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Jim's Tent - 400W Aero Tent

Hey everyone, I'm new here. I've been using GC for about 4 years and came to this place and found a lot of interesting stuff.

Right now I'm growing Great White Shark and Big Bang. I have Northern Lights, Himalaya Gold and Durban Poison germing.

I will veg the germing seeds for a short time then throw them into flower with the clones I just took. That will be in about two weeks.

I've been growing for about 2 years, this is my second hydro run, first with aeroponics.


3x3x6.5 tent
14 site aero tub
Profilter 50s Filter and 6" Vortex

Plants right now have an Mg deficiency which I need to wait on my Cal-Mag to fix. It has slowed down after I fed them a good dose of Sweet Citrus but their growth is somewhat stunted. I am looking to flower within the week.

Few days old

About two weeks

3.5 weeks(current - taken today)

Freshly taken cuttings

Fan/Filter setup

Here is a pic of one of my leafs (the only one that JUST started to show these spots) and me and someone else in the infirmary section both think its a cal/mag deficiency. Looks way different then yours but who knows maybe mine is cal and yours is mag or vise verse. None the less he told me to add 5ml of cal mag per gallon of res water so that's what I'm going to stick with. Initially when i made the res mix i just guessed at what was enough for small lil plants and was at 3.5ml per gal.

Anyways good luck on your grow!


hey Jim! just saw yer intro then found this thread so I answered my own question..(what strains)
as far as the cal mag, dont forget to go check out the infirmary here in the forums section just to be sure, but it sounds like you got things under control!
Thanks for checkin' in CD. I have 8 plants now that are all flowering. I will post up some budshots when I get home. They have all come a looonnngg way.
Week 5 Flower

Week 5 Flower

Here's a long long long long...... long long long overdue update.

Week 5 Flower for these babies:








Week 3 Flower for these:




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What types of nutes do u use and what level of ppm's do u peak @ I just got a aero 30 site and am growing out northern-lights x big-bud& was just wondering if anyone could give any pointers I'm using b-cuzz


New member
jim i have the same system... i started off using those rocks ...ended up dropping them and had better results... i use mines just like a clone machine... not rocks just get 5" neoprene inserts alot less work and mess with those damn rocks that leave that tell tell sign if they strart falling every where... so at harvest time all you have are nice white roots and stems... i like to keep my ppms around like 900... is this wrong.. i heard in areoponics that you dont have to keep ppms that high..... if someone could answer that for me.... at 900 i have excellent growth with no burn have grown in 700 ppms with great growth no problems or defiecincies....im high off dat ak-47
I use the Botanicare line. Pro Grow/Bloom, Liquid Karma, Sweet Citrus, and CalMag+.

Peak ppm this run was around 1800. I saw a little bit of burn there but with these nutes I found you can go really high. If you're using chem nutes I would recommend a ppm around 700-800 depending on the nutes.