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Jackass destroyer SCROG 600W COB


Well-known member
Each day is more obvious the difference between the offspring of the two males. Both males seem to give (for now) two different phenotypes. Male sm#3 gives 90%+- of phenotype W (wide leaves, dont like too much feed) and 10%+- of phenotype T (tall, nutrients lover). The male sm#9 the opposite, 90%T and 10%W

Pheno W



Pheno T



you're going to hate me.

your plants look like shit. CO2 wont help you one bit until you learn how to actually grow.


Well-known member
you're going to hate me.
your plants look like shit. CO2 wont help you one bit until you learn how to actually grow.

Hello Kimura, welcome :tiphat:
Dont worry bro, Im only hater when Im out of weed, now I got full jars of my shitty buds, enough med for months. I would preferred that in addition to criticizing, you should add something constructive, something to improve, but dont worry, thats fine.

For example, for me all your plants in advanced flowering are stretching and do little "golf ball" flowers. But very well in resin production for being selected cuttings. And my constructive criticism would be: how many lm/w they currently receive your plants at 1m from lamp? it seems your lamp is insufficient for your space when blooming, but good for veg.

Im aware of the appearance of my plants, but I think you havent read the thread well, if you read it, you would know that the appearance of my plants is due to the fact that half are recovering from root rot and nematodes, after months at 34ºC. And the other half are plants revegeting after 90 days bloom.
Also reading a little more, you would know that Im updating my current setup to avoid the same mistakes again.

I havent been able to afford anything better equipment these years, I update my grow room when I can invest some resources (The most expensive part of the grow room was to buy my own house, 300m2 at 5 km from the Caribbean Sea) now 5 years later I can afford a minisplit and the expensive electricity bill.

Regarding co2, please suggest to my plants another gas to breathe in a sealed room, they really insist on Co2 ... xD Jokes aside, I already used co2 15 years ago without problems. I dont like to go over 450ppm.

Im also happy with what I've achieved these years. With an annual average temperature of 29 / 36ºC, surrounded by one of the most biodiverse jungles on the planet, without my elite cuts, only seeds, starting from 0 and almost everything used in the crop is DIY, I was able to smoke some of the the best buds I've smoked ever.


675w in flower in a 4x4 is insufficient? lol not at all! i see you're offended here. go talk to the grow boss and he'll laugh at your grow on a livestream. shit, he'll give you $100 cash or paypal if you can diagnose his pictures with whats wrong. send in yours! see what he says about your PROFESSIONAL LEVEL GROW!!! hahahah

good growers dont have excuses.

2x4 = 400w = half pound
4x4 = 600w = pound
5x5 = 1000w = 1.5 pounds

how am i off with my light? do you want me to push all 675w? you want me to be in 6th gear a quarter of the way through the race? lmao...


Well-known member
675w in flower in a 4x4 is insufficient? lol not at all! i see you're offended here. go talk to the grow boss and he'll laugh at your grow on a livestream. shit, he'll give you $100 cash or paypal if you can diagnose his pictures with whats wrong. send in yours! see what he says about your PROFESSIONAL LEVEL GROW!!! hahahah
good growers dont have excuses.
2x4 = 400w = half pound
4x4 = 600w = pound
5x5 = 1000w = 1.5 poundshow am i off with my light? do you want me to push all 675w? you want me to be in 6th gear a quarter of the way through the race? lmao...

Before this i just think you are a troll in a bad day, now i think you are a shitty troll, a mediocre grower, and a horrible guy without any education, learn how use your own gear before try to fool other people with your "knowledge"... is funny you talk, when you are growing skinny mini buds from elite cuts.

Please if you dont like mi thread no problem, but be "yourself" in a different place :thank you:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Before this i just think you are a troll in a bad day, now i think you are a shitty troll, a mediocre grower, and a horrible guy without any education, learn how use your own gear before try to fool other people with your "knowledge"... is funny you talk, when you are growing skinny mini buds from elite cuts.

Please if you dont like mi thread no problem, but be "yourself" in a different place :thank you:

Just add him to the ignore list, mike. All he does is come into other peoples grows and shits on them.

He has no interest in learning or helping, and is only here to impress himself and idiot friends.


Well-known member
:thank you:

Just add him to the ignore list, mike. All he does is come into other peoples grows and shits on them.
He has no interest in learning or helping, and is only here to impress himself and idiot friends.
Thanks GOT_BUD :tiphat: but i dont think this be necessary now

In a few hours Im gonna add some harvested Monsterization pics, to add something green to the thread again
Last edited:


youve been on here for years and make zero progress. you can talk shit all you want but my pictures and grows speak for themselves. i dont grow bean stalks. i dont overwater and i dont pump 1000w watts a 3 small shitty burned plants.

you guys suck at growing weed. plain and simple. years of posing on here, you have all these rep points and most of you fucking SUCK at growing weed. you make zero progress and dont fucking try. you're content with shitty weed.


Genetics' hunter
youve been on here for years and make zero progress. you can talk shit all you want but my pictures and grows speak for themselves. i dont grow bean stalks. i dont overwater and i dont pump 1000w watts a 3 small shitty burned plants.

you guys suck at growing weed. plain and simple. years of posing on here, you have all these rep points and most of you fucking SUCK at growing weed. you make zero progress and dont fucking try. you're content with shitty weed.

Come on man, stop it:moon:

I sincerely don't understand from where so much bad vibes came from, but certainly are not necessary at all.
If u really grow a so good weed please smoke it a little bit more, you seem to need it.



you've been growing for 5 years and this is the garden you're super proud of... have you ever seen a commercial grow as *amazing* as yours?



Well-known member
you've been growing for 5 years and this is the garden you're super proud of... have you ever seen a commercial grow as *amazing* as yours?

What part of nematodes, root rot and 34ºC is hard to you to understand ? what part do you need to know, i explain you, please tell me.

Again, be yourself far from here, and keep you proud of your pop corn bud from elite cuts and expensive gear, keep it real mate !

edit: and ... you are blocked for be a huge troll

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
if anyone is going to criticize - then let it be constructive at least - getting involved in some slanging match helps no-one.


What part of nematodes, root rot and 34ºC is hard to you to understand ? what part do you need to know, i explain you, please tell me.

Again, be yourself far from here, and keep you proud of your pop corn bud from elite cuts and expensive gear, keep it real mate !

edit: and ... you are blocked for be a huge troll

i know how to grow. i dont get popcorn buds and i dont get larf.

stop using giant buckets. stop using so much light. top your plants earlier. use coco instead of SOIL indoors...

there's some help. take it or leave it.

if you want to talk shit about me, and my "popcorn buds" please show me what you're talking about. post the pictures that i posted of my so called popcorn buds. otherwise you're talking out your ass. i'm talking down about what you're showing everyone. you're talking shit to me about stuff you're making up about me.


Mike is the MacGyver of cannabis , if you actually looked through his thread, he is levels above in aptitude and outright passion for his garden. And he makes the most of what he has available. Youre talking like this little man are you self aware? you would get you're ass pumped in real life. Have some respect. Peace out and on the blocked list.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Jeez - some people are so confrontational - and rude - this site ain't here to encourage competition amongst growers specifically - unless its for the 4/20 or something - berating other growers on how they grow - is like telling people they like the wrong kind of music - growers are gonna grow in whatever way they see fit.