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JLP's Heaven X Ultimate Moonshine

I want to thank JLP for his generosity. These are a couple of pics of H.U.M. They've been vegging for about 8-9 days and are at 4-5 nodes. Under a 1000w cool delux, DWC. I planted 6 seeds and all germinated. Thanks again JLP!!!!


H.U.M., I like it!
I've got a couple of HUM's about the same size.
I'll keep my eye on this one.
Good work Jack and John!



New member
Looks good!

Looks good!

Hey Jack,

Looks great man, keep up the good work. Also JLP thanks from all of us for being so nice to help people out with strains that you breed yourself.

Take care all, KindBudd
They've been vegging for about 2 weeks. I haven't noticed much variation between the plants. They all look Indica dominate with nice fat leaves. I do have 2 plants that don't take a lot of nutrients. I burned the leaves a bit. They are under a 1000w MH.

You can see a little heat stress on the leaves.

Thanks everyone


resident slackass
what's in a name

what's in a name

hey guys,
i noticed that some of you have dubbed this cross hum.
i had a thought for a name that i just thought i'd throw out and see if anyone likes it. how about...


hehehe..... i really wish i had gotten some of these. i don't know what happened. i put my request in and got an pm from jlp saying they would be mailed the next day but they never arrived.

anyway, so what do you guys think of the suggestion?


resident slackass
i can only imagine the number of requests that jlp gets when he makes these offers.
if it weren't for the fact that i've already got 3 of his crosses i would say it sounds too good to be true

so far i've got:

since all of these have so much sativa in them i'm saving them for hawaii
:D ;)
yeah JLP said mine got sent out too and never got them. I thought they got snagged or something but knowing others didn't get them also makes me feel better.

i was lucky enough to get some Juliets from him :D

still have yet to grow those out. Thanks JLP ;)

ill be waiting for the next strain thats not a haze (just not enough room and light)
I grew JLP's Juliet too. They were nice plants.Had a greasy look to them and the smell was indescribable. Smoked great too!

Hey mybeans420, DIVINE MOONSHINE sounds good to me but I didn't make the seeds. If these plants are worthy, I might take my two best plants and make more seeds. These plants grow so uniform you'd think they were clones!

Thanks again JLP!!!
Dead men walking

Dead men walking

Bad news! out of 6 plants, 5 are male. One lone female plant. Kinda strange. I grew 6 Juliets too and they were all female.
At least I have 1 female!!!!

