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JollyShaman's second ROLS attempt

Hey y'all, I'm excited to share this journal of my second ROLS attempt. I have a little 2' x 2' x 4' tent with a viparspectra p2000 LED and grow in 1 gal. fabric pots. I tried manifold training for the first time on my last grow and really liked the shape it created so I'll be giving that another go. I just started germinating one ea. of Sensi Seeds Super Skunk and Skunk #1, Next Generation Seeds Island Sweet Skunk, and Expert Seeds Amnesia Haze.

I made about 2 cu. ft. of "soil" about a year ago using this mix:
1 part local post-consumer Compost
1 part Coco Coir
1 part Perlite
1/2 part vermiculite

I was using the BioCanna line to feed into this mix as needed, but ran into some pH issues that hindered my last grow. This time around I've amended the mix with:
-2.5 cups of the build-a-soil coco coir mineral kit
-a 1 cu. ft. reamend old soil nutrient kit.
-I also added 1 qt. of EWC
-and 2 qts. of malted barley to the mix

Hopefully these amendments will kickstart some microbial and enzymatic activity on top of giving a good nutrient boost. The "soil" has been allowed to rest for about 3 weeks since it was last amended and is smelling like good dirt now. I tested it yesterday and the pH was sitting right around 6.6 so I'm hopeful that this grow will run smoothly. I just found a local supplier for a lot of these amendments so I'm stoked about that for the next round! I'm thinking about getting a Soil Savvy test so I can anticipate any deficiencies and top dress later to avoid issues.

I should have the seeds germinated and in the tent by Saturday or Sunday, pics will follow once I get some sprouts to show off 😁.

Much love!!


Active member
i would water in lactic acid bacteria and em1(or indigenous microbes) to inoculate the grow medium.

my friend grew sensi super skunk last year outdoors. it was his first grow ever and he royally fucked it up more than once. but she still gave him 450g of bud. its pretty resilient and a decent yield.
good luck with your grow.
i would water in lactic acid bacteria and em1(or indigenous microbes) to inoculate the grow medium.

I was thinking about that too. I've seen Great White at the local shops but it's so expensive it's hard to justify. I saw a ton of mycorrhizal growth after adding the barley, but I have no idea what it was.


Active member
I was thinking about that too. I've seen Great White at the local shops but it's so expensive it's hard to justify. I saw a ton of mycorrhizal growth after adding the barley, but I have no idea what it was.
i'm not good on mushroom names, but i have grown a few and i love to hunt wild ones. i believe what you saw was probably hyphae mycellium. it is comparable to roots of a plant (not really but kinda). mycorriza can only live on the surface and inside of living roots.
i hadn't heard of great white but it looks like an (snake-oil) inoculant.
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis:

  • Pisolithus tinctorius.........187,875 propagules per gram
  • Rhizopagan luteolus……….…5,219 propagules per gram
  • Rhizopagan fulvigleba…….…5,219 propagules per gram
  • Rhizopagan villosullus……….5,219 propagules per gram
  • Rhizopagan amylopogon……5,219 propagules per gram
  • Scleroderma citrinum…………5,219 propagules per gram
  • Scleroderma cepa……….………5,219 propagules per gram
  • Glomus aggregatrum……………….83 propagules per gram
  • Glomus intraradices.……………….83 propagules per gram
  • Glomus mosseae…….……………….83 propagules per gram
  • Glomus etunicatum………..……….83 propagules per gram
  • Glomus clarum……….……………….11 propagules per gram
  • Glomus monosporum……………..11 propagules per gram
  • Glomus deserticola………………….11 propagules per gram
  • Paraglomus brasilianum………….11 propagules per gram
  • Gigaspora margarita…….………….11 propagules per gram

ectomycorrhiza is useless to annuals and the only endomycorrhiza that is known to infect cannabis roots is glomus intraradices. (i could be wrong about the name, it has changed after i learned about it)
honestly it sounds like hype and won't do much for an indoor grow and you aren't missing out on much.
for a mycorrhiza inoculant i use wallace organic wonder. you can get a pound for the price of an ounce of great white.
Happy 420 everyone!! Hope y'all are all enjoying some fine herb this morning!!!

