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It's pricks like this who give us all a bad name.

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Active member
Here is a post made on another forum, by an older fellow in Olympia WA who I happen to know is a great guy and doesn't deserve this B.S. in his life. I am ashamed for all of us:

Both my parents are now gone and I inherited the house. The house is a modest 2 bed one bath but it also has two shops on the property. The first is a 50x34 concrete block house with bars on the windows that was my dad's old body shop. The second is a 30x40 that was used mostly for storage.

I decided to fix up the main shop and rent it out. I completely cleaned it out, repainted it (first time since Marie and I got married in there 28 years ago), and put on a new metal roof. The shop has it own 200amp power supply and it is also set up with tie down holes for a frame machine. The roof is only 10 foot so it it not completely hoist friendly and it is no longer zone for commercial but I though it would make an excellent hobby shop for someone. I put it on Craigslist for $750 a month to test the waters.

i got 3 replies. The first guy wanted it to fix VW's (one man shop that he should be able to get away with) but in the end he did not sign the lease and I ended up refunding his $100 deposit. The second guy sold stuff on eBay and fixed up cars for himself but wanted to go into partnership with another and they just could not get their act together. The third guy said he wanted it for storage and he also barters a lots, so he has lots of toys and inventory to store. He seemed perfect and came up with 1st and last month rent and a signed lease. He seemed so nice that we decided not to run the back ground check.

On the first of August he moved in. The first thing he did was black out all the windows so you could not see anything inside. In my lease I stated that I had 24hr access in case of emergency or to fix the well for the house that is located in the shop. I could hear a steady hum coming from inside so I figured he left something running that could be a fire danger and let my-self in. Turned out he has quite the pot growing operation going.

He has a 22 foot trailer set up with a ventilation system and lights; the problem is he is exhausting all the hot humid smelly air into the inside of my shop; this leaves me to worry about mold. In my mind pot is still illegal so Marie called the cops to investigate. After a while the renter shows up, lets the cops in, and produces paperwork to show it is all legal under Washington law and he is within the 30 plant limit. The cops went away and said they could do nothing.

I told the guy that I wanted him out and offered him a full refund if he left today but he said he did not plan to leave, he also said he contacted his lawyer about suing me for improper notice of inspection. It is a month to month lease so I gave him a written notice to vacate at the end of the month but he pretty well told me he does not plan to leave for at least 2 and maybe not then.

So I have been researching state law and found out I can give him a 3 day notice if he is breaking the law; even though he is legal in Washington the cultivation of pot is not legal under Federal law. If possible I need to give him this in person so I went to his house this morning. He was not home (or at least did not answer the door), and my last certified letter notice was still stuck in his door from a few days ago. I called both him and the wife cell but they do not answer or return my message. I'm not sure he actually lives here either but I do notice at this location the garage is also blacked out, ventilated (pot smell being released) and air conditioned. I called the police again about this because if this was true it would put him over his legal limit but you could tell the cops were not interested. So I had to send the 3 day notice by certified mail, post it on the doors of the shop. I also gave him proper notice that I plan to do an inspection the next day after the deadline.

I doubt that he will move out and I will have to start the legal eviction process. This may take weeks and I will most likely have to hire a lawyer that knows Washington state real estate law. I have a goal in life to never need a lawyer and I hate that fact at 51 this guy may make me break this goal.

I have no problem with these guys doing what they want on their own property but I do not know why they think the can abuse others. I do not consider that he is using the property for the use of "personal garage and storage" like it says in the lease. Also I would not want them to grow corn or rice in the building either. If I decide to rent it again the lease will have to be twice as long and I will have to do the full background and credit check.


Well-known member
Landlord took the risk of this hassle in his life when he decided to start renting out his property.

The dude is being a dick for not leaving without a fight, but from the landlord's perspective.. he should get used to it or change his mind about renting. Its a part of the biz...the legal eviction process is many times necessary.

Still not a good look for us growers though..

