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Joe's first grow: pc, 4 ak47-s, and 100w hps


New member
Nice grow!

So you finally did get yourself a computer case. Good, good.

I hope i can try your stuff, once it's ready. :dance013:


Hiya! day 49 of flowering update! things are going crazy and right now im feeding them with HESI phosporous plus and HESI bloom complex. things are really smelling up and buds are finally starting to fatten. the smell is like pine or something fresh but really cuts in your nose, nothing sweet, reminds me white widow a little.

if you notice on the picture ive taken away all the leaves that were under the screen, and i removed the screen because i don't need it anymore.

so here are the pics :p













Well-known member
wow wow wow they look so dam great.

so how r u pc growers growing plants under an hps lights with out getting too much heat to the plants?


wow wow wow they look so dam great.

so how r u pc growers growing plants under an hps lights with out getting too much heat to the plants?

cut a bottom off a vase and you have a cooltube :p, temps are in there like 25-28C, roots have even cooler conditions

and thats a 100w hps, gives 9600 lumens out, i need like 9686(10 000 lumens per square feet) and its going great. during the next two weeks they should really fatten up and hoping to get something like 50g dry out of this.

and ofcourse i must say big thanks to the nutes... havent seen much hesi around here - everyone is using advanced nutrients. are those so much better then?


hey, day 51 of flowering update

little bit bad news :(

i attached a new scrog screen with bigger holes to the setup, and while i twisted the branches evenly under the screen, i think i hurt them a little too much, and plants are right now weak and not holding themselves up. i really hope this stress will go away soon, because there is like 2 weeks left for flowering, and this would fuck up the yield i was hoping for...

if anyone has experience with this kind of stuff then please post and tell me what happened. i really thought my LST was enough and they would go through this screenchange wihtout problems...

oh and another question, if i reveg this plant, will the yield be smaller than the first harvest, and if so then how much(like half, quater or so, no exact numbers needed) ?

peace, :)


New member
I've never heard of a screen change before. In fact, you likely don't need the screen at all after about week 4 of flower. Kinda hard to say without pictures, but I say you prop up the colas with some plant supports and let it recover.


edited this post like 10 times, but here's the conclusion of recent events:

I had a little bit problems with detecting underwatering, plants were really sagging for 24 hours but then i realized that i hadn't watered them for 4 days now, and they are pretty big in they're small pots. probably would have detected this sooner if there were any fanleaves left which died because of the lack of light under the screen.

most of the "trim" leaves are okay and not sagging like they were 8 hours ago :), ill update soon to show how much damage it did:
smaller buds underneath dried completely, some trim leaves died and i accidentally left the plants too close to the light and a little of the main cola's tip was dried by the hot cooltube. I collected all the dried and dead parts from the plants and smoked it.

1st smoke report(preharvest)

well for a half g joint, pretty decent high and I can feel the indica dominating, but not complete couchlock.
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i just discovered white salt cristals in my pots, so i think i overferted them, both pots were flushed with double amount of water the pots can hold. well i hope they survive, there is few green left but it made 20% of the trim leaves die and there are about 5 days till the harvest. i hope it survives and still produces me 10 grams...

peace, :)


right now im using plain water which ph should be a bit too high, but its flush time anyways, so it shouldnt do much bad.

i used to water with water mixed with hesi nutes. i think i shouldn't have watered them every time with it, its a bit too small pot(1 litre) for that.

well, atleast i know what a nuteburn looks like. i take this as an experience, now i know how much is too much :D

Guest 107167

Hey man!! Where did you buy your mylar? I'm looking for a cheap one, but can't say cheap about aquaplant's mylar.