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Jerry Garcia Growing Up


Well-known member
LC's Soiless Mix #2:
6 parts Pro Mix BX or HP / Sunshine Mix (any flavor from #1 up)
2 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
Powdered dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
If you use a 3 qt. saucepan as “parts” in the amounts given above, it equals about 1 cu. ft. of soiless mix and you can just dump in a cup of powdered dolomite lime.

Now for the plants organic food source

If you want to use organic nutes like blood, bone and kelp...
Dry Ferts:
1 tablespoon blood meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix
2 tablespoons bone meal per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of soil mix
1-tablespoon kelp meal per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of soil mix or Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract as directed
1 tablespoon per gallon or 1/2 cup per cubic foot of Jersey Greensand to supplement the K (potasium) in the Kelp Meal and seaweed extract.
Mix all the dry ferts into the soiless mix well and wet it, but don't soak it with Liquid Karma and water @ 1 tbs./gal. Stir and mix it a few times a week for a week or two so the bacteria can get oxygen and break down the bone meal and make it available. And don't let the mix dry out, keep it moist and add water as needed. It'll also have time to get the humic acids in the Liquid Karma going and the dolomite lime will be better able to adjust the pH of a peat based mixture too.


Well-known member
Day 34 flower

Day 34 flower

All is well. I am seeing slight tip burn on one of the AS's. Hard to believe I am overfeeding her but maybe she is just a bit sensitive. It's very minimal so I'm not overly concerned.

I do have one issue to deal with. I hadn't anticipated the clones to grow quite as fast as they have. If I let them veg for another 5 weeks while my flowering plants finish, I'm confident I will overgrow my space. I may just do some extensive training and more topping to try and keep the height down on them all.



Beautiful plants. They look well feed to me..hehe. just cut back on the fertilizer once or twice and she'll be fine

Looking fabulous,Jerry


Active member
Lookin healthy and happy! Nice work Jerry!

I had same problem with veg growin too quick. I blame the new fandangle LED's. Had to setup another tent!


Well-known member
Lookin healthy and happy! Nice work Jerry!

I had same problem with veg growin too quick. I blame the new fandangle LED's. Had to setup another tent!

Ha! So I would have my grow room and two tents to make my problems go away. Yeah, I don't think that is in the cards. I have no place to put a second tent. So, I am thinking maybe I take cuttings soon to keep the genetics in play if I want to continue working with any of them. Then, of the currently 8 vegging plants, get that number down to 4 by culling 4 of them. I think I could keep 4 vegging plants, maybe set them up as potential mothers, and get my clone machine set up in the 4x4 tent. I should have room for all of that. I hate the idea of chopping down any of these ladies...I wish I knew and trusted someone in the area that I could just gift the 4 extra plants too. :chin:

Given the ease I had cloning and the speed at which they are growing, I would like to avoid starting from seeds for a little bit if I can...assuming some of these genetics I have going I'll want to keep around for a bit. It would be so easy if I knew now which if any I want to keep. However, they need to be harvested, cured and smoke tested which won't happen before mid to late December.

Happy growing! :smokeit:


Well-known member
I should have corrected this earlier but if you look at the first post in this thread, I mentioned a few strains that were potentials for a future grow. Well, the order I put in for the Strawberry Cough, Blue Gelato 41 and Gorilla Zkittlez never made it. Per the tracking number, it is stuck/lost at a sorting facility in Chicago since late July. Uber frustrating but it happens. I placed a separate order and ordered a bunch of RGSC seeds as I've heard very good things. These arrived and what I now have is...all by Real Gorilla Seed Company.

-Killer Orange S1
-Lemon Drizzle
-Real Gorilla 4
-Sour Orange Diesel

Might be a little bit before I pop any of these but these will be the options going forward.


Well-known member
Day 39 Flower

Day 39 Flower

So I culled 4 vegging plants yesterday...I just wasn't going to have room for them all. So I've kept 4 different plants, one plant each of:

-(NL#2 x Chem) x OPG

I was never a fan of AS#6 but it is alive and well in a friend's garden. So what's left in the veg tent is 4 plants, now in their 7 gallon fabric pots, which will become mothers if any of them show promise. I also took 2 clones of each last night and those are in the tent as well.

Veg Tent

Group Shot

AS#2 Closeup


I think you done the right thing by giving space to the other plants you have. Luckily I still have some room in the bloom tent for my way to big growing cuttings. But in a few weeks I will have to swing the axe too and get rid of what's too much. This will hurt..ouch.