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Yeah, even pot growers, being human and all, can be complete douches. I would really hate to fuck with beautiful pot plants, but that guy could pretty easily get even with this douche. Find someplace that he can get his hands on every cannabis bug/pest known, aquire a very large amount, and totally infest his grow area. That way, the douche would put in a large amount of labor to finish his crop, and then have it completely fucked and made somewhat unsaleable.


ICMag Donor
Landlord NEVER should have called the cops. A real man would know to just politely approach the tenant and work it out. He may have been willing to install some additional ventilation that would eliminate the problem of potential mold risk.
After calling the cops the landlord made an enemy for life and for very good reason.
Landlord sounds like a piece of shit and a hypocrite. You don't call the cops on other growers...EVER...


Active member
Hey Ganja...if it was me...and that was you renting...you would come back to find your shit sitting out on the street with a "free to a good home" sign on it...assuming someone else didn't get there first.


Registered User
Landlord NEVER should have called the cops. A real man would know to just politely approach the tenant and work it out. He may have been willing to install some additional ventilation that would eliminate the problem of potential mold risk.
After calling the cops the landlord made an enemy for life and for very good reason.
Landlord sounds like a piece of shit and a hypocrite. You don't call the cops on other growers...EVER...

He's not a grower... normal people are trained to call the cops in situations like this... good or bad. And he just doesn't understand, or so it reads. Now if ur grow partner calls the cops cuz he's unhappy with a split... lol... and that shit really does happen. It still scares normal people.

Sorry to hear man. This'l put some gray hair on the guy... lol... maybe on em both... now that things are no linger amicable between em. Even tho I understand why he would t think calling the cops was an idea... it wasn't a good one... now he's got a real problem. If he had gone to the guy directly... he'd likely have better options. Now it's gonna be tough... regardless of the situation... I'd be fukn pissed off if had to deal w cops w no discussion first... that growers attitude has got to be 'fuck that guy'... at this point. Sure he just wants to finish the mobile crop and run. Let him finish and get out... negotiate a premium and extra security deposit... oh wait, he called the cops already... lol. Tough spot.


Landlord NEVER should have called the cops. A real man would know to just politely approach the tenant and work it out. He may have been willing to install some additional ventilation that would eliminate the problem of potential mold risk.
After calling the cops the landlord made an enemy for life and for very good reason.
Landlord sounds like a piece of shit and a hypocrite. You don't call the cops on other growers...EVER...

A real man? Tenant's a dick. He should have been straight up with the land lord from the beginning.... let him know his intentions... that he had a card... it's legit... state law, etc.

Don't call the cops on other growers? How about call the cops on scum bags? We're all on the same team here. Dude got totally defensive. Month to month lease? Ya, he's getting the fuck kicked out. OP is pissed it will come to eviction though.... who wants to deal with that shit? Much easier to leave on your own accord. But like I said, if the tenant is a dick... and month lease to lease?... well then he can get the fuck out... no ifs ands or buts... eviction just takes longer.

Joke is on the tenant here... he can huff and puff about 24 entry or whatever... but he signed a month-to-month lease? Well then, he can get the fuck out at the end of the month.

Space Ghost

How did he blow up such large structures and stayed under 30? I'd like to see his setup...


He still should have tried communicating with him before calling the cops. Once your a rat,your a rat and I have no sympathy.

C'mon dude.... lease stated 24 hr entry for emergencies, etc. If dude was that paranoid he should have passed. Yeah it's legal... but still. If you're legal... better off if everyone involved is aware.

Cut out the entitlement shit. He didn't want to deal with headaches? Shouldn't have rented. Doesn't matter if legal. Bottom line.


Dude made an rental agreement and broke it. If you are gonna rent something out you need to be prepared to let the people do their own thing. Nobody likes nosy landlords. He heard a humming and went to investigate, come on man that's bullshit! The landlord couldn't stand not knowing what was going on in HIS shop. On the other side of things the grower should have been more upfront if he is within legal guidelines.
Any landlord that puts a tenants belongings on the street is due for trouble, legal or otherwise.


