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John Lennon's Birthday


Active member
I almost forgot, October 9th was John Lennon's birthday. Still is the 9th here. But he would've been 78.

For me, it was the same as when Kennedy was assassinated. I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard. I was working at night in a grocery store and near the front registers when the radio said it.

I just couldn't believe that one of the foremost proponents of peace had been shot in the back just going home after dinner.


Is that Kristopherson as your Avatar?

I just wrote to a member here about Lennon just before I saw yr post.

"Beautiful , beautiful, beautiful boy ... "

"So you say you want a revolution?"

So you say ...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

A true hero.


Bud Green

I dig dirt
As a high school kid around 1970, I joked to my Mom that I could always remember her birthday because it was the same day as John Lennon's..

I didn't mean to hurt her feelings....

Now she's gone too, and I miss her..

Happy Birthday, Mom.... and John....


Active member
Is that Kristopherson as your Avatar?

I just wrote to a member here about Lennon just before I saw yr post.

"Beautiful , beautiful, beautiful boy ... "

"So you say you want a revolution?"

So you say ...

The Dude , Big Lebowski


peri alypias
What a coincidence, without knowing Lennons Birthday, yesterday I saw a 90 minute documentary about the Beatles, called "Eight days a week".

Maybe he would look like on this Picture today?



Well-known member
The Beatles were great. John Lennon was a mean, unlikable asshole. Stop pretending he was a great human being because he could write some great songs. He was mean to the people around him, he was a crappy father and Paul McCartney wrote the best Beatle songs.

Lennon was a piece of shit dad and human being who could write some songs. When I heard he was shot I was surprised it wasn't Julian or someone who knew him personally who pulled the trigger.

He also grabbed his groupies by the pussy. This thread is populated by posters who hate a certain pussy grabber who is a great dad and love this pussy grabber who was a terrible father. It makes no fucking sense people. Get Woke!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Does anybody else have that one relative who comes home to see the family once a year who decides that love and happiness are bullshit and proceed to shit on anybody's peace and goodwill?

Sometimes this place feels like home.

I wonder what the fuck is wrong with people like that... but I don't have to wonder what's wrong with society.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If Lennon had not done something outstanding with his life, then we would not be talking about him now - He was a great advocate for peace in a time of war and wrote songs about it that are in all of our hearts and minds today -

So thanks John Lennon - you have been an inspiration.


peri alypias
Maybe naiv, but one of the greatest Songs ever in my opinion.

John Lennon, Plastic Ono Band
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
If Lennon had not done something outstanding with his life, then we would not be talking about him now - He was a great advocate for peace in a time of war and wrote songs about it that are in all of our hearts and minds today -

So thanks John Lennon - you have been an inspiration.

Aye, this true..

HOWEVER, Lennon's former personal assistant, Fred Seaman, said that towards the end of his life, Lennon was quietly moving away from the hippie countercultures and started adopting a more conservative view on life and the world. And that he was a Reagan supporter, too. Then again, Seaman guy got fired from his job after he got busted stealing Lennon's stuff, and might have just talked shit cause he was bitter. Who knows?

There's one good thing about heroes that die you tho, and that is the fact that we will never see them totally sell out, and do stuff like sing duets with Justin Bieber on American Idol season finale, or something lame like that.

Eazy-E said:
Only the good die young, so I guess that makes me young


Well-known member
Does anybody else have that one relative who comes home to see the family once a year who decides that love and happiness are bullshit and proceed to shit on anybody's peace and goodwill?

Sometimes this place feels like home.

I wonder what the fuck is wrong with people like that... but I don't have to wonder what's wrong with society.

That describes you very accurate. Now you know. Your latest was in the mma thread. You know. How you said we were all stupid for getting into it.

That's why I came into the thread. But I didn't say anything about Lennon that wasn't true. You and Water have been all over IC devil's advocating numerous threads.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

You mean where I pointed out they were making money and people were paying to watch?


I didn't call anybody stupid... yet.


Well-known member
Yes you did. You implied we were manipulated too. I was going to research your posts but there was already a page or two of all political posts in 2 days so I skipped it. I am comfortable with my word against yours.

You know John Lennon's birthday thread does have a lot less replies than I would have predicted. And Gypsy is right. Lennon made his mark on the world. Many people are looking back on history and seeing people in a different light. Lennon had some serious flaws. Lennon was not a hero. He was a great musician though. So he was an icon.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you're comfortable with your word versus mine you'll be disappointed to know you are a liar.

Anyone can search my posts and see they aren't all political.

I never called anyone stupid for anything in that thread... and anyone can go read for themselves.

Put it back where it came from if you don't know where it goes.

PS I asked if anyone felt manipulated. That actually happened.


Well-known member
Lennon was -is my fav amongst the Beatles. I like his wisdom and peacful soul. Plus he liked bicycles so even better