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Joe's Grow



Okay here we go with a Moondawg update. Here they are a couple days after transplant into .50 gallon bags. A couple were ravaged pretty hard from pests but I think I got em controlled now (so far).

All deficiencies should be quelled as they were transplanted into a mix ammended with bone meal (with added Ca), a tablespoon of epsom and was supercharged with a fish, seaweed, and molasses watering to mix it alltogether. All 5 have already made huge improvements in just a couple days. Wish I had documented when they were under attack to show comparison -_-

First I'll show the oddball pheno that looks like it maybe naturally topped itaelf or something? I don't know as I'm not familiar with seeing this.

The oddball and another pheno are also makig strange lateral branches that are above the actual nodes. Assuming this is an OTM trait?

Now here they are as a group. I didn't re-label them after transplant so I don't know what's what from germination. I'll be taking cuts of all 5 when they mature further.


Sup TK, thanks man.

Okay folks, I took some pictures and they all came put like shit except for two that I took of my Moondawg #2 pheno, so instead of a picture update we have a little spotlight on Moondawg F2 #2 lol. Leaves so far are a bit broader but it carries the same smell as the rest.

*Only one MD has a variation in odor so far and it's a lighter chemmy fresh cut grass type of smell. The rest so far are chem in odor, you can smell them when you come into the room they are veggin in.

So far even with the pest problems in the beginning, they are all quite vigorous except for the mutant and are right back on track.

And now for the pictures of Moondawg plant #2 (it's also the bottom middle plant pictured in the group shot above)



I'll take better ones tomorrow with a better camera. Just smoked and now I don't feel like doing much else than eat some delicious fruit.



Some pics from today.

Tried to get better shots of the #3 freak. The top looks like it's nothing but leaf and now has two heads. The stem is also square-ish shaped.

Moondawg F2 #1

Moondawg F2 #2

Moondawg F2 #3




Info on the chemdawg used in this strain

Whats up people!

Been busy as hell as usual and in the next few days Ill get back and read all the threads and answer questions but I just havent had time lately.*

Something has come to my attention and I appreciate folks letting me know whats up around the boards. Raging discussions are going on about my Chemdawg cut and I just want to clear the air in public for all to see.

My chemdawg cut is not the SkunkVa cut. Now I dont really want to get into any raging discussions about what the truth is and whats what, cause to be honest, no one knows the truth. All we know for sure is what we can grow and what we can see. Any of you who have been around awhile will know what Im about to say, but let me reiterate whats up.

As many of you know, there was a time when I completely dissappeared from the web, alot of that had to do with all the nay sayers and I just got tired of hearing it and left the web community. Part of that was all the talk about my HB and my Chemdawg being fakes. I recieved both those cuts within a 6 month time frame from each other and both came from sources completely unrelated to the internet. My cuts are not in circulation and trying to pin them down as to which cut they are is ridiculous. They are not cuts from the web, Im the man that brought them to the communities attention, thats not to say I originally bred them, (I didnt), Im just the guy who showed up with them online.

My chemdawg came from Grateful dead family in Oregon. Thats how I sourced it and those folks are not online. It was sourced back in 2005ish, about the time Rezdog was doing all his work on ECSD and ECSD was all the rage back then. No chemdawg cuts were in circulation back then except the SkunkVa cut which wasnt really in circulation, it was passed tightly among a small group of people who held it tight. Now in todays world, the legend is that the SkunkVa cut is the original chemdawg91. Thats the story as put forth by chemdawg(Himself). Ill say straight up, I thinkt he whole chemdawg story is full of shit. Ill say it here, and Ive said it on other boards. I put no weight on the story going around the web from chemdawg. That being said, lets get to what we can verify. The skunkVa cut is most definately more in the OGK family. So what is chemdawg then? Thats where it all gets confusing. Everyone has their guesses and everyone has an opinion, but untill an individual has grown them all out and seen them for him/herself, you dont know anything. Ive grown the skunkVa, Tahoe og, TK, f-cut my HB and many others......Ive done blind side by side tests with my friends and no one(not one soul) can tell the skunkVa apart from all the other OGK's. Its in the smoke that you can start really seeing differences. Of course thay all have their slight difference in growing characteristics, but essentially they all grow very similar to each other.

So where does my chemdawg cut fit into this story??? *Well, im not very sure. I do know that I got my cut long before chemdawg cuts were being passed around or being bred. It didnt come from seed stock from the web. My chemdawg cut is very similar to my HB cut. Its potent as hell, more potent than most og's and more potent that the skunkVa cut. It has a rancid fuel thing going on, very similar to what the chem4 is like, but my chemdawg is more potent than the chem4.

Both my HB and CD have similar stories. And If I listened to what "people in the know" had said many many years ago, I would have thrown out my HB. *And what do we know today about my HB?? Well, its some of the best herb on the planet and very few OGK's stand up to my HB. Need proof? Dont take my word for it. Just read what others say after they smoke it. I produce my HB for med clubs in California and it goes under the name of Underdawg or Underdawg OG, the hydro chem version of my HB goes to the clubs as Overlord OG. So googls search it and see what folks say. Dont take my word for anything....take hundred of peoples opinions who actually smoke it and arent just regurgitating the same wives tales that have going around the web for a decade. My CD is similar. It isnt the skunkVa, and thank God for that....cause my CD is better. Mine is not an OGK like the skunkVa, its most definately more like the chem4 and sourD but better than both. But dont take my word for it.....grow it for yourself and see. If it wasnt good, I would have tossed it out long ago. And I have all the cuts, all except the chem3 is the only chem I havent run out...and none of them is as good as my chem. *

If I had listened to the folks who "know" I would have thrown both cuts away. Thank God I didnt. For years Ive kept my mouth shut cause I hadnt grown everything out and seen for myself. But now, I can talk from experience....I dont know what the truth is....I do know how they all comapare though cause I have them and grown them out. So I know this doesnt clear anything up about what the real truth is, and I dont know if we will ever know. But I needed to make it clear what my stance is on all this and what is the actual breeding lineage of the plants I use. I figure I owe it to all you who are buying, testing, growing and/or smoking my gear/flowers. Know that nothing I breed with is is recirculated internet plants, none of them are from seed stock and are clone-onlies that I recieved long long time before anyone was making a living off breeding these plants.

Me and a few other very notable heads from the online community have been discussing all this for awhile now. I wont name drop and I wont drag other names of my friends through this discussion, just know that there are quite a few folks who feel very similar to me about all this. We all share our plants, our herbs, our experiences to try to figure out the truth. The truth is allusive, and we'll never probably know. The only way to have an educated opinion is to grow and smoke them and see for yourself what you think is up. The CD cut I have ranks up there with my HB(which supposedly is fake also...LOL). *But anyone who has personally smoked it knows whats up.

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