Active member
The landlord couldn't stand not knowing what was going on in HIS shop.

And it's a damn good thing he checked, too! Can you imagine what the inside of that place would have looked like after three months of ventilating humid air into it?

"Well he could have just negotiated with him to change the ventilation system etc etc"

News flash : the landlord owns the property and gets to say what goes. If the renter thought he would be totally OK with running a pot factory in there then why would he lie about it? This guy is not a pot smoker, and he has no interest in being affiliated with this illegal activity. He is just a hard working retired employee who pays his taxes, tinkers with cars, and is worried as shit now that the entire neighborhood is talking about a pot bust going on at his shop.

This is Joe Average you are talking about here. Can you imagine how fucking stressful this situation must be to him? He is worried the smell will remain in the shop and he'll have to dump out loads of oil to make it smell like a shop again, lol. He had nothing against weed growers until 5 days ago, when this asshole LIED to him, moved into HIS shop and took over the place, and now refuses to leave, all while continuing to do damage (ventilating humid air, encouraging mold, and attracting unwanted attention.) After this headache is resolved, guaranteed he will hear horror stories from other landlords about other dumb ass growers who rented their property and also trashed it out. What is he supposed to think about us? That the bad ones are the exception rather than the rule?

Obviously this grower is a complete fucking idiot, but it's not so obvious to the landlord (who doesn't know anything about any of this stuff) now is it? This is his first encounter with a grower and instantly a bad impression has been made against all of us. How are we supposed to be winning over hearts and minds? Don't be this guy.
Landlord NEVER should have called the cops. A real man would know to just politely approach the tenant and work it out. He may have been willing to install some additional ventilation that would eliminate the problem of potential mold risk.
After calling the cops the landlord made an enemy for life and for very good reason.
Landlord sounds like a piece of shit and a hypocrite. You don't call the cops on other growers...EVER...


If this guy is running "quite the pot grow" surely he knows better than to have all that humid hot air recirculating in the building, I mean worries about mold? Really? I think the land lord just has an issue with pot! Sure the tenant should have said what he was gonna use the property for, but my sympathies are with the tenant here, how many cancer/ms/aids sufferers may well be affected by the landlords bias towards cannabis.

Two thumbs down to the land lord!


I feel sorry for the landlord. I don't know about landlord-tenant laws in Washington, but in California they're set up to protect the tenant. I've been a tenant, NOTHING like this piece of shit I'm reading about. And I've been a landlord, renting to a grower, who FUCKING TRASHED a brand new home. Custom-built log cabin, in fact. To make matters worse, the bastard never paid for his trash or natural gas, which we had to pay when he vacated, stiffing us for a full two months' worth of rent while he was at it.

Did I mention he trashed the house?

Renting doesn't give you the right to destroy someone else's property. The landlord felt there was an imminent problem that may become emergent (as in a real emergency, they *do* happen in grow operations, just read about a guy who blew himself up making BHO, more stories about grow fires than I can count) and acted, correctly in my opinion, in order to prevent loss of property or life.

Being pot smokers or both growers doesn't suddenly infer special rights onto the asshole, either. And this renter is an asshole.

I know one thing for sure, I'll never be a landlord again.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
idk man the owner sounded like he was going into the property every day or like lived above it or something and was always sticking his nose in the renter's business.

Bad spot to grow.

The renter is't doing anything illegal but now he can't trust the owner and they both probably hate each other so I'm not sure. I'd say finish the flowering then move.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Being pot smokers or both growers doesn't suddenly infer special rights onto the asshole, either. And this renter is an asshole.

I'm amazed at how frequently people on here defend whatever some grower is doing simply because they are a grower. At the core of it, we're all just people, and the percentage of worthless assholes probably isn't significantly different than the rest of society....
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