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jacks in Coco, anybody using tap water?


Active member
Title Pretty much says it. I m starting with Coco. My water ppms are around 180 and Ph runs 6.5 to 7.0 am I going to run in to problems with to much Cal/ mag. I'm of thinking of getting a dechlorinator.but really want to stay away from reverse osmosis.I will be hand feeding. Not sure if that makes a difference


With ppm's like that you should have no issues. My tap ppm's are 300+ and I never have issues using it.


Active member
Asslover cool I think with a dechlorinator it should be super low. I think I might ditch the to for my soil plants too


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
high pack! for what its worth ive always used tap and never declorinated it..never had issues in any medium including coco which is all i use now.


the ppm's in tap water are largely calcium & magnesium. if you remove those elements, you'll have to add them back via some cal-mag supplement. Chlorine, at the levels found in tap water, is not harmful to plants.

Your pH is normal but you will likely need a pH adjuster as most nutrients are acidic and lower pH.

Use your tap water. There will be plenty of shit to worry about later.


Also, a lot of municipalities have switch from Chlorine to Chloramine, the same stuff in DM Zone. So a Dechlorinator won't work if that's the case.


the charcoal filters don't remove chloramine?

"To remove chloramine, an extensive carbon filter (to remove the chlorine part of the chloramine molecule) followed by a reverse osmosis or cation filter (to remove the ammonia) is necessary."

What I found on that subject.

Fresh Start

Active member
Juss Sayin

Juss Sayin

JR Peters has said that anything over 120 PPM in tap would cause a rising PH in the medium- some people have stories of success none the less.

Jr Peters also offers a water analysis service for 30$ if you are not quite sure of your tap- to me that's a safe bet. They would also be able to advise you further through emails or a phone call if you take the time to get the analysis.


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
I been using mostly tap other then some from my AC. Works nice and I even think better then RO.


I've always heard and been led to believe that choramine can be removed by a simple water filter.
It won't bubble off, though.

Jacks hydro+calnit? If that is what you are using I can't the extra cal/mag being a problem. Unless you look at your water report, there's no telling what the makeup is, though.

For example, my water reports lists tds as 400 with CaCO2 being a little less than half of that. The rest is mostly chloride, sodium, and sulfer. Mag isn't even listed. I use RO water for this reason.


Active member
I started my Coco clones on jacks and cal-nit. So far so good. Loving jacks mixed up a batch took less than 10 min. Gotta love that. Ph was dead on 5.8. Easy peasey. That will give me more time working with my plants. Hope all goes well. If so I'll put all plants in Coco with jacks.


Active member
My tap water is 8.6 pH & 0.35 EC. I've done every kinda of media/system and now do coco. Never had an issue and never used any kind of filtering. I got the water profile from the water dept. and it wasn't hard water but it had a good amount of Mg and Ca. Other than that the beer brewers tell me its good water albeit a little high on the pH.
Taps all good as long as you keep a eye on the ph! mines in the 150 range and itll drift up some but not real bad and after a run or two youll have it all dialed in !

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