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M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
welcome to my first smoke report!

this will be a multiple entry report as i have 2 diff cuts going and i will give reports at various stages of growth and curing.

plant 1 (sd x og #2 cut) was taken at day 56. approx. 2 weeks early by my estimations... pinhole leaks cause nanners in sd dom plants, who knew? ...overnight ...exploding out of every orifice like some sort of systemic virus. it was gnarly. needless to say it got the chop...

now before u think im bashing this, hear me out...
i have several diff. sd x og plants in my perpetual sog and many are the exact same cut. no other plants have displayed these characteristics, just so u guys know. this plant was just in the corner affected by the pinhole... anyways chopped the herm, trimmed, hung for 3-4 days, then burped for another couple days... herb is down to final weight, i grind up and pack about half a bubbler bowl (ended up being a hit and a half)

this is the first entry of my report:

appearance: it looks very trich coated and is a light green color. trichs are mostly white, with some clear.

smell: to be honest, it smelled a bit better on the plant. but keep in mind that this hasn't been curing and is fresh off the hanging/burping stage and smell hasn't quite bounced back yet. smell was fainter than usual, but definately still there. lemons, candy, perhaps menthol? (wasn't quite fuel yet)

taste: the taste was very satisfying. a most desirable taste of lemon cough drops on roof of my mouth (again with the menthol, i could be crazy tho this has been a rollercoaster) the inhale and exhale were remarkably smooth and clean. this could be due in part to the organic methods i use.

potency: ok, here's where we play story time... i've been smokin oil all night and 1 hit of this just CUT through it and floored me. the chest expansion was proper on the inhale, and shortly after the exhale my head started pulsating. extreme punch to the dome piece... few minutes later and a full body buzz ensued. i was giddy, i was clumsy. i laughed, i cried, i typed this whole thing and "somehow" closed the browser by "accidently" clicking on it even tho i was staring at the screen... all i can say is this: THIS WEED IS FANTASTIC!!

further reports to come... :joint:

im editing this, to let u all know that the problems were strictly light leak related... and that this same cut is STILL in my garden!

i even made f3's...



M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
picture update for plant #1

picture update for plant #1


a pic of plant #1 prior to chop, this is at approx. day 55


a pic of the chopped and trimmed result. after being thoroughly dried and buds removed from stems, this yielded 10.5 g's out of a 2 liter soda bottle. not too bad for my first run with it and in such a small container.


Hey Don'tstep...

More, more, more~!!!

I find the early chop very interesting, many folks would say that if you do that you will be decreasing the potency of the bud, but it seems by your report that you were floored by it.

I'm curious as to the nutes you used as well. Did you find the SDOG to be particularly hungry for Nitrogen? I have some SDOG girls going, in very small containers (1 liter, cut down to about 20 oz size), and some of my SDOG are having their leaves (mostly lower) going yellow in the N-deficiency way. I'm not sure of the cause, this grow started badly with my overwatering for a few weeks, and I think the plants have been weirded out ever since then. I plan on moving to 2 liter bottles from now on.

Looking forward to the rest of your report :)


Active member
Really nice. Looks to me like well balanced with some of the OG genes coming through.

dontstep, one report I read on SDOG said it was- very very euphoric and like viagra. Did you find it to be calming and comfortable to the mind and perhaps even physically stimulating?


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
vh - from my experience (limited so far to the 1 harvested plant,but many more to follow!) the high is a sativa punch to the dome, which spreads down to your toes giving you a full body buzz (and this is off a hit or 2!) not sure about the viagra thing, as i havent hit it and then been alone with the lady...

but the high IS very desirable, as is the smell, appearance, and taste. i like that it gives me that sativa rush but then brings u back down to the couch. very nice!

potency is high!

also, had a buddy try a bowl with me. despite this being 2 weeks premie and no cure, he rated it his top weed of 09, no doubt in his mind. and we began the discussion about how we are going into "ultimate strain" territory with this cross...

we also decided that the smell was like a semi truck burnin' rubber at a gas station.

that's all for now kiddies, but i shall return!


nice report, makes me jealous i never got in on this offering.

wow, day 56 under T5's and they look ready to chop. great job.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
here's another pic of my sourdog cut


got a bunch more coming guys, and once i get a fully matured plant with a decent cure i will do another complete smoke report within this thread...



Active member
ICMag Donor
looking great my friend, cant wait to pop my old f1s, wonder if they are still viable. anyways, just popping in to say hey and looking fine. peace and smoke.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
the second plant i chopped seems like it may b a different pheno. it's burping in jars right now, so within the week i will b tasting it.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
well guys, i've been waiting on some plants to cure/finish so i could give u a proper update.

that time is very near. tonight i am chopping 4 more sd x og's (3 sd leaning and 1 coughdrop pheno)

so without further adieu here is a smoke report on the coughdrop pheno as i am now calling it.

appearance: buds are a lil bit tighter than the sd leaning buds. plant had a more short stature and seemed to finish a bit faster. buds are also a bit darker in color than the neon green sd pheno.

smell: this is really where the pheno gets its nickname. it REEKS (a common term in this smoke report lol) of mentholated berries! very sharp menthol aroma that "stings" the nostrils. very different from the fuely smell of the sd leaning.

inhale: very smooth, and not much initial flavor.

chest/expansion: little bit of expansion, nothing to make u choke.

exhale: flavor, engaged. gumdrops with a hint of cedar shavings. mellow.

effects: mellow. very easy on the come on. leaves me feeling good and nothing overwhelming.

overall: i am keeping this to run a few more time at least. while i prefer the flavor and high of the sd leaning pheno, this one does have its advantages. while the sd leaner is finnicky and loves to spit nanners final week, the other grows rock steady albeit a tad slow.

alright guys, i'll have some picture updates upcoming as well as smoke reports on these phenos at day 63-67-71 or thereabouts and what differences i can find between them.

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