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Jack Herer (10 Year Old Cut)

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Sorry for being late! I think I have that exact same cut of Jack as yours Immigrant. The finished bud shape and interfloral leaflet arrangement look exactly like yours, and your description of the taste/smell sounds right too. Last I was researching, I came to the conclusion that it might be a cut known as 'jackflash'. Mine came from friends up in the bay area and I'd guess it to be at least 7 years old, maybe 10. It's a very distinctive cut that is fast finishing and high yielding so commercial growers like it too and people bust out bags of it often. I've smoked it grown by at least 4 other unknown growers, it's easy to identify by it's candy sweet smell and deceptive 'white widow-ish' lung expansion. I would imagine commercial growers would pronounce this cut to be near perfect. It's tough, fast vegging with a big leaf area and canopy, has very stiff strong stems that take well to bending and support heavy nugs.

Oh, BTW, cuts of cannabis don't 'degenerate' in any way, shape or form, no matter how many 'generations' of clone--er, cuttings you make. In this regard, Cannabis is no different than any other of the many kinds of plants we've been propagating by cutting (vegetative propagation) for centuries. This sounds like one of those typical cannabis myths that get started from those unacceptably poor books by 'experts' like JC or ER. Growers should stick to reliable sources for their horticultural questions.


Sorry for being late! I think I have that exact same cut of Jack as yours Immigrant. The finished bud shape and interfloral leaflet arrangement look exactly like yours, and your description of the taste/smell sounds right too. Last I was researching, I came to the conclusion that it might be a cut known as 'jackflash'. Mine came from friends up in the bay area and I'd guess it to be at least 7 years old, maybe 10. It's a very distinctive cut that is fast finishing and high yielding so commercial growers like it too and people bust out bags of it often. I've smoked it grown by at least 4 other unknown growers, it's easy to identify by it's candy sweet smell and deceptive 'white widow-ish' lung expansion. I would imagine commercial growers would pronounce this cut to be near perfect. It's tough, fast vegging with a big leaf area and canopy, has very stiff strong stems that take well to bending and support heavy nugs.

Sweet it may well be the same cut, she deffinantly has that candy/sweet smell I thought it to be quite stealth in the smell in the grow tent as in you can only smell her when you squeeze a cola. I would also say she is a tough strain becuse I had a few problems to start with but she bounced back in full force. I know what you mean about the nugs too on mine they are already leaning with the weight lol.

Oh, BTW, cuts of cannabis don't 'degenerate' in any way, shape or form, no matter how many 'generations' of clone--er, cuttings you make. In this regard, Cannabis is no different than any other of the many kinds of plants we've been propagating by cutting (vegetative propagation) for centuries. This sounds like one of those typical cannabis myths that get started from those unacceptably poor books by 'experts' like JC or ER. Growers should stick to reliable sources for their horticultural questions.

Cool, thanks for the info :)



This sounds like one of those typical cannabis myths that get started from those unacceptably poor books by 'experts' like JC or ER. Growers should stick to reliable sources for their horticultural questions.

so are you seriously trying to say jorge cervantes is just some faker with a poor book?


you need a reality check


i think your statement would have been better put like this "one of those cannabis myths that comes from people who think they know everything after reading a book"

i have guided countless friends through all types of garden problem solely based on my own growing experience and one of these unacceptable books.....

more myths come from dumbasses on this website who think they know everything than do those books