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J-Blunt's PLL Cabinet SOG


So I've lurked here for probably 3 years, and on the way I'd like to think that I have learned alot. This summer I enlisted the help of one of my friends and managed to custom build this cab o' ganj.





Props to Hydro-Soil for turning me onto these PLL lights. I run 330 watts in the cabinet, 220w of 3000k and 110w of 6500k. It was originally going to be an NGB cabinet, but the S&P fan + carbon filter was just too much room so I built a little rubbermaid for my moms/clones/veg. Because of this the cabinet has a big darkroom louvre thats not even really necessary, but I'm way past changing my cab now.

Tot Loks on the door work perfectly. Actually had someone supposed to check my clones while I was gone for Christmas and they couldnt open the cabinet despite having the key and seeing me do it about 50 times. Definitely works wonders for those nosy people.


Hope I can get 15 clones from these in 3 weeks :)

So the idea is run a 70 day 12/12 cycle and harvest 15 budsickles every 5 weeks. Getting 7g per plant thats be 3.75 zips every 5 weeks. I definitely think I can do that or better.
I use coco and FNB + Koolbloom. Pots are 4x4x4.5

No pics of my actual little bushes from the first grow, but I harvested 6oz off of 6 plants in there.

Stash shot

Most of it was DSD from REZ and 1 bagseed.

I will keep this updated as best as I can. At least a week to week line-up of the ladies.


Forgot to mention flower cabinet dimensions. Inside floorspace is 2x2 with about 28in of vertical grow room.

So about 11 hours before the lights go out:

I am seriously going to work on my picture taking skills just for you guys.
The only reason I chose to post all this was hopefully it can help someone out as much as this site has helped me out :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Welcome J-Blunt :wave:, very nice cab you have got there, done a bit of research I see. 6oz off 6 plants in ur cab that's fucking awesome, I can only dream of those sort of numbers, anyways keep up the good work and look forward to seeing what you crank out of that cab. :lurk:

Happy Gardening All.


Nice, thanks for posting. How do you deal with the runoff water?

I usually let them drip off alot more before I set them all back in, but I was in a rush today. I have a garbage bag I use to cover the floor and I get it from all corners and empty the water off when they are done dripping. Sometimes I'll just let it evaporate off the garbage bag if I'm extra lazy :S

Nice cab, cute kitty :)

Why thank you :)


Sorry for the lack of updates...so these ladies are taking off quickly and are showing no real signs of malnourishment or abuse on my part :) That definitely brings a smile to my face. Ok well little drunk after watching another SEC victory (yea yea!!!) so I'm going to keep this short...here's a pic of my flowering cab after 7 days. Pretty big improvement in my eyes



:) the compliments are flattering, really

i did alot of pruning on these bitches today as well as a good watering with some FNB. also got 2 of Mosca's C99 BX1 seeds that just popped in my shotglass. probably put them in coco when i wake up in the morning. maybe ill get a female :) 8 more on reserve neways


Ok so day 12 is coming to an end. Put the ladies in a lineup according to their pheno or basically which different mother they originated from.

This pheno didnt do well last time - idk what the problem was, but the plant was sick since flowering. Needless to say these clones are thriving tho :)

Most sativa leaning pheno. Superb smoke, a before-lecture bud

Most indica leaning pheno. Put you on your ass, super couchlock bud. Also has the shortest internode spacing ive ever seen. Hopefully these babies will stretch some :O Im hopefully neways, my favorite pheno prolly :)

Nice hybrid, can do it all. I usually smoke this with all the friends/parties/blunts. Good yielder too.

Aaaaaaand a group shot :) Had to move them all to the ground. If you look back u can see the taller ones are starting to wilt. Think the lights heat was getting to them.

Overall they are doing much better than I could have imagined. I probably went overboard on the pruning i gave them, but every time i prune its never enough so i cut more than i was really comfortable with. Hope they start to fill in soon. Guess thats all the rambling I'll do for now. We are having a riot at my school so I think I'm bout to go join in on the mattress burning. Do it for the story.


Grow like nobody is watching
Looks like a great selection J-Bleezy. You thought about jacking up the shorter ones so they're on the same canopy level?


Looks like a great selection J-Bleezy. You thought about jacking up the shorter ones so they're on the same canopy level?

oh man i feel like an idiot. even in my last grow i had that same short pheno stacked higher on an upside down pot. i got blackout drunk the other night so today was just one big hangover. thats y i love bud so much more than alcohol. i feel as tho if i wasnt so busy feeling miserable that id have remembered to prop them girls up.

on a side note, one of my c99s has sprouted! :)


thank you.

the other c99 started to come up today. prolly repot the moms tonight and snap a quick picture or 2. also got a thick layer of resin from making bubble hash with the gumby method. had about 6oz of sugar leaves/burnt buds/basically any trim. this is my first time making hash so ill see how it goes, i seem to be doing good tho. according to my widemouth quart mason jar i almost have 100 ml of trics on the bottom of my jar. have to dry/mold it tonight


I'm excited to see such good work! You have achieved much, sir. Did you do any seed production? and where did you get your c99?

Na ive yet to purposely produce seeds. From my last harvest ive only found one random seed. Sour Diesel has been known to throw a few late nanners so I guess thats where my problem was inherited.

my c99 is from Mosca Negra...got it this summer on his first release at the Bay. very excited to start working with it :)


So same order as last time...16 days of 12/12





Starting to get interesting :) Bout 5 days till I take some clones from the veg tub. C99 seedlings are doing dandy. I still havent flushed anything in a while. I will probably wait till the great clone day to flush. My ladies are looking too good to stop feeding any :S We will see how lazy I get this week I recon