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Joe Budden's Secret Organic Garden of Magic


Joe Budden

High all my name is Joe Budden and this will be my first grow diary here at ICmag. I have been a member of ICmag for over a year (I think) and am very excited to share my garden with you guys. You all are invited to tag along regardless if you know me or not, I really enjoy reading your comments so please chip in.

Ok I'm going 100% organic for this grow and will be using the biobizz range, I have never used them before so I'm excited, if anyone has any tips please share, I do understand that they are low in mag and cal.
Heres what I have got:

- Bio Grow
- Bio Bloom
- BioBizz TopMax
- BioBizz Fix-Mix
- BioBizz Alg-A-Mic
- Advanced Nutrients Fulvic Acid
- Advanced Nutrients Humic Acid
- Hesi Root Complex
- Supervit

I will be getting more like grandma's molasses and if anybody can recommend more that would be great.
My soil is plagron Light mix, I will be adding worm castings, perlite, vermiculite, epsom salts (for a lil extra mag), lime, and bat guano in flower.

My situation

Ok my proper growroom wont be ready for 2-3 weeks as I'm getting a new property, so for now I have just put the plants in the attic under a 600w aircooled by a 125mm rvk. when the plants are moved into their new room they will be under 2 x 600w aircooled by an inline fan with the following spec: 200mm 1000m3 per hour.

- 2 x 600w Digital Aircooled (125mm)
- 1 400w hps/mh
- rvk fan 125mm
- Inline fan 200mm 1000m3/hour
- 10 meters x 2 meters width of reflective white plastic.
- 45 seeds
- 1 circulation fan
- ph meter


I have a nice selection of seeds to start this grow, here is what I have.
- 10 Chronic
- 8 AK47
- 11 Pot of Gold
- 10 The Hog
- 6 White Widow

I chose the chronic and Pot of gold purely for yield.

Ok this grow is mainly to get mother plants and cash for my next grow which is going to be bigger. I plan on takin mother plants from the AK, WW, POG, and Chronic. The mother plants will be kept under a 400w MH.

When the plants show their 3 set of leaves I'm going to start lst I will continue to lst for the entire grow, this will be my first time doing an lst so if anyone wants go give me sum tips go right ahead. out of the 45 seeds I hope to get at least 20 females.

All seeds bar a few have germinated using paper towel, I planted all seeds and hope to see them rise in a few days. I wont be using any nutes for a week, I plan on using all my nutes (not includiing bloom nutes) for every watering, they will be bubbled for 2-3 days before I feed, just as jiggy does, hope ur out there bro.

My light comes on at 6pm and turns off at noon, my temps are a steady 83 and humidy is a lil low at 41%.

Ok I think thats about it, I will be keeping this thread updated daily and if anyone has any questions or advice then please post. Oh and before I go here is some pics of my garden, remember this is only their temp growroom.

And I have planted in these lil cardboard pots that came in 100, does anybody know if the roots will grow tru these or wat? I can get pics if needed.

Thanks for taking your time to read
I'll see yall l8r :headbange :headbange


Joe Budden

Hey guys thanks for following along, it means allot to me.

Joe Budden

Hey guys just a quick update, 1 plant has risen above the soil, its a white widow. Others yet to follow, I hope they all are up by 2mara. I'll be getting pics up 2mara.
l8r guys

Joe Budden

WoW good response people, it really makes my day to read your comments folks, keeps me motivated to keep everything going, thanks a million guys!!

Okaley Dokaley the show must go onn!! Ok so there isnt much updating to do, I got a few pics for you guys tho,
I think I'll go ahead and call this day 1 :p


Day 1 :p
Temp: 75oF
Humidity 46%

Ok so today as I went up to see how my babies were doing I was nicely surprised to see a few heads popping up from under the dark soil, with a helping hand from myself I pulled the seed shell of a few seedlings and revealed 17 seedlings in total! There is a leader however and its the white widow which is racing ahead of the rest and is about an inch about the top of the soil.

