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jamtam's Nirvana Snow White 250w grow


New member
hi bcell and thanks, lets hope it stays this way

right i couldnt take it any more the lights are set to go off for 12 hours tomorrow morning at 6am.

as im only using a 250watter its probably best to keep them small and i want some smoke asap!!! i cant handle paying £25 an 8th.

they will have their dark period through the day this time unlike my ak grow which had problems with very low night time temps.

i have wrote the date down in the wifes diary so i dont forget and i will be sorting out a bigger pot for the little left out one on the side.





How high you keep your lamp above the plants? I keep my 250 HPS 8-10" from the tops.


New member
How high you keep your lamp above the plants? I keep my 250 HPS 8-10" from the tops.

hi bcell i would say its about 12" from the tops

i thought instead of posting an update lastweek i would leave it longer.

day 7 of 12-12

plants are doing really well and have grown hell of a lot over the last 7 days.

i have been very mad with the weather the last few days , today the temps in the loft were nice at 14c but the last few days it has been as low as 6c :cathug: today was warm up there as the sun has been out all day.

no nutes yet will wait for about 3 weeks and then feed. i like keeping it all simple!!:needcoffee:

oh yeah one of the plants is growing very strangly??

i will try and explain it lol normally at each node you get to fan leaves right? well this plant has 4 fan leaves at each node???

the little one in the middle has been left in low 24 hour light for a week so i will have a kind of staggered harvest

i will be ordering more seeds asap and then plant another in two weeks and then 4 weeks and so on. but when the plants are done in the big pots i will in future use small pots and do a type of SOG and hopefully have a harvest every couple weeks

any way here they are:mooning:




New member
here are some pics of the mutant plant!!

at each node it has 4 bud sites if this plant serves me well and the smoke is good i will keep it as a mother.

any way here she is oh and none are showing pre flowers yet! its been nine days, should be soon.

oh and excuse the grubby plate!! i just finished my fish and chips lol




New member
ok here gos i gave away two of the worst plants to a good friend, just for peace of mind so that if i ever got busted it will look better than having 5 lol.

plus im buying a green house at the weekend hopefully and im gonna hide a few lowriders in between the tomatos!!

am i right thinking that growing autos outside during the uk summer they will bud still even with the long days?

day 14 12/12

the weather has been seriously cold over the last week and when the lights are off in the daytime it has dropped as low as 4 degrees up in the loft:cathug: not good i know but all i can do is hang in there.

they will be fine after all my ak's made it up there lol.

one plant is showing the first signs of pistils but the other two are showing nothing yet.

plus they are all in the box again! i found that mounting the light the way it is in the pics its really easy to control the heat when the lights are on, still got to paint it flat white yet as the mylar was wrecked from all the screws i had everywhere when mounting the cfls..

any way heres some pics and a clearer one of the mutant!




