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Joran Van Der Sloot Arrested for Murder


The cat that loves cannabis
He's toast
I didn't know the woman was the daughter of a presidential candidate.
In a Peruvian prison, they could probably have him stabbed to death by other inmates for a few bananas, literally.
If given the choice, I might prefer a Peruvian prison over a US prison. Apparently the guards don't enter the prison, and if you have a little money you live like a king.



So we walked around all these cell blocks and it was one of the most intruiging things i have ever expericenced! There were prisoners that had jobs as security guards, policing the prisoners. There were families in the prison. Wives, teengagers, children, and babies livivng with the prisoners during the day. There were prison shops..barbers/resturants/cafes/and even a bar!

All the prisoners were exetremly friendly. They constantly said hello (hola amigo) and would give shake our hands and give us high fives. We bought some cigarettes outside the prison and would sometimes give them to the prisoners as gifts. The guide showed us where their cocaine factory and the roof of a building where they use to smuggle cocaine in and out of the prison.

At the end of our tour he took us to his room, which was nice and big, and offered the group cocaine and marijuana, for a price of course. There was no way i was going to do drugs in a foreign country, let alone a country that is technically at odds with the USA, and not in a prison either. So i respectfully turned it down. There were people in our group that did take the offer up though. An english couple bought a couple grams of coke, about a dollar and a half for a gram of near pure cocaine, which is incereibly cheap!! They did a line and bought a couple more grams of coke and a little bit of weed and then the tour was over. Just as fast as it started it ended with a memorable experience, watching tourists buy and do coke in a prison cell in la paz. UNREAL!

While the tour was over we were not obliged to leave the prison. Myself, martin, and the frenchman ate at the prison restuarant. Remarkable good and cheap, chatted with some prisoners, and watched the english couple smoke some joints across the way. We had another quick walkaround the prison and called it a day. We went to the entrance/exit gate where all the prison guards were located. Showed them our arm mark, signed out on the tourist ledger and we were back in the free world. I will never forget this tour ever
Reporting in the news that he confessed to 2nd murder today. I do hope the police waterboarded him (or worse).

Now, we just have to hope he isn't given bail. That cockroach will run for sure.

Where should we send the anal lube, so that his cellmates won' tear his bum up too badly?


The cat that loves cannabis
Looks like Karma caught up to the little fuck finally.
Haha joran, what goes around comes around.


The cat that loves cannabis
Little bastard was like the Aruban OJ
If your lucky/connected/rich enough to get away with murder once, then you better live right for the rest of your life, because everyones waiting for up to slip up again in even the tiniest way so they can hang you.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

No sure how many remember the Holloway case but for those who do IMO the Peruvian court is not gonna "fuck around" this like the Dutch did back then.
that's because the Dutch are even more corrupt than the Americans when it comes to justice for one of their own (van der Sluts father was a judge but is now dead) kin.......



cannabis enthusiast
strap him in the electric chair, i watched a show one time on tv where he admitted to the murder of natalie in a car with a hidden cam. glad hes gettin what is deserved punk is a bad person
i heard he was framed. sometimes things arent as they seem.

i have to agree, this seems too convenient and easy. killed and left in a room under his name? surely he'd at least leave her in an alley or make her dissapear, and not make the scene of the crime registered in his name. obviously he felt he had some leeway, and he did in aruba. He had no reason for a sense of security in peru, so why would he be so careless?


maybe he wanted to get caught. all that fame and crap that some psychos get a kick out of. he was mentioned on the colbert report briefly its like being famous. but really anyone can kill someone its not like you have to be special to do it. and its even more pathetic to get caught.


That punk is FUKED...he is going to the worst prison in the world. Even the guards don't go in. there is justice after all.


re:Natalee Holloway
Hopefully, they will discover that his father had a lot of involvement and arrest him as well.


Active member
Pops is dead trichy. I saw the clips of Joran and the peruvian woman entering his suite. If someone else went in and killed her dontcha think they'd have that on camera too? I mean ... it was Thunderdome on the clips ... 2 people enter 1 person leaves. IDK what happened in the room ... only 2 people do ... and one of them is dead. That's enough for me.


thx,iwannagetshohi. Just read his pops died unexpectedly while playing tennis.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
thx,iwannagetshohi. Just read his pops died unexpectedly while playing tennis.
RIP!?!? he should burn & rot in fucking hell, the van der Sluts are whores and mother fuckers, I hope his mother is alive and proud of the piece of shit she crapped out

they kept this fucker out of jail so that he could do it again.......



Active member
it makes me wounder also how many people are rich, and have a extremley condisending attitude and see other human/animal/plant life as worhtless.I see that the more money people have the more the come to expect things the way they want them,and if not satisfied, fly into a rage,naomi cambell rings a bell. i dont care for those type of people.