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I've got ants in my plants



7-10 days ago I went down to the basement and noticed that there was couple of swarms of flying ants on the ground. I quickly deduced that they were all swarming around the spots where I had spilled a little bit of blackstrap molasses. Oh I bet they loved that, tons of energy for them. They were isolated in about a 2'x2' area so I just swept them up, disposed of them and was done with it.

Today I moved some stuff from veg into flower and took clones and was generally just doing a lot of shuffling things around down there. I noticed that there was something moving in the thin layer of coco under the 4" pots that I use for veg. I looked closer and it was ants! Not the flying ants like from before, but normal worker ants. From this I inferred that at least one of the flying females had started a brood and they were making my basement their home. Fuck!

I start poking around veg and realize that these guys are all over the place. On top of the coco I can see dozens of wings that had been discarded. Picking up some pots reveals a swarm of them underneath. I know that isn't the extent of it though. I pulled a rootball out of a pot and what do I see; it looks just like an antfarm! A bunch of tunnels that they have dug out and shit! There are ants living inside the coco, in the pots of at least 5 plants. One of them I pulled out I saw a huge clutch of eggs. When I pulled that one out I saw them grab the eggs and try to take them to safety.

I shook a ton of ants out of the rootballs and swept them up. Some of the plants I just cannibalized for clones since I was doing clones anyway.

I'll do another check tomorrow and maybe come up with a more comprehensive plan to deal with these assholes.


old can of fly spray knocks em, I get a few workers about but no troubles, I noticed over a long time of looking at them that they like to congregate around any tape, must eat the glue off?

Red Fang

Active member
OH, ok, plants not pants well I've had them in both places! ;) :D in the plants, only outdoors although I have them in my house so prob only a matter of time, mb that's why the woodpeckers are pounding holes in the shingles whenever it rains! So sorry for the revelations but the other 2 posts before me seem right on. I want to say Diatomaceous Earth will help but not sure if it will work on ants or not.


Simply submerging the whole pot underwater seems like the softest solution to the problem. But how long can ants survive underwater?

I can probably submerge the whole bottom of the plant underwater for 30 minutes to an hour without any negative effects. Shit, one time I forgot to plug an air pump back in for a DWC bucket for 5 days and it still survived to harvest, although it was severely stunted.

Red Fang

Active member
I don't know man, I have hummingbird feeders and bring them in to wash them. They have ants in them and those fuckers seem to swim like olympians, and crawling up the side of the sink until I wash them down the drain! so yeah would not count on drowning them.
Reminds me when I was a kid. Got into fire ants. Freaked out, jumped in the lake. Lol.
All it did was help spread them all over my body.
I don't think water dunks will help at all.


Well-known member
flooding the pot by submerging for a few minutes will give the ants their marching orders and won't hurt the plants, just allow to drain thoroughly...adding neem has worked well for me in the past to clear pots of ant nests.

good luck

2 Legal Co

Active member
I've gotten ant baits at Home Despot before....

Never used them on/around, MJ though. Keeps them out of my porch areas.

Warning: Dogs like to chew on them, and I don't expect they're at all healthy for pets?


New member
I had flies before and some ant but started adding 5ml/l of neem once a week, and spray them every 10 day or so with 10ml/l. Only for plant in veg, wouldnt use it in flowering.
Remember to add a drop of soup to distribute the neem oil.
And when transplant plant I make sure that i get a lot of runoff with neem water. to make sure its every where.
havent seen any flies or ants around my plant any more. Only in the kitchen :(

Give it a try. its from mother nature.


Get a pet ant eater lol. Really though I would take clones clean up spray and ditch the molasses. Ants go on a rampage in the summer months and sugar is what they want this time of year.


Active member
I would do a 15 min soak in Cedarcide PCO Choice @2Tbl/gal, followed immediately with a thorough flush. Then root stim in next few feedings. Apply DE all over the floor, incl under containers. This should be a final solution. Good luck. -granger