly why we decided to write stuff down at the time. Looking back at just the score, a number, tells you so much less, I still have a bit of 002 left, just smelt it again, it is exactly what we reviewed, after a resniff, maybe it does seem more Floral... if a few more judges all add in reports we can get a far more accurate view next time, one judge's opinion is very skewed and not always correct, if we can get a few more doing this it could be a lot better.

All we ever intended is to give honest opinions on what was there and what we thought and liked, the whole point is that it would be way better if a number of judges added their opinions, IMO it would be far more accurate, like the voting is....

Again, apologies for the seemingly harsh words at times, the standard was very high so you have to be highly critical. Being British we do not tend to soft soap our opinions like our American friends, think Simon Cowell not Paula Abdul....

@hammerhead, yes, in some ways, nothing really shocked us with outrageous stinkyness, nothing was threatening to force it's way through 101 baggies... but there was some killer Ganja there... Conversations were actually heading towards "Is curing total BS ?" as most of us were getting to the conclusion that the freshest was the best, for most. Heresy for some, but it is just straight honest opinion.

nice report chaos ...

i'm suprised nothing shocked you stinky wise ,,that "real" sour diesel of jahs should've stunk the whole town out , and the cheese should've at least made the room stink a little .

maybe offer consolation prices to all entrants who never won a cup,i.e new fiskars ,,


Chaos Good honest report bruv... I flushed that sd for 4 weeks and took her 12 weeks flowering bruv, so sumthing must of went wrong in the curing process?

Anways its good to see sum of the icmag growers are growing better dank than sum of breeders these days lol.


Conversations were actually heading towards "Is curing total BS ?" as most of us were getting to the conclusion that the freshest was the best, for most.

There can be something to that. Most strains that I have grown is at their prime about 2-4 maybe up to 6 weeks into cure. But some buds benefit tremendously by 6+ months cure, they just explode in flavours, while others don't.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
opinions are subjective

photos less so

you see while you're telling all these people that my herb has no resin, they might like to see for themselves. see you could have said smelled rubbish, tasted like shit... but fortunately for me, you decided to pick out the one attribute I can prove by photograph...
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well jaime i had resin packed budz that lost that look after being chopped,dried and cured. TBH seems he was being rather forthwright with his reviews, you might disagree but did you keep notes like him to go back and refer to? i will have to side with the OP on this cuz i tend to believe him,it doesntst mean your wares are bunk just not to his liking.
Good to see your reviews mate!! I only kept a few notes but i can still remember most of the entries. I'll do a full review for next year, would be better to compare what a few of us thought.

I thought many of my samples were overly dry, and shaky. Jah, the sample of yours i had was in very small bits, and was quite dry.
It smelled excellent though, the taste came through well and it was in my overall top 3. If it wasn't such a shaky sample it would have scored much higher from me for looks.
Same with one of fizzbombs entries, the kali, what i got to judge was pretty much shake.

There was a few that had a beautiful, strong aroma, with a good taste (Sour D, Mental Home, Lavendar, Cheisel, G'fruit Fly, Chemdog, Sweet Skunk, Amnesia's, Kali, Mex haze,c99/a11 x Sour D, c99 BX1)
it just seemed so many other samples had lost a lot of smell or taste from being too dry.

I thought the same as you guys about DG's entries, looked and smelled very nice, but the taste didn't match up.
The entries i had of Jamie's were solid buds, nice tasting and sticky.

Most entries had an enjoyable smell, but only around half of them had a taste i would want to go back for.



Gene Mangler
Now that's the kind of feedback I want! Thanks CC, you know your nugs...

RAD: So that's what the Chitral's resemble? You called the age too, 56days.

Limon: The high? LOL not for the timid. Last of the '09 too, will try less cure next time.

Pfrut: I left the smaller lavendar leaf on purpose. kinda pretty :) Nice relaxing high, opposite of Limon.

Thanks again mate! I'll do a special trim job on my entries next time & add a week.
