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It’s THE "what happened" to him/her thread?

Every so often you get a film star who makes a buzz when they were younger, or becomes a one hit wonder and after all these years you think to yourself “what happened to that girl/guy?”

Well this is the “what happened to him/her” thread. I was high when I reading the Super Duper Funny Picture thread and one of the pictures was of Macaulay Culkin (the kid from Home Alone) and I thought – WHOA! WTF happened to him!!

There are literally THOUSANDS of people to choose from, including all industries (films, music, politics, etc…) from all generations but I’d preferably like to stick to the people who are still alive today. And the names you give don’t have to be about their physical appearance, it can simply be a question of “what happened to this guy/girl?”

So with the start of the thread, I ask, what did happen to Macaulay Culkin? Anyone ever hear of this guy again?

(Let your pictures of people and your questions roll – LOL)



I've seen kelly in a couple of recent movies or tv shows, she's still hot.

THat first picture is scary.. I heard he was going out with jackie from the 70's show along time ago. ill that picture is creepy, everytime a look at it . . ill

I want to know what happened to charilie from the original charilie and the chochlate factory ? I heard that was the only movie he ever did.
I want to know what happened to charilie from the original charilie and the chochlate factory ? I heard that was the only movie he ever did.

I have an old VHS copy of the Original Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.

After the movie they have interviews with the actors later in life.

The children are adults and the adults are noticeably much older.

Charlie became a Veterinarian that specializes in farm animals like cows and horses. He never did another movie.

They also talk about the whole reason they made the movie. It was to promote the candy bar. They were going to sell wanka bars and the movie was just to sell more of them.

After the movie they released the wanka bar and it had a bad problem with melting. They had to cancel the candy bar but the movie went on to exceed the expectations of the candy.


Isn't this Elizabeth Berkley? This was from the movie Showgirls! I remember when this movie came out, I was SHOCKED that one of the so-called "good girls" from Saved By The Bell was starring in a movie where her clothes were coming off!

(We were so innocent back then...................... LOL)


Active member
Whatever happened to Bill Allen, a.k.a Cru Jones from RAD:

Oh the days of dreaming of becoming a legendary BMX'r.

Dr. Dank

Active member
that pic of maculley culkin is from the film Party Monster. Its a cool flick based on the book Disco Bloodbath.