Everything is running steady and I have got perfect temps and although my humidity is a lil low I'm happy, I havent done any mods to my growing space as putting up reflective plastic at this stage is pointless as we only have small seedlings and it would probz bring the temp up around my babies! which I can't have!! :p:p lol
Here is some seedling porn for you guys, I must warn ya I havent got my good cam and am using a crappy fone camera :cry: buy ya can still make shit out.


Later all

Joe Budden

Just a quick update, temps are at 82, humidy is at 43% and I was pleased to see that 42 seeds have now broken above the soil, if anybody's interested :D:D:D


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey joe ,looking good :yes:
ur gonna have a jungle on ur hands in 4 wks lol

im using a 600w cool tube and im still struggling big time with my temps up the loft
summer is def here


Joe Budden

Hello people thanks for stopping by to see my grow, the little seedlings have been growing good and nearly all have develeped their first leaf.

m@rg - Hey m@rg thanks for stoppin by, always good to see growers close to home :D yea I'm going to have a jungle man lol but I can't wait!

Currently my temps are sitting around 80 - 85 and the highest got up to 90 :jawdrop:, I got my new fan in today it's powered at 1000m3/ph :muahaha:! But I'll have my new growroom by the end of next weed hopefully!

stoney419 - Hey thank you very much, yea I hope so to but they won't compair to your setup man, u got so much love in ur garden man its unreal, much respect for you droppin by here.

Ok well my temps are steady lights on 83. Lights off 76 I'm happy with this but my dam humidy is drivin me nutz lol its sittin at 40-50% grrrr :rant:

The little seedlings are getting lanky and falling over themselve's man I hope it wasnt the vodka tat I had layin around :nono: Anywhoo here is some seedling porn for you guys :p

As you can see things are looking a little dangley, will be fixed 2mara

Hey little buddy

OK I need help with this one guys, it has no leaf's??? wtf wats goin onn here, this little ak is a mutant :puppydoge

Cool Pic

Here is the new home of the seedlings, as they are gettin lanky

They are 1 pint each, I bought 50 of em

Oh and my fan came 2day, 1000m/ph tats gonna suck the air out of my 2 600's, do you fink its a bit excessive?? lol

Well thats about it folks, everything looks good except for the dangling but I'll be transplanting to the 1 pint plastic cups as soon as I poke some drainage holes lol got 45 cups to do :puppydoge :puppydoge gonna be a long nite, I'm using candle and bit of metal to do it lol, and do you think my fan is 2 big for the 2 lights? well tats all folks please comment.
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Joe Budden

Hello howd it be ppl? Ok just a small updatie!~!

Temps - 76
Humidy - 46% :cuss: lol

I changed all my babies to their new 1 week home :laughing: 1 pint lol, it really helped me to strighten em out cuz they were gettin lanky and shit! But they all look like happy lil campers now :wave: at the end of next week I'll transplant em into 11 Ltr square pots, hopefully I'll have my new growroom :muahaha:

I give em a little bit of root juice ;) after the transplant, and I added a little biobizz grow just for good measures! I'll see how they like it 2mara, they will either hate me or love me lol

Here is their new home for now :D

Can anyone suggest when I sould use my other nutes? I got Biobizz fishmix, Humic acid, Fulvic acid? any help would be great.
Later folks

Joe Budden

hey Pirate138 man yea they were 2 far away man, I got that problem fixed, but my other growroom is up and running now so I'm happy :p, going to up load pics now so keep watching this space, btw Pirate I love ur grows.

Joe Budden

Ok guys sorry for not updating this in a while but here it is, I got my new growroom built, I blacked out the window by duct-tapin' cardboard to it, I will be putting plywood up on it 2mara, next i put white plastic all over the walls.

Got my 2 600's in there and I am venting up to the attic tru a cuboard. Everything is going sweet, they are growing good now compaired to my previous grow room.

My main objective is to get 20 ounces from this grow, what do you guys think?

Ok well I got all the males out, and out of 40 plants I got 26 females, I'm very happy about that!! What do you guys think I can expect for yield?

The stared flowering on Friday so this is where the fun begins!! Here's sum pics for you guys, please comment.

Blacked out window, I have got plywood which I'll put over this.



Please comment guys.

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Active member
hell if theyre free ill take two! Everything looking good with those new lights in there. Things look like theryre picking up nicely :)

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