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Judge Gives 15 Years for 20 Plants

Daub Marley


This image shows Dan Viets (left), the DePriests' lawyer, and St. Francois County Prosecutor Jerrod Mahurin (right)

"In Missouri, if you kill someone while driving drunk, you could go to prison for -- at most -- 15 years. That's what Natalie and David DePriest are serving -- for growing marijuana.
Police found 12 mature plants and eight sprouts in their condo, and when the pair went to court, the judge issued the maximum sentence."
"Mahurin, the prosecutor, had told them that if they took their case to court, he would ask Circuit Court Judge Kenneth Pratte to hand down the maximum sentences allowed. On the other hand, If they pleaded guilty, there was good reason to think they'd be let off with a short, 120-day prison stint followed by probation. Nearly 80 percent of similar offenders in Missouri are punished that way or are simply let off with probation, according to the Missouri Department of Corrections’ Board of Probation and Parole."
"David said they would have accepted the prosecution's initial plea offer, but Mahurin had refused to allow the felony to be erased from the siblings’ records after their probation."

This bully of a prosecutor Jerrod Mahurin warns the defense to not oppose him or he will push for the maximum sentence. Every defense attorney should defend their clients in court without fear of retribution. Unfortunately that's how this screwed up system works. What should we do about it? Should and how can we offer a taste of their own medicine to the Prosecutor and Judge by punishing their poor decisions?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
See that is when I respond to the prosecutor. Don't oppose me or I will hang you upside down in my warehouse by inserting large metal hooks into your calves that are attached to hanging chains. Then I will drill a hole in the top of your head, and beat you with a bar wire wrapped baseball bat, like a holocaust surviver beats a hitler piñata, until you bleed out, while I listen to black sabbath. I may end up in prison but it won't bring you back.......


See that is when I respond to the prosecutor. Don't oppose me or I will hang you upside down in my warehouse by inserting large metal hooks into your calves that are attached to hanging chains. Then I will drill a hole in the top of your head, and beat you with a bar wire wrapped baseball bat, like a holocaust surviver beats a hitler piñata, until you bleed out, while I listen to black sabbath. I may end up in prison but it won't bring you back.......

That would totally work!


i hate to say it, i truly do, but when u get in the system ur best bet is pleading guilty, cause if not ull get the max thrown on you 99% of the time...


Active member
Yeah Missouri is pretty much in the middle ages when it comes to weed but this is extreme even for them. Spent a lot of time in St. Francois county for work and it's not a wealthy county, very rural. Got pulled over with a couple stinky joints and although they could never find them they charged me with d.u.i and impounded my truck along with some b.s moving violation cause they couldn't find the weed. I was lucky though and was able to dip my "urine sample" in the toilet to fill it with water and I guess it just came back negative. Still had to talk to a lawyer over it because it seemed they would fake evidence since they charged me without any in the first place. In the end they just didn't show up for the court dates. was in 2001 approx.


That seems true in America, but thats fucking disgusting.

Well that's true for some parts of this country. There are states in this nation where the people have not evolved for a long time. It's catching up with them though and so many states are trying to legalize pot. Dinosaurs die hard but they are dieing. Most of the younger generation thinks pot should be legalized so it's going to happen and in many states it is happening fast. So long red neck fools. Get on down the road, your time has come and gone.
Got to admit though that, after doing a little research on this story, it is clear that these two were idiots. They said they were Ron Paul supporters and that Ron thought pot should be legalized so there was nothing wrong with growing it. They told the Prosecuting Attorney that and they also said that they thought they weren't doing anything wrong because pot will be legal at some point in the future. They said that to the cops!
My guess is that they were probably growing without odor control or even trying to be safe with their grow because they thought they weren't doing anything wrong. They were also selling. The cops found a note pad with notes that looked like sales records. The guy was also in possession of an illegal gun. The PA offering them a 120 day sentence and probation. They turned it down.
So they were putting their business out in the street and talked way to much to the Prosecuting Attorney and the cops. DON'T TALK TO THE COPS. EVER!:wallbash: Keep your shit tight and shut your fucking mouth. Especially if you are living in a red neck, backward state. There is only word that should ever come out of your mouth when talking to the cops and that is-Lawyer.


Well-known member
the key is to not plead,

force contempt,

if they jail you, tell them you want to represent yourself, then immediately ask to be released on OR. If they deny you, simply tell the judge that as you are your own defense, the jail you sit in in inadequate to properly prepare any sort of means legally to move forward (i.e. 24/7 access to a proper library, internet, telephone ect).

Once out on OR, you should be able to appeal your way out of anything, just ask them to procure evidence of a victim. Which for any grow they can't.

If you have a legal dictionary, you would be amazed at the power of words, and what the law we live in is really about.

fuck this pig

Daub Marley

i hate to say it, i truly do, but when u get in the system ur best bet is pleading guilty, cause if not ull get the max thrown on you 99% of the time...
People routinely plead guilty when their not because of the pressure. It happens everyday and we don't hear about it. Those who cannot afford a lawyer plead guilty and it happens a lot more than people would expect. I highly recommend that everyone watch the documentary Gideon's Army.

This isn't how the justice system should work.
I am truly disgusted by it. How can we make an effective change?

They were also selling. The cops found a note pad with notes that looked like sales records. The guy was also in possession of an illegal gun. The PA offering them a 120 day sentence and probation. They turned it down.
Unless it said he sold x amount of marijuana then it is just speculation. The ledger was said to be the brothers poker winnings. It probably was his sales accounting, but that's not the point. These two got an outrageous amount of time for this and is a slap in the face to lady justice.

DON'T TALK TO THE COPS. EVER!:wallbash: Keep your shit tight and shut your fucking mouth.
Lol I wish everyone would just take this advice.