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Judge moved by cop's courtroom plea for mercy; officer planted drugs on innocents


3rd-Eye Jedi

He cried — and the judge cut him loose.

A disgraced NYPD detective convicted of planting drugs on an innocent couple was looking at jail time when he walked into court on Thursday.

He walked out with probation after blubbering that he was ashamed of himself and pleading for mercy.

"I can't look at myself in the mirror anymore," Jason Arbeeny told Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Gustin Reichbach.
“Sir, I am begging you, please don't send me to jail."

In a bench trial, Reichbach found Arbeeny guilty of “flaking” — framing two people by planting crack in their car during a 2007 bust.

Arbeeny, who was on the force for 14 years, tearfully apologized to his victims.

“My oath went down the window, my pride went out the window,” he said.

Reichbach admitted the weepy mea culpa got to him.

"I came into court this morning determined that the nature of this crime requires some jail time," he said.

"I frankly didn't expect the defendant, at the 11th hour, to be making these claims."

He then sentenced him to five years’ probation and 300 hours of community service. He said each hour Arbeeny spends speaking to cops or police recruits about his misdeeds will count as two.
The ex-cop technically faced a maximum of four years in prison, though sources said he was never likely to get that much.
He was one of eight officers indicted in a Brooklyn South Narcotics scandal. His trial revealed the seamy side of narcotics policing, including cops getting sexual favors from junkies in exchange for drugs and making false arrests to meet quotas and rake in overtime.

Reichbach called Arbeeny's conduct "not only reprehensible abuse of trust and authority but the corruption of the entire criminal justice system."

But he was swayed by pleas from the defendant, his wife and lawyer, who talked about how he had lost his job, his pension and his health.

Arbeeny even mentioned that his young son is in therapy after threatening suicide.

Defense lawyer Michael Elbaz blamed the "enormous pressure" to meet arrest quotas.

The victims, Yvelisse DeLeon and Juan Figueroa, had asked Reichbach to send Arbeeny to prison and they seemed
ambivalent about the probation.

Asked if it was a just sentence, DeLeon said, "Not really."
Figueroa said Arbeeny's plea was “touching.”
“He lost everything,” he said.


Wonder if the real innocent victims had whipped up some fake ass tears in court, would the judge have been so generous? Probably not. No wonder these assholes keep pulling the shit they do. There are really no repercussions, and if they do get "time", they get segregation and protective custody. "Every hour he spends counts as 2"? Huh?


3rd-Eye Jedi
he victimized people and wasted precious city and state resource on innocent people

drug possession has neither of these resources but rikers got plenty of dudes doing time for it

fucking gross

absolutely gross


Active member
So the cop was carrying around drugs not in lock up = Possession

planting it on innocent people = Corruption

Judge see's cop "crying" and lets him go = Fucked up shit.


They should make a movie depicting this, explaining the cops twisted reasons for doing what he did, showing the devastation in the lives of the innocent victims. There will be a scene where the cop father explains to his son how him and his son are better than most people, citing the drug planting. In the end of the movie the cop should avoid the trial but find his son dead with a note explaining how he couldn't live in the world after realizing that the only way to get ahead in life is to prey on others.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/

this cocksucker belongs buried under the jail. his police chief and the mayor should be fired. the city should be sued and the police department severely reprimanded.

i wonder why people don't trust or just out right hate the police...

fuck this fucked up war on drugs... how's that shit working out for America and the world for that matter? It ain't, that's how !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Note to any future defendants that appear before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Gustin Reichbach; make sure your lawyer knows this story, and make sure you cry a fucking river. I mean cry like a kid whose puppy died. Like you are a dirty cop trying to fake your way out of well deserved prison buggering.


That's some sick shit makes me glad I don't live in a fascist police state. Don't get me wrong our police are scum but the independent watchdog has really cleaned up there act and kept them on there toes.
Do individual states not have an independent body to report police transgressions to?


When there is no 'justice' in the system why bother with it. Want a 2fer community service bitch? on you knees in an ally behind a dumpster servicing junkies n crack whores..Justice


Active member
So this judge didn't take into account that this crooked dirty cop was planting evidence, falsifying everything, and fully prepared to lie not only to fellow officers and anyone else involved in the case BUT ALSO apparently willing to lie TO A JUDGE about the planted evidence if necessary, but SOMEHOW now his tearful bullshit sob story is totally accepted as moving, factual testimony. I think the cop should rot in jail and that JUDGE should get his evaluation skills reviewed publicly. Douche bag...


How many people are wrongfully behind bars because of this guy? I am sure it wasn't his first time...

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Wow, cock slurping in open court. Have they no shame :moon:
We try that and the results are not the same.
Fuckin disgusts me, i feel like i might toss up my breakfast.


I'm sure the guys he framed with crack and drugs lost everything too...

Just another corrupt judge supporting the corrupt piggies...

The only reason he cried like a bitch was because he wanted his little brown round to stay tight, where it certainly wouldn't as a cop in prison...


Enormous Member
For anyone who's interested in complaining about Judge Gustin L Reichbach, here's some information that you might be interested in:

Gustin L Reichbach
(718) 855-2940

148 Bond St

Brooklyn, NY 11217-2242

Hon. Gustin L. Reichbach

Kings County Supreme Court
320 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(347) 296- 1076

How to file an 'offical' complaint":


Contact Information

The best way to communicate with us is by letter, particularly if your purpose is to make a complaint against a judge. (See the page within in this web site on Filing a Complaint.) You may also contact us by fax or e-mail, as indicated below; but please note that, by law, all complaints must be in writing and signed. Communications regarding complaints should be sent in writing to one of the postal addresses below. Because the Commission members decide whether to investigate a complaint, the Commission staff is not permitted to advise complainants or potential complainants whether their complaints would be investigated.
Postal Addresses 61 Broadway ♦ New York, New York 10006 (Principal Office) Corning Tower, Suite 2301 ♦ Empire State Plaza ♦ Albany, New York 12223400 Andrews Street ♦ Rochester, New York 14604Telephone646-386-4800 (New York City) 518-453-4600 (Albany)585-784-4141 (Rochester)Fax646-458-0037 (New York City) 518-486-1850 (Albany)585-232-7834 (Rochester)
Email the Commission:

General Inquiries: [email protected]

Comments Regarding Pending Rules Changes: [email protected]

For information on public records, go to Public Records on this website.


Cautiously Optimistic
Now that the story is out, there will probably mass appeals of the sentences given to those arrested by him, not to mention civil suits up the ass. And why wasn't this pig ordered to pay back all of the overtime he stole from the city while engaging in criminal activity? These guys are worse than pigs.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I'm sure the guys he framed with crack and drugs lost everything too...

Just another corrupt judge supporting the corrupt piggies...

The only reason he cried like a bitch was because he wanted his little brown round to stay tight, where it certainly wouldn't as a cop in prison...

he would have to worry about his life in prison not his asshole ;)

el dub

Don't they have special units for prisoners fearing for their lives?

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Round here its called
House alone block alone or more aptly Half ass Bitch ass