UPDATE: The beans all popped!! Honestly, it's been a while since I've had a dud seed outside of a few autoflower attempts that made me think I forgot how to grow, lol. Those things are too finicky for me. Anyway, after everything popped and sprouted in the paper towels I planted them on 4/17 and watered in with the following tea:

1 gallon batch: aerated ~4 hours
1 tbsp Insect Frass
1 tsp Plant Success Soluble Mycorrhizae
1 tbsp molasses

I got the soluble mycorrhizae because it was what was available at the local store, I'm hoping it helps to give the soil a good microbiome with all of this is it:

Guaranteed Analysis:
  • Total Nitrogen (N) 0.5%
    • 0.2% Water Soluble Nitrogen
    • 0.3% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
  • Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0.1%
  • Soluble Potash (K2O) 7%
Derived from: Ascophyllum Nodosum (seaweed extract)

Also Contains Non-Plant Food Ingredients:
  • 20% Humic Acids derived from leonardite
Mycorrhiza – 1,624,266 (propagules per gram)
  • Pisolithus tinctorius – 220,000 propagules per gram
  • Pisolithus tinctorius – 1,100,000 props/gram
  • Rhizopogon luteolus – 44,000 props/gram
  • Rhizopogon fulvigleba – 44,000 props/gram
  • Rhizopogon villosullus – 44,000 props/gram
  • Rhizopogon amylopogon – 44,000 props/gram
  • Scleroderma cepa – 72,600 props/gram
  • Scleroderma citrinum – 72,600 props/gram
  • Suillus granulatus – 145,000 prop/gram
  • Laccaria bicolor – 29,000 prop/gram
  • Laccaria laccata – 29,000 prop/gram
  • Glomus etunicatum – 14 props/gram
  • Glomus intraradices – 14 props/gram
  • Glomus mosseae – 14 props/gram
  • Glomus aggregatum – 14 props/gram
  • Glomus clarum – 2 props/gram
  • Glomus deserticola – 2 props/gram
  • Glomus monosporum – 2 props/gram
  • Gigaspora margarita 2 props/gram
  • Paraglomus brazilianum 2 props/gram
  • Bacillus licheniformis – 1,700,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus megaterium – 1,300,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus pumilus – 1,300,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus azotoformans – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus coagulans – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus thuringiensis – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Paenibacillus polymyxa – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Paenibacillus durum – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Azotobacter chroococcum – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Pseudomonas aureofaciens – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Pseudomonas fluorescens – 1,100,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus amyloliquefaciens – 600,000 CFU/gram
  • Bacillus subtilis – 175,000 CFU/gram
Contains the following 3 species
  • Trichoderma koningii - 400,200 CFU/gram
  • Trichoderma harzianum - 266,800 CFU/gram
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae - 1,100,000 CFU/gram
I let the tea I didn't use on Saturday go for another 24 hours or so and watered it in on Sunday. I checked the runoff of this watering and saw I was WAY off again!! Runoff was measuring between 7.8 and 8.3 depending on the pot. Another lesson learned, test runoff instead of using the cheap 3-way meter when I'm mixing up soil. I ran out and grabbed a bag of Hi-Yield Soil Sulfur to top dress at about 2.5g/gallon of soil and bring that down over the next few weeks. If anyone knows any tricks to help with this, I'm all ears.

As of this morning all of the girls have poked through the soil and are looking good! The Skunk #1 is about 12 - 24 hours behind the rest but I'm sure it'll catch up over the next couple days. My light is at 25% today, I'll start ramping that up over the next week to 50% and sit there until they hit the 3rd or 4th node depending on how they're looking. I don't want to put too much light on them until the runoff pH is lowered back below 7.0, so that'll be a fun game of small adjustments followed by compulsive watching of the sprouts to check for issues.

Room Conditions:
Light VFD Setting - 25%
AVG Daytime Temp - 76.6 F
AVG Daytime Humidity - 55%
AVG Daytime Air VPD - 1.40
AVG Nighttime Temp - 69.6 F
AVG Nighttime Humidity - 62%
AVG Nighttime Air VPD - 0.93

The tent:
Lebanese hash plant (late in season) -reds

The Girls:
View attachment slXBR8lC6QTpPL2uTszOz5flPQBkaRn-dvScUZGl26vwiYnTXkBPUdRKbTOUzhdtZmOhuehzv9DvoPcVuYcEMimT3zMCl9D-KLYB
View attachment cGrUPsV2LNq_t2I-q_cM8V5r5tJvppRvKR6NBFVQCcBdJ1VCrsaCNm5oY8uqboQOYN9J7vqdIPTBD-W8qKXkjnEtN_Ab156JuM_s
View attachment BHLZ5e6RtctSLFFn8O7giSGYl2fXLOAzOJb5IEr3ea6tF80jlgrrW8-4jkponyzW9hs1aFUJuhJ9r0G6sPZrWxWVnDu4iQ3njTdN
View attachment MQOi0w97zVMgAiDvv0xH-HUPBpExbAr3rIWwt5HNpNEpaboAXQgBsdERJaZJmikixznPPUTwDCQpiIF58-L1Xb7A__aQdEPSuOLa
^^^^ She's just barely got some stem poking up this morning.

Happy 420 everyone!!!!


Active member
no matter what you have available there will always be someone on the internet that this stuff from this website that you can get in three weeks is way better than what you use now. (and you might even be dumb for not knowing about it)

congrats you're a plant parent now. many tiny resin glands in your future.
It's been 10 days since the girls poked up through the dirt and they're looking good. The runoff pH has dropped from 8.6 to 8.0 so Sulfur + tons of microbes seems to be a good fix for high pH. I'm hopeful that it'll fix itself from here. The girls don't really seem to mind anyway at this point.