Keep up the good work,Jerry:dance013:


Well-known member
Day 43 Flower

Day 43 Flower

So I had a little issue over the past week. I started to see some inward curling of top leaves on the AS#1. It looked like heat stress so I moved the light up a bit. Then I started to get what looked like classic potassium deficiency and flowering seemed to stall a bit. A slight 'burn look' on the tips (like I mentioned above) and some slight yellowing along the serrated edge. It appeared that AS#2 was just starting to show similar symptoms. I would have shown a picture but in natural light it is really hard to see so I didn't bother. I think my light feeding is catching up with me. I've continued to feed pretty light in the 450-550 ppm range with my water coming in at 200. I did check my soil pH using a slurry method (equal parts soil and water) and it is just over 7 so I'm gonna work to bring that down a bit with my next few watering's.

I gave all of the plants a shot of Roots Organics HPK a few days ago and it looks like things have settled down. I've never had a problem with Earth Juice as far as any kind of deficiency or lock out so I'm really thinking my light feeding is the cause. I have a tea brewing for their next watering with a ppm of around 800. I am pretty confident I caught this in time but it certainly causes a little frustration. Happy growing everyone! :canabis:
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Well-known member
Day 46 Flower

Day 46 Flower

I played with my camera a bit and was able to get a decent picture of what I am seeing as far as a potential deficiency. I know potassium and magnesium can look somewhat similar but the fact that the tips degraded a bit leads me to think it is potassium. Again, I have been feeding so light I really think this is what it is. To be safe, they all have been given some HPK, as I mentioned above and some Cal-n-Mag. Things seem to have settled down so I trust it was one or the other. I am certainly open to opinions if anyone thinks I have this wrong.

My soil pH at about 7.3 (not knowing how accurate a slurry test is) could also be affecting things but with using Earth Juice for many years in the past and never having checked my soil pH...I'm not sure if my pH would be throwing me off significantly enough to cause any problems.

One other thing, what do you guys think about me having my RH at 35-40% at this time in flowering? To low...about right? Just curious as when I was flowering in a tent years ago, I don't recall paying much attention to it but I am aware it is something that can cause some issues. My temperatures are running about 65DF lights off and 73/74DF lights on.

Anyway, as I mentioned above, things seem to have settled down and I think things are fine but as growers, any kind of issue is always concerning...especially when one is this far along in flowering.

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Hey Jerry, I think the humidity is good,low enough to escape the mold.
Too low RH is more of a problem when the plants are in their baby days. It's always the too high RH which kills the buds.
Just water them more if they should become thirsty. They're like us...when it's hot they need more water and sweat it out. I dont think you need it higher or it will bite your bum in the end.

To the burned marks on the plant...I'll tell you which way my thoughts drift, but do your own research...seriously I dont want to stuff things up for you:

Am I right to say you saw it happening on top of the plant first? In that case I would tend to assume it is nute burn instead of potassium. Nute burn shows up anywhere,but potassium usually starts from the bottom. They also looked well fed to me..and I double checked your old pics and they always looked stunning..no signs of keeping them hungry.
I add a screenshot of your last picture showing why I think it is nute burn.
That's just my two cents..I hope someone more experienced showes up and corrects me if needed.

Maybe do another ph test.. to be sure to be sure
If you ask me, there are two options to see if it is a nutrient burn or a potassium deficiency:

- give them potassium and see if it gets worse
- flush them, give them 30% less nutes and see if it gets better

I'd travel with the flushing, i think it easier to feed more if it was the wrong decision.. then fighting a overdose.

I really do hope you fix it quickly, for all that effort you put in, you deserve a fat harvest.

Maybe that video helps you:

Greets from oz:headbange


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Well-known member
Hi Ivan, funny you mention flushing. I did that this morning to all 5 plants with the water at around 6.2 pH. I checked the initial runoff...pH just over 7 and a tds of around 1700 ppm! You all know how lite I feed. Hard to believe my initial runoff was that high but it was. Anyway, a flush was the right call. I’ll let them drink what I threw at them today and reassess then. I am wondering how much my hard water is hurting. This is my first grow in this new house. A tds of 200+ ppm is awfully high. I was actually pricing RO water systems today. Might not be a bad investment. I’m also debating moving away from the peat based ProMix and getting back to my roots...soil.

