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Its so damn hard to be an MMJ patient sometimes

Sorry for the rant guys, but I havent had any herbal relief for 3 days now and im in so much pain and im just frustrated as hell. 4 weeks till harvest,5 days until I will have any money to buy meds from my "caretaker" (if he even has any that day) and it just feels like forever.

I fucking HATE it but I went back on the vicodins. Im so wasted on them right now and getting so little pain relief. I can poison myself with vicodin for $1 a bottle so easily yet have to fight so hard to try to supply myself with what herb I can get and its still never enough.

Even at the med patient price of $70 a quarter it costs me 300 a month to supply myself with 1 gram a day. I fucking gram a day is not enough to deal with the pain of a compression fractured vertebra and 3 herniated discs. I am on a very limited income and have 2 young children so I allready feel guilty about spending that much, just buying more is not an option.

Sometimes the frustration of seeing no end to the vicious cycle of fighting to medicate myself if almost as bad as the pain. :badday:

Anyway, sorry for the pathetic rant but getting that off my chest helped.

Thank You


Active member
sorry to hear you are hurting Stashbastard. It's really insane isn't it.. a bit of pot can make all the difference. Wishing you a speedy harvest!


Active member
Man that is cruel and unusual! I always get really distracted and depressed when I run short of weed. It's the one med that keeps me level to the ground. I've got anxiety issues and weed is the best medicine in my opinion for a rough day.

Hope ur harvest is success, and you can relax and think about how stressed out you were and how good homegrown bud tastes!


always hopeful yet discontent
sorry to read this stash. nothing is more frustrating than running out between harvests..

any chance you could pull one early?
Thank you for the kind words everyone :smile:

mars2112 said:
sorry to read this stash. nothing is more frustrating than running out between harvests..

any chance you could pull one early?

I really wish I could, but they just arent ready to give me what I need and I will regret it when Im paying for it later since I only have 3 in flower.

But thanks bro :wave:


I feel for ya bro'. I got my harvest dialed in so it takes care of 90% of my needs. just for a change I went to LPC and picked up an 1/8th of trainwreck for $50, and hell if when I got home and popped the top I found that buds were so small that 3 or 4 would easily fit on a dime. Pffft.


Active member
-StashBastard- said:
Even at the med patient price of $70 a quarter it costs me 300 a month to supply myself with 1 gram a day. I fucking gram a day is not enough to deal with the pain of a compression fractured vertebra and 3 herniated discs. I am on a very limited income and have 2 young children so I allready feel guilty about spending that much, just buying more is not an option.

I would supplement the opiates with THC....

Also, a blend of soma/xanax/opiates and THC can really work to knock out the pain. If you rotate thru the pharmas your chance of getting "stuck" on one is lessened quite a bit.

Sometimes I would do anything for some stronger meds than even the stickiest pure indicas we get out here in SoCal.

For me, I dont have insurance, I can't see a real doctor even if I wanted to, so luckily I can at least make the pain bearable with medical cannabis.

Some people are hurt so bad it takes a mix of medicines to overcome the pain.

I truly feel for you, if you were in SoCal you would be taken care of I assure you.



Bong Smoking News Hound
this happens to me every harvest..... arg... damn edibles LOL

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