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"Jar of baked beans and an empty wallet" or how to save money at home



Here's a bit of helpful advice I snagged from someone else online a bit ago that's frugally healthy:

for really cheap, easy and healthy there is nothing better then going to a local farmers market and finding some vegetables you really like. it's also nice to know you are using local stuff. here's something quick off the top of my head.

any of these following veggies is great. use all or whichever you can get your hands on. chop all into bite sixe pieces.

1 carrot 1/4c broccoli 1/4c cauliflower 1 small onion 1 sweet red pepper 1/4c fava beans or english peas 2 cloves garlic minced 1/4c zuchini

for proteins you can use any lean meat.

1/4 lb chicken breast or 1/4 lb lean beef or 1/4 lb lean pork or 1/4 lb bay scallops or 1/4 lb calamari

1. get pan very hot and add a little canola or grapeseed oil
2. season protein with salt and pepper and sear in pan til you get some color. don't cook it all the way at this point. lean meats get very tough if overcooked.
3. remove the still rare meat from pan and hold aside
4. add your veggies to the still hot pan
5. cook til they are almost at your preference for doneness
6. add your meat back in the pan and now and any flavorings you might want.

things you can add include 1. spices like cumin or fennel or coriander seed or hot pepper powder like espelette or aleppo or korean chili flake 2. fine herbs like parsley, chives, dill, chervil 3. lemon/lime juice or red wine vin or sherry vin(acidity helps balance flavors)
4. nuts can add a lot to a dish. try peanuts, pine nuts, almonds 5. dont be afraid of cooking savory food with fruit. pineapple, plums, peaches, apples, all cook well if you dont cook the shit out of them. 6. soy sauce, sirracha, hot sauce, sesame oil

see what you have in your cupboard and don't be afraid to try something new.

remember to re-season your food as you go. you should only need a couple more minutes of cooking to finish the meat and veggies.

a common mistake people make at home cooking is overcooking protein and underseasoning their food.

this is as healthy and nutritious and quick as you can get. all in all this should take you 10-15 minutes.

if you want, you can chop a bunch of meat and veggies a couple days in advance and keep them in seperate containers. then all you gotta do is throw the stuff together anytime you are hungry.

hope this helps


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
In case you still wouldn't want to leave (reference to my post above), you can start Window Farming. Pretty amazing stuff to grow a good part of your food.

Learn to cook, if you have time this will totally help you cut on the budget while enjoying some of the best meals and being healthy. Asian cooking is amazing, African as well, Carribean, it just take a couple of vegetables and the good spice mix to make the best Curry !

Fishing is good idea as well, plus it's fun.

You can go dumpster diving, it's a really fun occupation as well ! Or you can get in touch with people like Food not Bombs who organize it. There is no shame in this consumer world to use what should be thrown away, on the contrary this is a good act to reduce our environment impact.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

money saving tips:

slow down, you'll get 15% better mileage for each 10mph slower you drive; this holds true for V-8s & V-6s, 4 bangers will get 10% better mileage. Sure the next tank of gas will still cost you the same as the last but you'll fill it less often.

stop drinking $5 coffees, power shots and energy drinks like Red Bull, if you find yourself tired during the day then get more sleep by bedding down earlier, wake up early and you won't be speeding to work

quit smoking cigarettes if you do that now, they cost too much to buy and the price you'll likely pay later in life is nothing compared to your present cash dilemma.

I like to buy & sell antique Remington knives, I never lose money at it. If I only stayed at home and shopped off of eBay or other sites I'd do fine but some of my best buys come from flea market finds where I have a chance to get a reduced price not competing to be the highest bidder. Can you find an affordable hobby that nets an income as well? Can you find a part time work @ home gig to do when you're not out earning otherwise?

you already realize that food costs are crucial, hell you eat 2-3 times a day so a personal budget starts right there. $1.29 burgers are great as it'd be tough to duplicate that price.

do you own a squeegee???

j/k bro but a real good side business would be fine hand washing & waxing of cars @ peoples homes or place of business.

a cheap business venture is windshield repair, the kits are very affordable and the work is almost ridiculously easy and fast to perform, again offering @ home or workplace service calls.



Throbbing Member
mrcreosote- human babies are VERY expensive.

Adopt pets from Craig's list....super cheap protein for the grill :)


Active member
you can go fishing for squirrels at local parks. throw out a few peanuts to attract em. then tie one to fishing line and retrieve slowly . then bash em in the head LOL. i have never had to eat them but have had plenty of fun messing with em


you can go fishing for squirrels at local parks. throw out a few peanuts to attract em. then tie one to fishing line and retrieve slowly . then bash em in the head LOL. i have never had to eat them but have had plenty of fun messing with em

that reminds me of how we used to catch rednecks at the Daytona 500.

Had a wallet tied to a fishing pole with 5 dollars hanging out of it. lol

It was like shooting fish in a barrel!!!



Active member
that was probably me i lived there. right around the corner from boot hill saloon LOL. i drank alot back then

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
If you're cooking dried beans, check the weather report for the coldest days ahead. A pot of beans simmering all day on the stove helps heat the house.


soup kitchens

make some hummus
eat with pita bread
cheap, protein full, tasty

fallafels lol


cook your own food
discover a new hobby

broke but happy

Grass Lands

You like that? Try a over easy egg on top of a pizza with a little pecorino or real parmesean cheese, fucking delicious. Burgers are great with a fried egg on them too.

Dude if you like eggs and burgers...try this...

A base of hashbrowns followed by a nice fat patty of organic beef followed by two eggs over medium (or what ever the preference) and lastly followed with your choice of salsa...we call it the Mexican sunrise...make for on helluva munch :wave:


Active member
Dude if you like eggs and burgers...try this...

A base of hashbrowns followed by a nice fat patty of organic beef followed by two eggs over medium (or what ever the preference) and lastly followed with your choice of salsa...we call it the Mexican sunrise...make for on helluva munch :wave:

Will do, sounds delish. I love some oriental ramen with added hosin sauce and sesame seed oil with an over easy egg on top, my fav for cheap and quick. I do ramen as noodles though not so much as soup.


Active member
Gotta go with the lazy man's lunch, Ramen, Thai peanut sauce or hoisin and Sirihca (?) garlic chile paste. Go easy on the chile... that shit is HOT. Grate up some cabbage, carrots , whatever's around and 4 min. in micro and yer eating good. I use half water and half the seasoning because it has a ton of salt in it. A wee touch of sugar kills the salty taste and makes the other flavors pop out. Save the full packets for soups, sauces and gravies instead of salting them. The bullion adds a bit of flavor as well.
Cheaper than dirt is just a side benefit.

If you're a carnivore, like me, watch your local market. Sometimes they price smaller rump roasts cheaper than hamburger. Season meat, No Salt! Salt draws out the juice and makes meat tough while cooking. Toss peeled halved potatoes (and carrots, onions after sear) in the roasting pan and sear at 450 for 10 minutes then reduce to 350 for 15-20 min per lb. depending on taste.
Searing keeps the juice in and makes cheaper cuts taste as tender as the best.
Make loads of gravy and you eat like a king for cheap and hot and cold sandwiches for a good while.
Being poor doesn't mean you have to eat poorly. You do have to plan better.
And a crock pot is useful for things other than canna-butter. :)


Active member
-Cook your food from scratch. You'll get better stuff for less money.
-Use VoIP instead of regular phone.