I've continued with watering daily to let the little girls acclimate to the light as I increased from 25% to 50% a few bumps at a time over the last 10 days so we have about 25W/sqft at this point. I'll leave them here until they get a little bigger. I'm really happy with how everything's looking considering the pH.

Room Conditions:
Light VFD Setting - 50% (100W)
AVG Daytime Temp - 78.2 F
AVG Daytime Humidity - 52.7%
AVG Daytime Air VPD - 1.55
AVG Nighttime Temp - 72.8 F
AVG Nighttime Humidity - 65%
AVG Nighttime Air VPD - 0.96
Runoff pH - ~8.0 (down from ~8.6 last week)

The girls: they're so cute when they're little like this.
View attachment bnEL0RIX40T9d4xmp79rjtSXbBwvrAAr7qZXxL6jhJbGyAqBIyNoG_uEbzesaU6rblMpEns7ESvDl_GpbPesfF_R98JLt2tEYU_4

View attachment IjhKlGynVVUsV-zq7mnqAXnRj0eNzz-YgSqjWGxjBioP0b6OplXrQDiiJTOfew7yuFz9ZckjRee9bKWreVtHii_YEFTfmRJFQEkc

View attachment aiI9Sq7jXt79bJBS4_938NK7r0GQJitG67nd1ROzn5MAiCRSvk8gY5kncsM_aqbJ-lF4FEqOV5CsLU88AHZKAhJDU8T-J0ggVDcE

View attachment x8U62inHB6xkjYV47SmiMDnNnwG342kqrtdTDBYnuNO6EKZYOSmB_9Zlq9jEboNv8-_KP1nspe6Q0OMhZLe45sDRFhK_sCBG1KN5
Much Love!!
Hey y'all, thanks for stopping by! Another quick update today, the girls have really blown up in the last week and are about as big as I can let them get before having to flip to flower or start training. I'm really curious to see the natural shape of these plants since it's my first time with all of the strains so, I'm just going to flip them into flower in the next week and see who bushes out and who stretches like a bean pole. From the current structure I'm expecting the Super Skunk and Amnesia Haze to get pretty bushy and the Island Sweet Skunk and Skunk #1 to shoot up like bean pole with little side branching.

They've had a few small signs of deficiencies, likely due to the pH, but nothing looks too serious at the moment. I'm posting a picture of some blistering on the leaves that I can't seem to find a diagnosis for, if it looks familiar to anybody I'd love to know what's going on. Also, the Super Skunk seems to droop at night through the first 30 minutes of the lights being on in the morning. I thought I might have a watering issue so I tried giving it an extra day to dry out and it didn't like that. I tried saturating the soil like crazy the next day and it responded better, but still drooped more than I'm used to from other strains. For now I'm writing that off to genetics until something tells me otherwise.

Room Conditions:
Light VFD Setting - 50% (100W)
AVG Daytime Temp - 80 F
AVG Daytime Humidity - 51%
AVG Daytime Air VPD - 1.70
AVG Nighttime Temp - 72 F
AVG Nighttime Humidity - 68%
AVG Nighttime Air VPD - 0.85

The girls: taken about 45 minutes after the lights come on today
View attachment fWhpVPfVw5-Gfj6TyQLm7tALvRtWNtkHGZ50BBpL-5EQm-8xFHKPUNn9Y_jfe2HeYX0RxtVGCWpMpo1zDGal7VXJqefcd8B-0FB4
Skunk #1^^^^

View attachment 2fWEZQ2LPsoJE4mzJEDWqyOlyevFWDpd_d6r8qT-kasTTJBxf67haRVLMWNvdCRvse4vrpyffv4Yb5UHAWQxvMiaqkUHKfI467Ds
Island Sweet Skunk^^^^

View attachment rLCsF56Wu0zAN1PlBcWuJaAmW3rEkeSRY4yJc_if_xFxtNUvb_Sr__12vj1UKRQYpkhHRt_Toe5ldWOpWxGW_opYdhIHT_IMObC3
Amnesia Haze^^^^

View attachment 7DP5vGDnBbMk7rOhuSLrJ5qmJqEVK-ryrCWQXlqqP8dqJ-qVfcff3ERmTZXBhYf2HVXK1OFvwbM0zD-pJMWOdtOoHb6MuOaXFASe
Super Skunk^^^^

View attachment 29LJXHy4I2sRXT7lmwBthWEfT5B6MDOlrlYKdu4XLStcvXuHG2DuDOBmgpVGzKHGJ4R3ky9KftygQGu_RAGS81P0NZV3artdIL1M
Leaf blistering showing up on everyone in varying degrees ^^^^

Much Love!!