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I've been robbed!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
how could someone take two lobsters from your house without you knowing? does he carry around a huge bulge in his pants?

were they wee little petite tails or something?

fuck, i would notice if my friends left with my lighter.....




Damn what a shame mate, cant trust nobody apparantly anymore, what a shame, have a good day...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
WOW.....what kind of people are you hanging out with? Hungry ones? Either your friend has clepto or you are not picking very good friends. There is not even the slightest chance on of my labeled friends would steal anything from me let alone some food, that to me sounds more like a scrubby bum move, get better friends.

...I would never steal your lobsters PK :tiphat:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It sucks to have "friends" like that.

I can tell he's a real piece of work... even overlooking the hating pork part... :bat:


Active member
i bet he sold them to buy crack not to eat when you next see him call him a lobster thief say it at a totally random point in a conversation then if he looks at you and says 'wtf man your off you head' just laugh and say 'yeah i know, this is some good bud.' but if he looks at you witha guilty look in his eye stab him in it with a lobster leg.


weed fiend
Are you serious???
How did he get out of the house with them?
SO you're saying he hung out for a while with two frozen lobsters shoved down his pants and you didn't notice?

"Is that a pair of lobsters in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Is it that noticeable? 'Can you tell I've got a couple of marinated chickens up my keester?"


Active member
Holy shit this just made my day. I am sorry about the missing lobsters but Im glad it happend because I got to hear this story. Tough situation it would suck to get revenge somehow and find out it wasnt him. If It was him and you did nothing that would be lame. Im not talking kill the mofo, BUT A GOOD OL FASION PASIONATE ASS KICKING is in order. Invite him over and bring it up. If he laughs it off like fuck no i didnt steal a lobster your good. If he gets all irate and nervous start dropping the bombs. Haymakers from hell when he goes down dont start stommpin him thats were it starts getting felonious. I only stock stuff like ramen and spam it cuts down of food theft from friends. Shit I really dont have friends oh well.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
^We like you:D But then again, you've never stolen our lobsters, lol!
We know them by the fruits they bare ,some trees bear good fruit others bear bad fruits. But let me remind you 2 wrongs dont make a right.We are supposed to forgive or we will not be forgiven.Pray for god to bless this person silently not out loud nor tell anyone,this way you can really heal yourself and not have to worry about this.Also stop allowing this person over to your house,it could lead to a greater troubles down the road.
You need to put something very tantalizing in the freezer and put some poop in it. Like filet mignon with savory kaka sauce. Say you have to take a dump and then leave him in the house for 5 min. This reminds me of the sunny in Philadelphia when Frank convinces Dee and Charlie that they ate human meat. You have to fuck with this guy. After he finds out he ate your poop he will never come back.


hahahahaha this is some funny shit. I really dont know what else to say, my family & friends are always "stealing" shit from my fridge.

maybe a cat turd stuffed chicken breast would be in order.


Active member
anyone that dont like pork is out of their mind.slow roasted suckling pig rules.the crunchy ears are tasty
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Well-known member
I don't think he did it. My money is on the Mrs. What kind of a woman doesn't tell her man 3 whole chickens and a steak were stolen? She's having an affair and the other man is living large and eating well. No way your friend walked out of your house with two frozen lobsters in his pants. It doesn't make sense. She's hiding something lol.



Active member
You need to go buy two more huge lobsters, make sure they are frozen solid, then put them in a pillow case and beat the hell out of him with it.

Let the punishment fit the crime.


Karma is a bitch isn't she? What have you done 'bad' in the past to 'deserve' this? Isn't that what you say to others when 'bad' things happen to em?

Sounds like karmic payback bro...deal with it and quit whining.