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Jacks Professional


Seems a little warm. Maybe mix up your ferts and send it to a lab. Thats what I'm going to dk when my order arrives. Good luck


Keep it simple, Jacks 20-20-20 from start to finish if growing in soil or soiless such as pro mix or sunshine mix #4.


I forgot to mention that my tap water is very soft with 0,2 EC. I heard that enough Si is 3ppm that seems very low so could you tell me way to mix AgSil16H stock solution and how to use it to get that 3ppm Si solution? Would it make my K levels still burst with Jacks?


Well I don't have the right knowledge to tell you what to do, but I use silica blast and I just spray it at 1/4 tsp per gallon with everything I spray every other day. veg - week 4 bloom. :D Hope that helps.


Registered Med User
So has peeps come to a consensus for the best mix of jacks nutes? Been meaning to give them a try...
Also how have results compared to maxibloom, both yield and quality wise?


@Laavamara I would say just ad it then to your mix once a week or every feed. Not sure about the stuff your using. I add 1/4 tsp to ever mix of spray every other day. Or add it at like 1/4 str or find out how much adds your 3ppms. There are treads on here where people are spray with it. I learned it from my friends. It helps buffer the plant like a shield from getting infections.

@GET MO: I been wondering. I know it is amazing in coco. I been really curious about using it in soil (they are made for soil after all.) There is lots about using it in coco on IC, but like 1/8 the info on soil use. I'm not sure what your medium is. I just got my 5-12-26 hydro and 10-30-20 that I'm going to either just use the 10-30-20 or mix them 50/50 and follow the same recipe with the calnit. I just got my tester packs coming for a lab. Going to get it rolling. If anything here in a couple months I'll be able to give some input on what I learn. The lab said after they get my results they will answer any questions I have, so I'll find out if its safe to do the classic 1-3-2 with jacks calnit and mag. Cheers


I am interested in Jacks in RO water for Aero-NFT set up, wondering if the 880g of 5-12-26 per Gallon of RO, 590g of Ca(NO3)2 per gallon of RO is applicable?
If you really want top shelf performance try Plant Prod 7-11-27 the mix is the same as Jacks the performance is better, the stuff dissolves totally with no extra work like heating water ect. Great stuff but seems expensive but then again a bag of 7-11-27 will practically last a life time.


Active member
So I know most of you guys are growing in coco. I'm trying to figure out what exactly I should use for growing in soil. I guess maybe I'm just being over anxious.... but I just want things to go right. I have been having problems with another fert line I have been using. Stuff comes out alright but its one of those auto phing lines. Their customer service still hasn't gotten back to me after some weeks so I decided its time to change it up. I don't like that I am not 100% sure of whats going into the soil. Mainly I'm curious about these things:

1. I have read that people were mixing the 5-12-26 and the 10-30-20 and calnit and epsom which supposedly comes out to basically the same as Maxibloom (which I have never used but i have heard its nice other than apparently it doesn't like to dissolve.)

2. Just running the 20-20-20 through veg then going into 10-30-20 when flowers start. (someone suggested on my post about using jacks in soil. He copypasta something someone posted in another thread but can't find it so far.)

3. Also I read on one or more forums that people alternate weekly from 5-12-26 and 10-30-20. (are they doing this through out veg or just in bloom?)

To sum it up.. I feel like I have asked in enough places. I guess I'm just looking for other people that have had success in Soil using any one of these. Lots of people including people I know use it in hydro (coco) but my room is going to be soil for a couple rounds and I'm tired of having problems with my other fert line...

Ps. Also what do you guys think about feeding schedule with any of these methods? My guess is once a week ranging from 600-900+ gradually.(until signs of curling)
When I used soil I used Jacks Classic All Purpose 20-20-20 until the second week of flower and then switched to their Blossom Booster to finish. Simple and worked well. Believe I used 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of RO water and used that every watering. I've since switched to coir and Jacks Hydro and CalNit. The hydro formula @ 1.2 EC leaves the pH considerably lower than Classic formulas - good for coir and hydro, not so much for soil.


@ RB56 thanks. One room is still in soil for a bit. I figured I'd give the 5-12-26 and 10-30-20 with calnit and epsom. hydro and bloom mixed 50/50. Its going to get converted to coco when the other room is caught paying off some shit. I was using supernatural and having all kinds of problems with it. My environment is dialed in, but was having weird lock out problems and the fert just seemed inconsistent. Its auto phing, and the ph was never what was advertised, ppms were off (way off). They don't seem to have a customer service at all. No numbers, don't reply to emails. Its literally been 4 weeks since I sent them an email. So we will see. If the test comes back and the technical support (at JR Peters Lab) say its no bueno, I'll use the bloom booster and 20-20-20 and just use the hydro with my coco. There was a thread about using the 50/50 bloom hydro mix in place of maxi bloom lucas method. Thank you for your imput. What do you think about any of this would be appreciated!


Active member
Get a Bluelab Truncheon.

I dissolve 1 pound of powder in 1 gallon of water - separate solution for both components. It will go into full solution. Use the concentrates and you won't be dissolving powder each time you mix nutes.


I'm running Jack's from a stock, using 10ml/ gal in RO water (0 ec, 0ppm). At 10ml/gal I get an ec of 1.2, but a pH of 4.8. I am running rDWC, and have heard a lot of people say not to use pH adjusters, although I think I should bump it up a little if I am not mistaken?

I have also heard that Jack's is meant to be run in tap water, not RO. Any truth to this?
Use Calcium Nitrate [Calcinit] or Calcium Carbonate [CALiMAGic] depending on desired N levels and hardness of water. trust me, even when buying that extra product you're saving lots of money, let me prove it to you.

Jacks Professional Hydro is 5.0-12-26-6.3-8.2
Jacks Pro Blossom booster is 10-30-20-2.0-0.0
mixed at a 50/50 ratio gives you 7.5-21-23-4.1-4.1.

simplify that by 33.3% and you get
5.0-14-15-2.8-2.8 (50/50 Jacks Mix)
as compared to
5.0-15-14-3.5-4.0 (MaxiBloom)

And its only 26.6% the price when increased concentration is taken into account!!! again for any on-sale shoppers, 73.3% off!

O.K. so its got a little less Magnesium Sulfate in the mix... if only we knew what magnesium sulfate is and where to get it.... o wait.
Mixing is slightly more complicated than mixing just 7g/Gallon of MaxiBloom, slightly, and only as difficult to mix as any 2 part nutrient. Add you source of calcium as suggested above and some magnesium sulfate as desired and you got yourself MaxiBloom at lets say 33% the price that has significantly more flexibility (especially if you decide to get Calcium Nitrate and use with Jacks Hydro 5-12-26)

Why not use gypsum instead of calcium nitrate, at least during flowering? As a source of calcium, gypsum costs about half what CalNit does. While gypsum (2.4 g/L or 2400 ppm max) is much less soluble than CalNit, it should be more than enough.


Why not use gypsum instead of calcium nitrate, at least during flowering? As a source of calcium, gypsum costs about half what CalNit does. While gypsum (2.4 g/L or 2400 ppm max) is much less soluble than CalNit, it should be more than enough.

The reason CalNit is used is not only for the Calcium content, but also the Nitrogen which is needed to complement the Jacks Hydro

Here is my current recipe:

  • Peters 5-11-26 Hydroponic Special
  • Yara Calcinit
  • Epsom Salt



And here you can see why calcium nitrate is necessary, notice the Nitrogen in it.

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