All in all, things aren’t that terrible. I’ve seen some grows that really go bad and not even make it to harvest. I’ll get there but I likely have already given up some yield. Funny thing is my OPG cross has never batted an eye, flowering very strong with a dense top cola and nice secondary buds. It’s budding stronger than any of the AS’s.

I’ll keep ya all posted. Happy growing!


Yeah, youre right.. It's not bad and you acted quick. I dont see an issue either. Let's just hope it isn't potassium deficiency :biglaugh:


Hey Jerry, are any new burns showing up?

I just read about Kanamu Pacha soil. Sounds a bit frustrating to water,but besides that very promising. Have you heard of it?


Well-known member
Hi Ivan,

I had never heard of that soil...had to look it up. Now I wonder if anyone distributes for them in the United States. Shipping soil from Germany would be a touch cost constraining. I wonder how it would compare to something like a Fox Farm Ocean Forest?

Everything seems to have settled down. They are all drinking the fresh water well and I can’t see that any additional necrosis has settled in.


Well-known member
So I have culled all of the Asian Sensations that I had vegging. This OPG cross that I have going is the worthy one for my next run. I pulled 8 clones, plan to give two to a friend, and I will then plan to run 6 of the OPG cross. I’m thinking both the AS’s and the OPG cross will go 10 weeks. About 16 days to go.


Shipping soil from Germany would be a touch cost constraining.

You should be closer to the soil than me. They say it's from South America.
It's very heavy and holds heaps of water. Needs slow watering but you might have to water a third less through the whole grow.

Good that you see no new yellowing.:good:

Crazy Chester

Well-known member
Hi Ivan, funny you mention flushing. I did that this morning to all 5 plants with the water at around 6.2 pH. I checked the initial runoff...pH just over 7 and a tds of around 1700 ppm! You all know how lite I feed. Hard to believe my initial runoff was that high but it was. Anyway, a flush was the right call. I’ll let them drink what I threw at them today and reassess then. I am wondering how much my hard water is hurting. This is my first grow in this new house. A tds of 200+ ppm is awfully high. I was actually pricing RO water systems today. Might not be a bad investment. I’m also debating moving away from the peat based ProMix and getting back to my roots...soil.

All in all, things aren’t that terrible. I’ve seen some grows that really go bad and not even make it to harvest. I’ll get there but I likely have already given up some yield. Funny thing is my OPG cross has never batted an eye, flowering very strong with a dense top cola and nice secondary buds. It’s budding stronger than any of the AS’s.

I’ll keep ya all posted. Happy growing!

Looking at your posts from 10/26/20 forward - with this latest one stating you found a high TDS in your runoff - is making me think you got some kind of pest in the root system. Seems that latest photo is consistent with the lightening of the pigments a plant gets when it is hungry - it doesn't look to me to be an overfert problem. Since you appear to have had sufficient nutrients in your soil, I'm thinking the roots might be damaged by pests and that is negatively affecting uptake of nutrients. PH doesn't seem far enough off to me to be causing nutrient uptake problems.

That said, it doesn't look like it will prevent you from finishing. However, it may mean you have to keep your clones for a subsequent grow for evaluation. If this grow wasn't optimal, you may not get a clear picture of how good each is - although, hopefully, you will be able to determine the relative quality of each so you can make a decision on a "keeper". Then again, it doesn't look like that huge an issue for the plants and if your flush improved the conditions for them, any difference in the finished bud compared to a grow without this issue is likely to be small, in my opinion.

They look like quality plants, in general, though - nice long buds and good calyx to leaf ratio.


Well-known member
Day 54 Flower

Day 54 Flower

You're absolutely right Chester. I hadn't thought about some pests possibly down with the roots. Is there any way I can definitively know if that is the problem?

As I mentioned, the AS's are out, I pulled the cuttings that I had in the cloner this morning. They all had rooted but not knowing what these were given they were just bag seed, I would rather, at some point, dig into some known feminized genetics I now have laying around. Some of the RGSC seeds I have sound very interesting, I have some Female Seeds seeds on the way, I have Brother Mendel's Tropic of Censer that should be arriving soon, a White Widow clone and maybe a few others. I don't know much about the WW clone but it sure would be neat if it resembles anything close to the WW of the mid-90s.

A picture of my (NL#2 x Chem) x OPG. Still a bit to go before harvest.